Thursday, May 02, 2024


 Your Miami Heat are out of the playoffs, losing to the Celtics 4-1 in the series, with nary a peep from Miami's front running phony fans (FRPF). (What, you thought we were retiring? Soon, but not yet.). 

Where are all the Heat fans bemoaning the team that they love and follow religiously? 

Nowhere. Because the Heat don't really have any fans (other than the great Judge Colodny, bless her soul, amongst a few others). They just have FRPFs who only show up for game sevens in the playoffs and the finals, paying exorbitant prices for seats on stub-hub, wearing their silly white shirts, and telling anyone who will listen how they go to every home game and watch every away game.  

Now Miami's FRPFs can turn their attention to the Dolphins, because lord knows they would not be caught dead at a Marlin's game, considering the Marlin's stink this season. Compare the cavernous and empty Marlin's stadium for home games at Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs. Everyone knows that the Cubs sold out most of their home games during the 3,500 years they lived in bondage at the bottom of the league until that magical season of 2016 (actually their drought was from 1906 to 2016). Year in, year out, decade in, decade out, the Cubs never won anything. And yet Chicagoans went to Wrigley, sat in the stands during a day game, drank a beer, ate a Chicago dog and cheered on their home team. 

Miami PFRFs have not and will not ever be loyal to their hometown teams, especially the Marlins. Oh they showed up for the world series, but that's it. Support them now? Ha! Do not make us laugh. Call them from standing in line trying to get a table at Prime 112 in some future October when the Marlins are competitive again. Then they will run to the stadium and tell everyone about how they never miss a game. They make us sick.  

No Game 7- then Nosotras no estamos ahi, or words to that effect.   

So your Miami Heat faded away this season. See you next year in April when hopefully their playoff run goes a little deeper. 



  1. Chicago Cubs have awesome fans. I remember going to a playoff game in Miami when the Cubs played the Marlins in 2003 in the National League Championship series. It seemed that half of Joe Robbie Stadium had Cubs fans, it was surreal.

  2. I’ll eat what I want, listen to what I want, buy what I want and root for who I want

  3. There are people on this blog who are going to vote for Trump even if they heard him say yesterday that he is prohibited from testifying on his own behalf because of the gag order.


  4. This boring topic again. Get over it. Your obsession with multi-millionaires being paid by billionaires to perform circus stunts for our amusement (and their profits) is sad.

    When the stunts are good, we cheer and spend our money. When the stunts are lack-luster, we, very reasonably, devote our resources of time, money, and energy to other things.

  5. I am a proud and unabashed fair weather fan. These teams are very much for profit, the fans owe them nothing. Like any other type of business, if a good product is put out there, I will patronize it. Otherwise, I go to the nest thing. If a local eatery offers poor quality food or service, why would I go back? There is so much to do in this area vying for our patronage. It costs real money to go to these games, the fans owe these teams nothing. As for the Marlins, no team in history has ever given the middle finger to the fans more than that evil organization. With the Heat, they have tried much harder to endear themselves to the fans yet, when their stars miss so many games, why would the fans owe these multi-millionaires anything?

  6. Heat never “wins at all costs”

  7. Don't care if the Heat win or lose. But definitely appreciated the Ferris Bueller clip. Great movie.

  8. The Heat were in the playoffs?

  9. to 11:05. You are as right as you are wrong. Put it this way: would you go to a horrible restaurant if they also served you a fantastic meal along with your awful food and let you eat half of each? And for 10% of the price you would pay at that other pricey restauarant? Yes you would. Let's face it, Miami is a horrible sports city. Rump's dissection of the Heat fans is dead on. Their games have become an event unrelated to the sport and concerned only with image and showing off to your friends.

  10. Marlin's game? Marlin's stadium? Can that be The Real Rumpole?

  11. Forget the Heat. You need to post more juicy stuff. Scandals!

  12. There is yet another Michael Van Zampf order coming down soon. Tinkler Mendez has a similar mess to rule upon.

  13. Lame… need some sanctions bar complaints to keep the awareness.

  14. There are several judges addressing several ASAS professionalism ethics and honesty. There will be many hearings and many more orders. These prosecutors want to win at all cost and some making serious misrepresentations in the process. Some are just lazy and arrogant. Judges sick of the unchecked power and doing something about it. Stuzin, Wolfson, Sayfie, De La O, Tinkler Mendez

  15. SAO is run by incompetence

  16. It's not incompetence, it's intentional conduct. Kathy is in her ivory tower and the people that feed her information are corrupt. She, and they, need to go.

  17. 8;35 It takes one to spell one

  18. Rumor is SAO has hired back Audrey Frank and Jay Novick to work on Cory Smith. Aren’t they witnesses on the misconduct allegations that occurred at trial at a hearing that is still ongoing in front of Wolfie? What is happening in Tinkler Mendez and Stuzin’s case? Are people still fleeing from there? What happened to the emails Rump?

  19. Audrey Frank is back? There you have it folks. As some predicted, as soon as she was re-elected KFR went back to her old ways. She took a big shit on ethics and gave the middle finger to calls for reform. Business as usual at the SAO. Back to recycling prosecutors with shady pasts, devoid of fairness, empathy, and not to mention zero personality. As part of Smith’s trial team at some point, Frank isn’t independent, neutral or uncompromised. To make matters worse, she is rumored to having been involved in a recent murder case before De La O involving a Brady violation. There is no bottom for this office. SMH.

  20. Novick has a documented history of unethical conduct during trial. Look up a 2003 third DCA opinion authored by then Chief Judge Gerald Schwartz. That opinion also cited an earlier opinion 20+ years prior and chastised the SAO for a history of misconduct. These are not isolated incidents of rogue prosecutors, but a long institutional pattern of misconduct, poor management and training, a total lack of ethics and integrity, and win at all costs mentality. And when that isn’t enough, they bring back the “retired” bad apples so they can keep on spewing their corruption.

    1. Talpins and Novick tag team duo that’s what the office represents. Another MVZ.

    2. MVZ shouldn’t have resigned. If Talpins and Novick are the same.

  21. Thornton was Talpins and Novick together.

  22. Who is gerald schwartz? no one by that name was ever chief judge of the 3dDCA. Does this idiot mean ALAN Schwartz?
