Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Tropical Storm Dorian
Updated apocalyptic cone: Thursday at 3:40 pm.

We'll follow it for you, although there aren't many hurricanes in the Sierra Nevada mountains. 

Royal baby named....

The Florida Lobster mini-season opened at 12 midnight Wednesday. 

Here is what this means: 

People will forgo buying a lobster for about ten dollars a pound to harvest their own, at a cost of, considering fuel, boat, and all expenses....perhaps $500/pound. 

But it makes you feel good.  Like a caveperson providing food for your tribe. 

We like ours on the grill, a little key lime, butter and a dash of hot sauce. 

Add cold beer. 


Be safe. 



  2. Tribe! The tribes lawyer is going to share a cave soon!

  3. hot off the presses..check this case out..does this go on in dade...any implications for zimmerman jury??

  4. Can anyone provide any insight into the mind of Judge Pedro Echarte? From my dealings with him, he has been pompous, condescending, arrogant, and ill tempered. Does he really think he is smarter than everyone else?

  5. 7:25 pm: Yes, he does. But no, he's not.

  6. I have a guilty pleasure. I really like the singing of Adele.

    Whoever broke this girl's heart is owed a debt of gratitude.

    That said, if the girl trimmed down a bit, the guy might just have stuck around.

    Where's Angry Gurl on this?

  7. Real Fake former movie makerThursday, July 25, 2013 7:43:00 AM

    Check me out in the new Woody Allen movie! I have a bit part: I'm sitting in a bar and the camera pans by me and I take a sip of beer and say "These fritos are making me thirsty!" I ad libbed from the script and Woody loved it!.


  8. 7:25. He is pompous arrogant condescending and ill tempered. No he does not think he is smarter than everyone else. That's just his personality. But, to his credit, he reads all of the materials, case law, etc you send him before making his ruling.

    I had a very contentious wrongful death case and a companion Declaratory Judgment action that he was hearing. Competing Motions For Summary Judgment. He spent a lot of time going over the issues before making the ruling he did.

    The case went up on appeal and the 3rd affirmed his decision.

    All good for my client and we were able to collect our money in the death case.

    So, if you can manage to put up with his personality, he will do the work that he needs to do.


  9. I'm in front of Echarte in family court frequently now. He's a good guy and knows the law. He is no nonsense and calls it like he sees it. I used to think he was a bit full of himself, but got to know him better and he one of the good ones. If you let him run his court the way he likes it, you're ok. If you try to bullshit him or step on his toes, he will let you have it.

  10. Tried a serious felony with Pedro and he was ok. Yes he can be rather pompous but, have a talk with him off bench and get to know him. He can be rather nice.

  11. No matter how well intentioned I will not publish an email about someone's wife and their family's med mal lawsuit. You meant well, but it's a private matter I don't allow such comments.

  12. I like Darth Echarte.

  13. Wtf Rump??? It's shumie time. Get with it. Will ya?

  14. God this site has gotten bad. Hurricane maps know? Deleting bookmark today. It's a shame...

  15. Why aren't there any bunkos squad anymore?
