Thursday, July 29, 2021


UPDATES: reports flowing in on the changing circumstances and shifting ground because of Covid. Judge Scott Bernstein was heard to "ponder" whether a return to full zoom was in the works. Meanwhile MASSIVE PROPS TO JUDGE REBULL who is running a FULL ZOOM HYBRID calendar without a hitch. Want to walk in? No problem. Want to Zoom with the Judge? You got it. Way to go Judge R!

Meanwhile the opposite is happening in DV Court where every day Judge Bandin flames out on lawyers appearing by zoom, screams at her staff, loudly and repeatedly pontificates on her hatred for Zoom (although by all accounts County Court is entirely Zoom) and continually bemoans the fact that she has childcare issues and cannot start on time- as if most defendants appearing before her do not have even more compelling childcare issues. Talk about a Judge being tone deaf... 

It took a while. First the Courts needed to process that Truman beat Dewey. Then there was the celebration of Armstrong and Aldrin landing on the moon. Nixon resigning was a big deal, as was Iraq invading Kuwait. But eventually, after the Miami Dade Mayor issued an edict Wednesday  that masks needed to be worn in all government buildings, the Miami-Dade Court system followed with an administrative order that all persons entering courthouses must wear masks in all public places and courtrooms. 

You know what comes now don't you?  The morons who wear the mask below their nose. As if that will protect them or us. They are wearing a mask. It is around their mouth, but because they are too stupid to understand what a mask does and how it protects the person wearing it and the people around those who are wearing masks, the mask will be below their nose, which is as good as not wearing a mask at all. 

So here is what we are saying to our Judges. Good job getting to the point where you can order everyone to wear a mask. Now enforce the rule. Kick prosecutors and people out of your courtroom who wear the mask below their noses. Hold people in contempt of court. 

Make Masks Great Again. 


  1. and as I am hauled off to jail for contempt, I will play a video of St. Fauci last year proclaiming that masks are useless.

  2. Dear former President Trump- of you are stupid enough to try and post your anti-mask ravings on my blog (which I know you read- remember that little contretemps with Sen Scott?) then do not be surprised when I do not post them.

    Idiot/moron 8:53- you take his statement way out of context, you ignore his 1000 subsequent statements as well as the thousands of statements by expert virologists on the efficacy of masks. Besides idiocy, what is your PhD in?

    BTW- please do not get vaccinated, please do not wear a mask and do us all a favor and die of covid. We need less of you in the world. Seriously.

  3. Thank you to Judge REBULL, VENZER, FERNANDEZ-KARAVESTSOS, and others who have kept the zoom calendar. We appreciate it and won't soon forget!

  4. Zoom has increased productivity, cut down on long, unnecessary drives to the courthouse, cut down dry cleaning bills, fuel expenditures and reduced carbon emissions. Is there anything bad about the zoom conferences? Not that I can tell, although the court probably needs to do something to improve the sound of ASAs speaking in the courtrooms.

  5. What is it with the DV Judges? It is not only Bandin! Judge Elisabeth Espinosa and Judge Carlos Gamez are also Zoom haters and do not hide their disdain or need to have parties present (bowing to their pomposity)! How about the new Chief Judge moving them out to Juvenile or REG (the bastard child of the 11th Circuit) so they get off their high horses and deal with reality!!!

  6. Meanwhile in Family Court, female Judges still interject themselves and make legal arguments for female litigants, plus make findings of fact on the behalf of unsworn female litigants. And even feel comfortable enough to convert a non-evidentiary hearing into an evidentiary hearing without prior notice, say out loud that they "Don't care if the Respondent is lying", after not allowing the Husband's attorneys to cross examine the female litigant. Appeal coming soon on this.
