Tuesday, February 16, 2021


British researchers now believe that the new British strain B1.1.7, which Dr. Fauci has already said many times will be the dominant strain in the United States next month, is not only more virulent but most likely more lethal. 

But something a little more concerning is also happening, and along the way it is further proof of Charles Darwin's Theory Of Evolution. For all you Religious-Fundamentalist-Republicans who do not believe Adam descended from Bonzo the Chimp, Covid is dealing you some serious disappointments. 

Convergent Evolution is the similar evolution of new traits in not closely related organisms. In other words non-related species can evolve similar traits based on their environment. The phenomenon has been observed in viruses and now there is evidence that strains of Covid19 in the United States are showing traits of the strains of the British and South African variants. Holy Evolution Batman! This is not good. What this means is our enemy is independently adapting throughout the world. Strains continents apart are separately and independently mutating to a new strain with similar characteristics- becoming easier to catch (because by wearing masks we have made it harder to spread) and more deadly. Covid is a worthy enemy- like a prosecutor with a confession and DNA. But as any prosecutor who has dealt with Rumpole can tell you, Covid can be beat.   

The NY Times article is here. 

The reasons for an elevated death rate are not entirely clear. Some evidence suggests that people infected with the variant may have higher viral loads, a feature that could not only make the virus more contagious but also potentially undermine the effectiveness of certain treatments...

(Note to Judges- as Bruce Springsteen sings in 10th Avenue Freeze Out "This here is the important part"*):

No matter the explanation, scientific advisers to the British government said on Saturday, the new findings laid bare the dangers of countries easing restrictions as the variant takes hold.

The overall picture is one of something like a 40 to 60 percent increase in hospitalization risk, and risk of death,” Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist and scientific adviser to the British government, said in an interview on Saturday. Referring to the tight restrictions on socializing that are in effect across Britain, he said, “It reinforces the policy measures in place.

The CDC announced Sunday that two million Americans had been vaccinated the day before.  We are close to vaccines being available  for those of us who labour in the REGJB for our bread and wine, although it is not yet on the menu of Au Bon Pain. March 1, 2021, is NOT the time to open up the Courthouse and start trials again.  But like opening day in baseball, Memorial Day or the 4th of July or Labour Day or Thanksgiving, it is coming. Just wait a little longer please.

* Bruce  only sings that line occasionally in live shows.  It was not part of the original lyrics. 


  1. Some judges do not care a bit. All they care about is getting a lower case load, even if it kills you.

    Memo to Judge: Stop threating us. Stop bitching about no more continuances. Its a fucking pandemic.

  2. You progressives really picked one this time. Almost 30 days in office and no call to Israel's P.M. However he ha spoken to American friends around the world, including leaders in Canada, Britain, France, Japan, Mexico, Germany, South Korea, and even some foes: He spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Former President Trump called Netanyahu two days into office.
    With the support of Jews n the U.S., Israel does not need any other enemies.

  3. Anyone trumpeting Covid-19 as the second coming of the plague for the last year has given up his right to flaunt his adherence to science in the face of some imagined redneck Christian fundamentalist.

    The same prohibition applies for anyone who believes, ascientifically, that any of the devastating public health measures we've undergone have had any real effect on infection rates. Maybe now that California has come out of its dystopian lockdowns, strapped on second and third masks on everyone, and still prevents non-vector children from going to school, its leaders can explain the massive spike in positive tests they have experienced the last three months.

    Maybe scientific hero Governor Cuomo, somewhere on his book tour no doubt, can explain why New York still leads the nation in covid deaths.

    Liberal democrats can tout their scientific acumen all they like when they deny that humans are sexually dimorphic, that there are two genders, that race has any biological component, and that biologically male athletes enjoy any natural advantages over females... but they can no longer do so with regard to covid.

    That font of feeling superior has run dry.

    If it hadn't, you could point to the millions of Americans fleeing bible-belt and ignorant states like Florida and Texas and the south to live in enlightened paradises like New York, Massachusetts, California, and Illinois. As it stands, Americans can't wait to get the hell out of such places. No worries, though. People will bring their voting habits with them, and soon Boise, Austin, Nashville, and Huntsville will experience the same quality of life that San Francisco currently enjoys. They'll soon have special apps to notify city authorities about piles of human faeces and used needles, just like California.

    And South Florida -- if there is one thing this burg needs it's another half million ex-New Yorkers convinced of their intellectual superiority.

    Trump should have built a wall, but it should have been along the Mason-Dixon. Anyone still cracking themselves up thinking about toothless religious hillbillies is welcome to stay in Manhattan. I hear office space is dirt cheap these days.
