Friday, November 27, 2020


 It's Black Friday, In more ways than one. 

After an orgy of travel and large family gatherings, there will be a Covid price to pay in the coming weeks and months. Europe, hard hit by a second wave, watched in horror, as Americans, no followers of science we, rushed to travel and gather, because as we all know, the Bible guarantees the American right to watch football and eat turkey on a day of Thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving. To give thanks for blessings. We wonder how many of us will be giving Thanks a month from now as Covid strikes those who ignored the warnings against travel and gatherings yesterday. The name of this holiday, at least for 2020, may well be one of history's great ironies. 


The day after Thanksgiving we are much more comfortable telling you what we can do without, rather than what we are thankful for. Let's start with the emails and texts from acquaintances  wishing us a happy Thanksgiving.  Our Thanksgiving was not hinging on getting that email from a court reporting firm wishing us a happy holiday. Or the email from the mediation group run by a bunch of retired judges who we had no use for when they were on the bench. Or the endless text messages from clients and people we barely know. Did we need a text from the woman who runs the copier and IT services in our office? NO.  Ditto the email from the Urology/Proctology group telling us to enjoy our holiday dinner. Just stop it. No cards. No emails. No texts. Eat your turkey and pie in peace and stop bothering us. Please. This is our normal misanthropic side, and maybe it needs more airtime. 


We strike to give our readers some measure of comfort and consistency. We use the same font. We use the same nomenclature when describing the daily difficulties of a lawyer's life  in South Florida (Browierd). And we treat the pompous leaders with the same amount of Rumpolian disdain. Which is why we find ourselves having to apologize for the words we used in describing South Florida's judiciary in our annual Thanksgiving post. Loyal readers click this link for blog posts that provide a certain amount of comfort, especially when describing our robed readers. Our Thanksgiving post did not live up to those standards. We expect it will not happen again in this blogger's career. Mea Culpa. 😜

How can we end this Black Friday post on an up-note? Covid is running through the NFL. The Steelers-Ravens game is in serious jeopardy of being canceled after being delayed from Thanksgiving eve. 

There are no Thanksgiving Blockbuster movies to go to. It's hard not to start feeling a bit of the Covid-Holiday blues. 

And yet... Vaccines are arriving in South Florida within two weeks. 

And....the inauguration is 54 days away. 

Pick up Obama's first volume of his memoirs. It's not as good as US Grant's- but it is a good read.  

Go check your email and text messages. More than likely, you will not have one from us wishing you a happy day.  And for that you can give Thanks. 


  1. Runp. Why didn’t you tell us to buy Tesla last year?

    Look at the VIX. Super low volatility. Still time to buy Amazon? Mercadolibre? Zoom?

  2. And not even close to the greatest presidential memoir of all time: RN by Richard Nixon
