Thursday, May 27, 2021



As first reported on the local ground-breaking federal blog run by Mr. Markus, two state court circuit judges have made the cut to the final six for the two open spots in the SDFL. Click on the link to see the full list of nominees. Judges Ayana Harris and Miguel De La O were two of the six sent out of the House JNC that they applied to. Since there are multiple JNCs formed, nobody is sure what this means. 

Naturally, we have some thoughts. 

First, we think these are two wonderful nominations. Judge De La O's work on the circuit bench speaks for itself. He is known throughout the REGJB as the "go to Judge" when there are questions about law and procedure. He is hard working, keeps current with case law, and his courtroom demeanor and treatment of all parties is exactly what we want in a Judge. 

Judge Ayana Harris is newer to the bench, but she comes with a perfect background to be a federal judge, including a stint with the federal PDs office, so she is well versed in the nuances of federal law. Although we have not appeared before her, the reviews and comments by other lawyers confirms that she has made the most of her time on the bench and impressed all who have appeared before her. 

But here is what is on our mind. 

Can anyone form a JNC? Can there be an Au Bon JNC, a Burger King JNC, or even that great restaurant in the back of the gas station on US 1 and 17th avenue that has all those great wines. Can they have their own JNC? Wouldn't it be nice to interview candidates over a bottle of Rumpole's Chateau Miami River and discuss the important federal issues of the day? 

"So here is a scenario. In 2025 President Trump threatens to issue a commutation of a sentence for Matt Gaetz who has been convicted of multiple violations of the Mann Act.  How does that affect your decision on sentencing? And would you like to try the Riesling?"

And finally this. Circuit and Appellate Court Judges have been nominated for the federal bench. Quick quiz, name two 3rd DCA judges who were nominated to the SDFL bench. Lawyers have been nominated to the federal bench. Has a county court judge ever  been nominated to the federal bench in the SDFL?  We cannot think of any.  

CLARIFICATION- There is apparently some confusion on our question. Of course many circuit judges who were appointed WHEN THEY WERE A CIRCUIT JUDGE, were, at a prior point in their career, a county court judge. We do not recall any County Court Judge being appointed to Federal Court WHILE SERVING ON THE COUNTY COURT BENCH.  We do not think our original question was unclear. Perhaps our readers are just duller then we previously thought. 


  1. Wilkie Ferguson & James Kehoe. Many former county judges are on federal bench, but don’t recall any who went there directly from county court.

  2. Anyone else think Miguel is too good for the fed bench? I'm afraid he'll become another rubber stamp for the Government.

  3. Moreno was county court. Don't recall him ever going to circuit. But could be wrong. Wilkie was a circuit court in the Justice building as I tried a big case with him. He was a great guy and judge. Kehoe was a circuit court civil judge. Also a great guy who was a refereed high school football games. And he set trials 30 days after arraignment. No continuances' except if a lawyer would be on vacation. Jacob can attest to that.

  4. If the White House asks you to form a JNC you can.

  5. Ayana Harris IS a county court judge. Post says both she and De La O are circuit (unless it means judges of the circuit, not circuit judges).

  6. Ayana Harris IS a county court judge. Post says both she and De La O are circuit (unless it means judges of the circuit, not circuit judges).

  7. As were Altonaga, Moreno and Bloom

  8. Altonaga and bloom were circuit court judges when selected

  9. Yes Ayana Harris is in county, not circuit. I’ve appeared in front of her and what stands out most is her humility. That also came across yesterday in her interview. She’s clearly overqualified for county based on her experience yet you don’t get a hint of arrogance in her demeanor. She’s pleasant, prepared, and efficient. Unfortunately she had a tough road to the bench because she chose a legal career representing poor people as a public defender. If President Biden keeps true to this word, I don’t think she’ll be on the county bench much longer. It would be our loss but she was born for the district court bench.

  10. De La O has never been a rubber stamp for the State, why would he be one for the Government?

  11. Gayles was also County Court before he was Circuit
