Monday, March 28, 2011


MONDAY MORNING WEATHER UPDATE: There's a consensus among the scantily clad local weather vixens who grace our morning televisions: massive thunderstorms will be heading down from Tampa to South Florida. Broweird gets it first and then Dade County by mid-afternoon. So bring your Mac to work today- and no we are not talking about the computer.

Your local weather brought to you by your favourite local, legal blog. All part of the service we provide.

Good Monday morning. It was a wonderful spring weekend in South Florida.

We have our final four teams for NCAA College Basketball. Sorry you Gator Fans, but what in the world was that 3 point bomb at the end of regulation? They could have won it if they had the right play called. #badcoaching.

We have now been officially signed up for email alerts about the welfare of Ostriches. Pretty funny who ever did that. #Struthious.

Pretty good victory for Mike Catalano and his client Judge Dale Cohen. The JQC recommendations are here, courtesy of the JAA Broward Blog. #goodlawyering.

Here's the big question for the week: What's the proper way to spell the name of the current leader of Libya?

Speaking of revolutions, who is next? Syria or the DUI attorneys who can't get called out of turn in Judge Hague's courtroom? Both of those situations are reaching the boiling point and unfortunately the good offices of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton can only handle one of these flash points.

Can't you just envision NATO intervening on the 6th floor?

Gee, we're old enough to remember walking to court under the watchful eyes of the National Guard when Miami was burning. But that was BS so who cares? (Before Starbucks).

OK readers: what dear Robed reader will do something stupid and make our week?
Place your bets now.

See You In Court.


  1. we're still snowing in MN so count your lucky stars.

  2. I do not know why you continue to bash Judge Hague when he always takes private attorneys out of turn. Today he chastised a courtroom full of police officers for parking in the lot if they did not pay the monthy fee; he told the Public Defender to wait until the private attorneys were done and he got Judge Slom on the phone to complain about the delays in getting people through security. Your complaints are way off target and undeserved.

  3. No comments on Charlie Johnson's investiture?

    Father (and former ASA) Ralph Talbot was excellent recalling days of yore and taking a few swipes at the judiciary.

  4. 2:17, the requirement for someone to be bashed on this blog is that their name is mentioned. Get with the program.

    Mother Theresa

  5. OMG the weather bimbos were wrong about the weather this afternoon.

  6. best investiture i have ever been to was charlie's. Father Ralph brought the house down and charlie was very funny too

  7. gotta love how weather girls are all starting to look like porn stars these days. huge fake cans, lots of makeup.

    its kind of unfair what if a flat chested chick wants to be a weather girl she has no shot at all
