Wednesday, January 06, 2021


 It's a slow news day. Let's see....Georgia senate races decided. Macys is closing some more stores. Kim Khardashian is getting divorced, which has caused us to push forward on our plan to lose five pounds... and ...oh yeah...


Our first thought is that apparently Congress is guarded by security personnel who couldn't get a job at the REGJB. "Nope, you failed the test. People may not bring rocket launchers into the courthouse. But we hear the Capitol police are hiring. Send your resume there."

So while the Capitol SWAT force was out in full force this summer when 200,000 people marched in DC to support Black Lives Matter (and we do not believe there were any arrests) when a bunch of out of work, disenfranchised white male Trump supporters who can't even hold a job at McDonalds descend upon the Capitol, that is the time the four seventy year old retired police officers are put on the security screening unit for the senate and congress. "If you want to occupy Congress, clear the screening unit, turn left and follow the signs. To occupy the Senate, clear the unit and make a right and then up a floor. Don't forget to take your complimentary map of Senate offices so you can storm the senator of your choice."

We aren't  conspiracy theorists. But we know enough law enforcement personnel who support Trump's forceful takeover of the Country, that we are truly wondering whether the lack of police presence and the complete lack of any police force to protect the Capitol was not planned. It is harder to get into Starbucks to get a Latte then it was to storm the Capitol today. As of this writing there is still no National Guard being deployed. 

Here is some fodder for thought: If a bunch of idiots could storm the Capitol, what would a dedicated group of terrorists be able to accomplish?  It is tradition to leave a Cabinet member in a secure spot during the State of The Union address. But apparently there is not much thought given to actually protecting the Capitol from attack that would wipe out most of the Government. 

Let's put it this way- people in Kazakhstan are shaking their heads at the American Government. People in Venezuela are laughing at us. Lichtenstein and Canada are offering to send soldiers to help secure the Capitol. FRANCE is offering to send security experts to help secure Washington DC. Nazis took Paris after two weeks of fighting in 1940, but the French are now pitying us. 

You think we have just two weeks left of Trump? Think again. 

Here is the initial text of the Insurrection Act:

An Act authorizing the employment of the land and naval forces of the United States, in cases of insurrections

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws, either of the United States, or of any individual state or territory, where it is lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful for him to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval force of the United States, as shall be judged necessary, having first observed all the pre-requisites of the law in that respect.

APPROVED, March 3, 1807.

So the President declares martial law. He invokes the Insurrection Act. The Military is used to secure Washington DC by the end of the week. Congress cannot safely meet. Congress cannot certify the vote of the Presidential election. The Military prevents anyone attending the inauguration on January 20, 2021. Lincoln suspended the right of Habeas Corpus, it can be done again. 

Now what?  Nothing in the Text of the Constitution about what to do about this. 

Just to be clear- they couldn't stop this knucklehead. Make no mistake about this. These people storming the Capitol are racist white supremacists. How do African Americans feel about seeing a sickening picture like this one? It makes our stomach turn. 


  1. What do you do when the President and his lackeys are inciting insurrection? Who do you call?

  2. I'm not the oldest among us or in this country having been born in 1952. Today goes down in my book as one of the darkest days in the history of our country. I lost fellow Marines when I was in, in the early 70's: lost fellow police officers while being one in Dade County from 1975-1982 and on 911 we lost too many innocent citizens. What occurred today by those miscreants is a disgrace to all of those who lost their lives protecting our country on the battlefield and in our own country. I know our Republic will endure, I only hope the politicians at all levels of government will tone down the noise and return to sense of decency. As lawyers we battle for our clients in the courtroom but we do so and must continue to do so in a civil manner. Thanks SAO5

  3. Judging by the flag, I would say Sherman.

  4. Two weeks: Bye Don. Cockroaches perform their last dance. Then, I expect the hateful loser vermin can withdraw from the sunshine and find shelter under a rock. Good riddance.

  5. How de African-Americans feel? The same way Cuban-Americans feel when they see Communist flags and Che Guevara t-shirts at BLM and ANTIFA rallies.

  6. Rump,
    The mob stormed Congress, not Congress and the Senate. Congress consists of the Senate AND the House of Representatives .
    But, yesterday foes make one think back to the Munich Beer Putsch in Bavaria in the 1920s

  7. No 7:15 you are not correct. Walking down the street and seeing a Che shirt is significantly different than seeing a confederate flag IN THE CAPITOL after the Capitol has been INVADED by Americans who support the return to a country where slavery exists. If I was Jewish I would not like seeing a swastika in public. But I have seen them and I don’t like it but I would support the person’s right to wear it. I would feel much different if that person wi5 thousands of others invaded the Capitol. Make no mistake. The people who did what they did are mostly racists white supremacists. And the real fear here is how the president of the United States panders to them and how they respond and rally to his entreaties. And if Cuban Americans happen to be Afro Cuban Americans then trust me - the people waving confederate flags in the Capitol yesterday are much more of a threat to you than communism and Che supporters.

  8. Trump has enough support to have all the security people who are to secure 535 members of Congress conducting important business with the current VP and VP elect present. A fact pointed out which will now see my anonymous post given more attention than the domestic terrorist groups probably planning acts in states with Republican enablers of Trump especially FL TX GA SC LA AZ WI OH. Rural areas like where Trump held his rallies are where they live. Good luck Biden.

  9. I am tired of this false equivalency. Stop comparing bad things to other bad things to minimize or maximize effect. What happened yesterday was nothing less than a traitorous riot and invasion by a group of people that have been actively and knowingly feeding on lies and hatred. There was no idealistic message or noble cause. It was a bunch of criminals, hell-bent on creating damage, injury, and destruction. It does not matter what flags they were carrying or hats they were wearing. What matters is what is deep in the recesses of their collective polluted brains.

  10. Elect a clown, expect a circus.

  11. All part of the master plan to invoke the 25th Amendment and give Trump a timeout or a day off to play golf so that Pence in his stead can issue the pardons to Trump, his spawn, his enablers and his evil doers.

  12. Please. It's NOT enough that Trump and his enablers LEAVE Washington.

    They MUST be held accountable. I will NOT feel good until that scum is where he belongs, behind bars for all the crimes he has committed in the past, is currently committing and will continue to commit if left unchecked.

    How about a felony murder charge?

    1. Who cares how you feel. Get a grip. Felony murder? Let me guess, your a former public defender who was afraid to try a case.

  13. Yeah you go ahead, rumpole, and tell us, Cuban-Americans, how we’re supposed to think and feel about everything. That’s what you and your elitist, progressive, democrat ilk do everyday.

  14. To 5:42. On behalf of my parents, who lost everything in Cuba to people like the scum who directed the rabble to trash the temple of democracy. FUCK YOU! If you want to live in a place where a man like the piece of shit who is president is abided then you should never have come here. Speak for yourself BITCH! You don’t know shit about Cuban Americans and you don’t know shit about me.

    1. Get a hold of yourself. Slap slap. And by the way can’t you both just call urself Americans?

  15. I know that Cuban Americans complain a lot but, do NOTHING to get rid of the regime down there.

  16. The arrogance and hypocrisy of my Cuban brethren who support Trump is breathtaking. Not to mention their gullibility - all anyone has to do to elicit a knee-jerk response from them is to say "socialism." Their collective PTSD is so severe that they are unable to process the difference between democratic socialism and a communist dictatorship. Castro blatantly lied to the Cuban people to assume power by claiming he was a socialist, not a communist. I get how that's a trigger, but it's time to move on. Which, btw, is what a number of them say when blacks decry slavery and its ongoing effects. "It happened over 100 years ago, so why can't they let it go?" I've heard this nonsense from my own relatives, and it's sickening.

    And as far as elitist notions go, it's like the pot calling the kettle black. The OG Cubans will expound on how the generation that first fled Cuba in the 60's was a better class of people than the Cubans who came later. They will also brag about how everyone was a doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, etc., and how Cuba was right up there with the US (if not better) in terms of progress, economy, and opportunity. If life there was so great, Castro would not have so easily exploited the anger and desperation of the lower classes. That total blindness to the problems of minorities and the poor was elitism at its finest/worst and opened the door to the disaster that befell the island.

    To be clear, I sympathize with anyone who was oppressed, imprisoned, executed, or driven from their home by Castro's dictatorship. I acknowledge this was a traumatic event that continues to resound today. My family was part of this exodus, too. But what I cannot and will not accept is the inability to reflect and understand how the Cuban experience differs from the disgraceful and dangerous legacy of the Trump presidency. If you are unable to see how Trump's actions and character (or lack thereof) mirrors the actions of a dictator, then you have learned nothing from your experience. Except, of course, to hate "socialism."

  17. Still laughing at 11;45. This is 5:42. I don't know "shit" about you except that you are not tough or scary so drop the "bitch" language. I didn't "come here" I was born here only because Castro took everything my parents had as well. My father was given 24 hours to leave Cuba when he refused to work for the Castro government in the banking industry. My parents arrived in the US with one suitcase and $40.00. I am as Cuban as palm trees, sugar and tobacco so certainly at least as much as you. I grew up hearing my grandparents and parents describing what happened and led up to their escape from Cuba. What is happening today with the left, reminds me of everything I heard from them; promises of equality of outcome (as opposed to opportunity), free healthcare, free education, voter fraud. Have you spoken to any Venezuelan that is here about what happened in their country over the las decades? The image of Obama taking in a baseball game in Cuba, with Raul Castro, still makes me sick. If you know Rumpole (Phil R.), he is the prototypical elitist, snob, know-it-all. The guy with the confederate flag in the picture is ONE guy. Che was worse by a million miles than that guy. If Rumpole, or you, can't admit that, then he doesn't know anything about Che. So, anyway, relax bro.

    1. I agree. And ps, the 1st amendment was first for a reason. And get ur fing piss cup out of my face. Twits.

  18. Rather than laugh maybe you should read. Maybe then you won’t insult educated people with stupidities. What makes this country is the respect for the constitution and the structure it sets out for the peaceful continuity of government not whether you approve of some program or not. If the American people vote for a candidate that wants more or less public education who the fuck are you to tell them you know better? The truth is we lost our countries not because of free health care but because we couldn’t agree on how to run it democratically. Whatever shit you talked yourself into to justify your support for the treasonous trash that attacked this country, “Trump is the only non communist in the world” or the “democrats are from Jupiter” is your problem. I apologize for calling you a bitch, the truth is you’re just ignorant. Nevertheless you supported a regime that attacked the constitutional government of the United States and some of the blood of that cop is on your hands. The United States and its constitution is very generous, if you had supported a bunch of thugs who would orchestrate a mob attack on legislative bodies in a place like Cuba or Venezuela, you would’ve been executed. Don’t speak for me and don’t pretend to speak for Cuban Americans. Some of us are not as gullible as you believe.

    1. Read? You’re telling me to read? Aplícate el cuento, comepinga. Where in any of my comments did I say I supported Trump? We live in stupid times with stupid people - like you.

  19. Except, Castro did not come to power as a dictator. He promised democracy. So you are a bit off on your history.

  20. When the black, ordered by their Jew masters, burn down entire city blocks all you Leftist encourage them. You think you won? Ok lol

  21. I allowed this comment up because the only way we defeat ignorance and intolerance is to shine a bright light on it.

    And my personal opinion- 3:01 am- you're not only intolerant and ignorant, you're a flaming idiot and a moron and most likely a disaffected poorly educated person who doesn't understand why failing out of high school, three failed attempts at a GED, and sitting around drinking beer doesn't entitle to be successful just because of the color of your skin. You cannot compete against people who are better and smarter than you. You have been raised to think your skin color and religion entitle you to some thing. And in fact they do- they entitle you to be ridiculed for being a total failure. Crawl back into that hole you go into during the day and do us all a favor and never come out. You have your comment out. Not because of the first amendment (which you have never read and do not understand) but because, I decided in my own good graces, to expose your stinking rotten ideas to the public so you can be rightly ridiculed and condemned.
