Thursday, January 11, 2007



Former PD Art Koch says his boss Bennett Brummer told him to back off in the defense of Chavez who was accused and later convicted of a despicable murder.

PDs' Edith Georgi and Stephen Harper say Bennett Brummer did no such thing

Bennett Brummer says he did no such thing.

One or more highly respected and long time attorney(s) is/are not telling the


From Ms. Nesmith's column this morning in the Herald, comes this excerpt:

Assistant Public Defender Edith Georgi also denied that she and fellow attorney Stephen Harper tried to get Chavez to make up a story about a horrible childhood -- including being forced into prostitution -- so he would have some sort of argument against the death penalty, as Koch claimed Tuesday.

Koch didn't raise any of the allegations until after he was disciplined in 2003 for being disrespectful to staff members. After the hearing, Georgi said she traced his allegations to that disciplinary action. ''I was the first person in the office to discipline Art Koch, so there's very bad blood between him and me,'' she said.

Something is rotten in Denmark.

See You In Court.

PS: Can anyone tell me what Code Brown is as it relates to the REGJB? I know, but I wager most people don't, and that is wrong.


  1. Does the Q have anything to do with this? Seems Q is bhind most everything that happens in the REGJB these days.

  2. I don't like this PD business one bit. Messy. Nasty. Playing out in public. One wonders what is going on behind closed doors over there.
    Only one way to find out....

  3. Koch's arguments seem pretty contradictory to me..........think about it:

    Argument 1: Bennett ordered the attorneys to back off, so the attorneys provided a half-assed, ineffective defense.

    Argument 2: The trial team (which was in cahoots with Bennett) made stuff up to save Chavez.

    Which is it Art? Did the trial attorneys adopt a win at all costs attitude or did they let they conviction happen?

    I have little doubt it was the former. First, the APDs who handled this case are notorious for that kind of attitude. Second, it was obvious to anyone who watched this case that they poured everything they had into it.

    Looks like sour grapes to me. Very sad.

    PS---No matter how you slice it, Art should be disbarred. If what Art said is true, then he had an obligation to report it. Therefore, if it is true, he should be disbarred for not reporting the misconduct and allowing an injustice to occur (not to mention necessitating a new trial that will cost tax payers a small fortune and wasting significant resources). If it is not true (which I believe), he should be disbarred for his perjury (which again is costing society a small fortune and wasting limited resources). I hope the Bar hammers him either way.


    "CODE BROWN" was the security code created by the court personnel in Judge David Miller's courtroom after a defendant was found guilty by the jury and just before the perp was about to be sentenced to the maximum sentence allowed by the law.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......


    ACTUALLY .........

    "CODE BROWN" is the security designation for a lock-down in the REGJB. All staff, courthouse personnel, judges, court clerks, etc., are to remain where they are and lockdown the room they are in to remain secure. Only police and corrections officers are permitted in the hallways and staircases to attempt to eliminate the security issue.

    As to whether we, the attorneys, should know about it, I am sure that, when we are in a courtroom and they lock the door and we are told to stay put, that is good enough for most of us to realize that we should stay put. If we are in the hallway and are ordered into the closest courtroom by a corrections officer or police officer, I am sure that we can safely follow that instruction too.

    The Code was put in place after careful thought and consideration as to what occured in the Atlanta courthouse.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......

  6. PS---Susannah was right........regardless of whether the public understands this to be a Rule 3 or an appeal, this is exactly the kind of thing that makes the public hate lawyers and undermines the system's credibility.

    This is ugly.

  7. The Captain, as usual, is correct. Now why is that information not readily available?

  8. Motive to lie is something you should consider. He was angry at his office Art Koch was. A motive he apparently did have. There is anger which leads to hate which leads to the dark side of the force. There is much about this incident that is cloudy and unclear- a sure sign the dark side is present in this matter. Becareful you should, as the dark side is seductive.


  9. Brown is the color of shit. the whole structure is pretty much code brown. knock it down and build a new one.

  10. Art Koch...I am your father. Come to the dark side. With me at your side we can rule the PD's office for the next thousand years!!!

  11. The Point is El Capitan, lets say you are getting off the escalator on the second floor and everyone is shouting code brown, would the average lawyer know enough to go cower inside Judge Schlessinger's courtroom?

  12. Reminds me of the Kiko Sarasua (spelling?) story. Kiko was standing by the down escalator talking to Judge Sepe when a guy cam barreling down being chased by corrections. Kiko said "excuse me" threw a perfectly timed punch, sent the guy sprawling, then turned to Sepe and said "now where was I?"

  13. Cute story, although it sctually involved Rich Wennett, who is now a Palm Beach judge, but was an SAO intern, and a linebacker for a semi-pro team.

  14. I remember the story, but I was neither Sarasua nor Wennett. It was actually the Q who Q'd the dude in the eyeball as he barreled down the escalator. Just another reason to fear the Q and become the Q.

  15. Rumpole who threw the punch? This should be a crack free zone.

  16. crackhead zone is more like it...

  17. I did actually see Wennett deck someone who tried to escape from the courtroom. One punch (forearm shiver) and the guy stopped moving until the corrections officer could find his cuffs.

    I do not know about the Kiko story.

  18. Rumpole,

    First, you are correct, old wire service style was to always say innocent, instead of not guilty because not guilty could lose a word and become completely, terribly, libelously inaccurate. It was an effort to do everything possible to avoid a serious mistake. When I worked for the AP, I used that phrase a number of times. These days I try to write around the issue, using somethign like a jury acquitted someone.

    See, we do try to avoid errors. Very hard. But we all make mistakes sometimes. Sorry about that. When the robots can cover your hearings, maybe life will be better. (Slight tangent: if someone sees an error in my story, please let me know. Grab me in the hallway, call me, email. I can correct it, and keep it out of our archive, which is the best way to keep it out of future stories.)

    And Rumpole, we also don't write stories when police officers don't shoot people, when men don't beat their wives, when our elected officials don't take bribes, or when traffic isn't a mess.

    We don't even have enough space, time or reporters to cover every murder in this town. We have to pick and choose what we can devote the energy to. PCAs just don't make that list.

    And to the kind soul who defended me, thanks.

    Susannah Nesmith
    Miami Herald

  19. leave susanna alone ...

  20. No problem Susannah. We've talked before..........and you've been nothing but fair and honest (I never gave you my name so don't bother trying to guess).

  21. Hey Rumpole, can we start a "Get a Job with BHB Column" on the Blog please!!!!! Pretty Please!!!! Those who become employed can help us run a pool of "Where in the Hell is Brummer" so we can test the theory that he is never around. I hope you agree.

    Job Openings
    (updated daily)
    Disposition Specialist
    Seeking professionals with a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Psychology, Counseling, or related field to assist attorneys as part of the defense team. Work includes assessing clients, obtaining records, drafting persuasive alternative sentencing and treatment plans and identifying appropriate educational, substance abuse and mental health placements for clients. Knowledge of juvenile and/or criminal justice system resources and clinical experience preferred. Salary commensurate with degree and experience.

    Criminal Defense Attorney
    Seeking an attorney with criminal defense experience. A recent law graduate with clinical criminal or delinquency experience may be considered. Starting salary is $42,000 or commensurate with experience. Must be capable of producing high quality work while maintaining a heavy caseload. Excellent writing and advocacy skills required.

    Communications Coordinator
    Seeking a professional with superior writing, editing and proofreading skills, excellent organizational and time management skills. Degree in public relations or journalism and related experience required. Knowledge of juvenile and/or criminal justice system preferred. Starting salary is negotiable, commensurate with degree, experience and knowledge.

    Legal Secretary
    We seek a career-minded person for a challenging, demanding position in the field of criminal defense law. Minimum of two years secretarial experience and Word Perfect skills required. Job requires extensive phone contact with clients and public. Qualified applicant must be self-starter and detail oriented. $25,000 to start; with a possible raise in 6 months; 40 hours/week.

    We seek a career-minded individual with experience in the criminal justice field to interview clients, often within detention facilities. Bachelors degree in criminal justice, social work or psychology is required. 40-Hour work week, must be available to work some weekends and holidays. Salary: $28,000 to start, with a possible raise in 6 months. Reliable transportation and valid Florida driver’s license necessary.

    Appellate Attorney
    Seeks attorney with criminal appellate experience. A recent law graduate with significant clinical experience may be considered. Salary is $40,000. Must be capable of producing high quality work while maintaining a heavy caseload. Excellent writing and advocacy skills required. Please send resume and writing samples to the Appellate Division.

  22. alystaim sad to inform all of the legal community that attorney William billFerguson was fatally injured by a automobile driver this past tuesday

  23. was he dating a secretary in the pd's office?

  24. Who really cares who is telling the truth over at TLOOBHB.
    The bottom line is that you have a bunch of 60 something wash up lawyers bickering about old battle scares. It is pathetic.

  25. Dear 9:05
    Here is the deal:

    Art Koch would never give less the his best effort in trial. It is not is his makeup to take a dive in a trial. If you watched the hearing and listened closely, Koch never said that he gave less then his best effort, rather, he said Bennett told him to delay the trial for fear of political heat.

    The problem that I see is this: After the verdict Andrew Stanton( a Havard trained appeals lawyer at the PDO) was assigned to write the appeal. He even sat through the entire trial in antisipation of a guilty verdict and protected the record. Why did Brummer pull him off the appeal and take from the PD budget 25k to pay an inferior private appeals lawyer from another county? It is a fact that the appeal was poorly written, the first line of the appeal was, " this is the Jimmy Ryce case...", Because of this, Stanton was told by Brummer to re write the appeal which he did. Do you think at the time the whole office did not relize what was taking place? I was a fucking disgrace.

  26. quite frankly, as a new young female ASA from the northeast, I was just curious who some of the honest, ethical, fun, and cute younger (under35) single pd or defense attorneys are. (nothing personal, fellow ASA, dont date inter office). sorry if i am asking too much. hard to meet a guy in miami who either isnt a wannabe model, a criminal, or has no class, or an IQ below 72.

    help a single lady out sisters!

  27. it was a DOC officer named rick massy who knocked out an escaping prisoner

  28. 1) We imagine there are several incidents and attendant stories of individuals stopping ruffians from escaping.

    2) Dear young ASA- we went through this once with Dear Portia, who was never kind enough to let us know how it worked out. Take a piece of advice-apply the inter-office ban to the REGJB. Way before this blog was a glimmer in my eye, the number once hobby in those hallowed halls was commenting on who was wooing and zomming whom.

    3) One of the most serious and disturbing reports out of the Chavez mess was the allegation that Mr. Stanton was removed from the appeal. That needs to be addressed if this sorid affair is to be put to rest.

  29. Oh Susannah Neismith grumbled in part:

    "And Rumpole, we also don't write stories when police officers don't shoot people, when men don't beat their wives, when our elected officials don't take bribes, or when traffic isn't a mess. "

    Now there is one part of that paragraph that is shocking and should be front page news whenever it occurs. Guess which one?


    Police: "We're shocked."
    State Attorneys Office: "This has never happened before."

    (special to the Herald) In a shocking relevation the city of miami police department along with the FBI revealed that during the course of one of the 134 on going public corruption investigations, a unnamed city of miami politican TURNED DOWN A BRIBE.!!!!

    Several local politicans immediately called for the poltician to be named. "This jerk is going to ruin our reputation" said one politican. "What an idiot, send the cop over to me, I can use the dough" said another politican.

  31. Bill Barzee is Rumpole????
    Now I've heard it all. I'm packing my bags and moving back to Kansas.

  32. I just read Ms. Nesmith's article on the Ryce family. I know this process has to happen, but these poor people have suffered more than anyone should have to. I am sure they would say they owe it to their little boy. But to re-live this nightmare is almost more than anyone should have to endure. I hope they find some peace some day that may ease pain that no parent should ever have to feel. G-d bless them.

  33. It has long been known that Wild Bill Barzee is Rumpole.
    His dislike for Rory(they almost came to blows once) and his utter contempt for Brummer. It has also been said that he has opened an exploratory slush fund in antisipation for a run in 08. Don't do it Bill. Go private and get a real job!!!

  34. if i were koch i would have taken this drama to the grave with me. that said, lets hook these guy up to the box and see which is full of shit. the lier should be banned by brummer!

  35. I like it when Rumpole uses words like "Ruffians". Kinda neat.

  36. Rick Massey, Baker's bailiff, used his martial arts skills (Kick) to knock a defendant to the ground. He did not punch anyone. At least twice Baker walked off the bench when a defendant got surly and Rick was told to solve the problem.

    Gee, I wonder why they call them the "good old days"?

  37. If Bill Barzee is Rumpole, then I'm Roy Black, and I'll dance naked on Lincoln Road this Sunday at noon to boot.

  38. Start stripping fancy pants.

  39. Please, no. We don't need to see Roy Black (or, for that matter, fake Joel Denaro) dancing naked anywhere. Ugh.

  40. Baker...CP Rubiero...Tom you're talkin

  41. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  42. Rumpy, why does the Twin B boy like to sleep in his Beemer? Inquiring minds want to know.




  44. fake brummer will be up and running tomorrow- only on the jbb.

  45. Bill Ferguson was not dating a secretary in the PDO. He was married to one. Her name is Ella Ferguson and they had a wonderful marriage. Bill truly was one of the good guys. He was honest, hardworking, and community minded. He will be missed.

  46. Why can't I see the polls?

  47. 1 scroll down

    2 you need a computer purchased after 1989

  48. Here's a headline for the herald: FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER BILL BARZEE IS RUMPOLE!!! Friend Joel Denaro to stip on lincoln Road this sunday at noon to pay off bet he lost.

    How about that Susannah?

  49. The polle should read who is lying, Art Koch or Brummer. Not Brummer and Co..

  50. I have always considered myself sort of a mentor and role model to Bill Barzee. I would be terribly disappointed if he were Rumpole.

  51. I did not see the hearing as I was out of town. Didn't it shake out this way: Mr. Koch said Brummer ordered him to do something and Brummer, Edith Georgi and Stephen Harper said Brummer didn't?

    PS I never said my polls were scientific.

  52. This Barzee thing will get out of control, I tell you. It will get out of control and someone will get hurt.

    [think of the scene on the aircraft carrier in hunt for red october after Jack arrives from Washington]

  53. I love that fake herald story. Person is a funny as Rumpy.

  54. Crazy Koch said he and Brummer were alone when the "order" was given. The others just said Brummer never told them to delay. Get the facts Barzee.

  55. is that why barzee sports a bow tie these days?

  56. Did anyone hear that Bill Barzee was leaving the PD's office to join fed blogger david o. Now marcus will have barzee and another fed pd seitles workig for him.

  57. I work for nobody. Not even the danish.

  58. is this bill barzee married to judge barzee? if he is he is a very lucky man.

  59. Bill and Judge Barzee are brother and sister.

  60. For those of you who say Art Koch should be investigated/sanctioned by The Florida Bar, you may not realize that he "retired" from The Bar.

    Rump I think you're correct. It was very disturbing when the decision was made to not have Andrew Stanton write the appeal.

  61. peter parker is rumpole

  62. Crazy Art retired to sell designer rugs. Didn't you see the kiosk outside of the courtroom on the 7th floor the other day? Big sale!

  63. May I have your attention please?
    May I have your attention please?
    Will the real Slim Brummer please stand up?
    I repeat, will the real Slim Brummer please stand up?
    We're gonna have a problem here..

    'Cause I'm Slim Brummer, yes I'm the real Brummer
    All you other Slim Brummers are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Brummer please stand up,
    please stand up, please stand up?

  64. May I have your attention please?
    May I have your attention please?
    Will the real Slim Brummer please stand up?
    I repeat, will the real Slim Brummer please stand up?
    We're gonna have a problem here..

    'Cause I'm Slim Brummer, yes I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Brummers are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Brummer please stand up,
    please stand up, please stand up?

  65. Glad to see the picture of Bennett hard at work is back - I missed it the first round. Did I hear correctly that he called in from Colorado to testify in the hearing? And that he's been there since before the holidays?

  66. whats up with the obelisk accross from the justice building, by the parking lot?

    who is the guy honored and was he in the kkk?

  67. I do declare..I hate the War of Northern Aggression!

  68. Public Service Note:

    The week of Feb. 12 is going to be a little nuttier than usual at the Justice Building. Media from around the state will be covering the John Couey (victim Jessica Lunsford) case, which was moved from Citrus County. This is a death penalty case, and they are bringing in a larger than usual pool because of the publicity. There are two other death penalty cases scheduled for the same week. So there will be a small army of potential jurors and reporters battling for parking.

    I'm on a committee working with courthouse folks to try to smooth out some things (like media will have access through security between 7 and 8 a.m. so we don't tie up things so much.) But parking is going to be a nightmare in all lots.

    Just wanted to warn everyone.

    Susannah Nesmith
    Miami Herald

  69. GINA MENDEZ LOCKE'N LOAD drives a Caddy the same color REd as Judge Barzees lipstick

  70. RUMPOLE: What's with this code brown nonsense for the blog. Was there a recent emergency in the building? If you already knew what it was why ask others rather than just say what it is? Duplicity? Gamesmanship? What's the real reason; I have an inquiring mind and I WANT TO KNOW! Code red = emergency, code blue = medical term-the person is about to die, code brown-Judge Miller has an unruly defendant? Pleeeeeeeeeas.

  71. Code Brown is the code for a dangerous situation in the REGJB where everyone is advised to stay where they are and lock the doors.

    Now if I was wandering the hallway and heard the code and did not know what it meant then how would I know to cower under a desk with the rest of my colleagues? If there is an emergency procedure with codes, we should be briefed on them.

  72. thank you for the code clarification. perhaps you could recommend that all the security personnel who harass lawyers could occasionally inform us of something important. it is supposed to be our building but a bunch of non- lawyer lawyer haters work there.

  73. CODE BLUE ( as in blue moon) Judge Adrien understands a motion and makes a correct ruling.

  74. Code Yellow- lets mess with this lawyer coming through security:

    Screener to defendant being screened: "Sir...SIR- that knife must be in a sheath before you come in here...."

    Screener to Attorney: "What's this?"

    Atty: A paper clip.

    Screener: And what do you intend to use it for?

    Atty: i dunno...clip a paper maybe?

    Screener: Step over here please, we will need to take your licnese, keys, wallet, bar card, and two credit cards. When you leave, please fill out a form and we will mail you your ID and the paper clip back.

    Atty: Forget it just keep it.

    Screener: We cannot do that sir. If you want to enter the building you must either follow procedures or walk back to you car and safely store the paper clip in an approved paper clip storage unit.

  75. The more I read the blog and comments, the more I am becoming convinced that MOST of the comments as well as all of the posts are done by Barzee/Danero

  76. For seventy nine bucks scott hidnert puts a hurtin I am certain on the state- AND you get a guaranteed no points or your money back. How great is that????

  77. Click on that pic of Twin B snoozing. Its hilarious. F'in hilarious.

  78. to january 12, 6:40 pm. very good, very funny.ty. brought smile to my face -bad does serve a purpose.

  79. Feedback? Sure - you are a moron!

    Feedback enough?

    Think Barzee would even know any story from the early 80"s, or be able to read Ayn Rand?


  80. 743 sisrer young asa from northeast you got two choices:

    1. leave town go back to lon gisland or new jersey.

    2. save up some money and get massive amounts of plastic surgery and a boob job.

    1 is the better option becuase if you take number 2 you might still never find too many people with an iq over 72, especially if you want to date lawyers in the justice building, most of whom are bottom feeding hacks.

  81. I cant believe the snobby fed Markus would, in his egotistical mind, lower himself to work with a former state guy like Barzee who is a great guy.

  82. It may be hard to believe and the judges will have a fit, but Mary Barzee is Rumpole, not here brother.

  83. Mary is surely not Rumpole. Not to say that she is dumb, but surely not that evil. Though, Bill is evil and out to prove he is more than just an alcoholic. That is why Brummer hates him.

  84. Oh Barzee! Billy Boy! Want some Rum? You and Brummer can drink on the job as before...

  85. Worked in BHB kingdom during Chavez/Ryce and heard the word....stall Chavez/Ryce trial until BHB's election was over. It's always about the next election. Remember when it used to be called the Office of the Public Defender as compared to THE LAW OFFICE OF BENNETT H. BRUMMER. Ah, the good old days.

  86. during the campaign the front desk was ordered to answer the phones "LAW OFFICES OF BENNETT BRUMMER, PUBLIC DEFENDER (as opposed to "STATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE CAN YOU HOL (click)"

  87. Remember the old saying...Where there's smoke there's fire!!!
    I agree Koch did sound contradicting and somewhat unpolished. But Bennett has always pulled all the strings and if he's not doing it, someone in his gang is doing it for him, does Lonnie Richardson ring a bell?...look it up in the County Recorders. Bennett is never looking out for our client's interest, only himself. It's all about me me, why do you think he's never had kids...because the world wouldn't revolve around him. I know it's difficult for you to understand and I don't expect you to, but take it from someone who has known him and his gang for many years, its all about politics. It would be silly for you to believe that a witness whom is still employed in the Public Defenders Office is going to agree with Koch in open court..ha, ha, suicide... does Lonnie Richardson ring a bell. Bennett was definitely pulling the strings, Koch's delvery just wasn't too believable....shame. It seems that Bennett's only loyal followers are the ones who he throws bonuses at.....are you one of them? Well, I am. However, I'm honestly sick to my stomach of all the injustice I see at the Public Defender's. Oh almost forgot wasn't it funny how Bennett fled Miami to avoid having to testify in person...long overdue vacation, unable to reschedule, I believe was his excuse, ha,ha.. All I know is he's been in Colorado (condo) much often, video footage anyone... in due time.

  88. I heard an attorney say Bennett is handing over his reins to Carlos Martinez soon and that Carlos was going to restructure the office. We all know what happened to the office moral when Bennett restructure back in 1996, it has yet to recover. I believe that's also the year a secretary filed a racial discrimination suit against him...check the county recorder for the exact date..Remember guys, where there's smoke, there's fire.
    Does anyone know how much longer before Bennett formally ask the governer to appointment Carlos Martinez. We can only hope that governer Crist believes in the idiom where there's smoke, there's fire.

  89. either way Juan Carlos Chavez is alive and Jimmy Ryce is still dead. So where is the justice?
