Monday, November 16, 2020


 Good Monday morning. It's the middle of November and a Cat 5 hurricane is exploding in the Caribbean- not that global warming is real or anything. The virus numbers in the US are waaaaay up and we will try and find some good news. 

First, your Miami Dolphins won convincingly on Sunday, continuing their streak to 5-0.  The Bills lost, and the Dolphins are in the hunt for a playoff spot. 

Second, Moderna, which uses the same virus platform as Pfizer, reported their interim phase three results and like Pfizer's, they were outstanding. Only five people of the 30,000 who were in the study, who received the vaccine, tested positive for Covid-19. That's a better protection rate than the Pfizer vaccine. The Moderna vaccine can be kept in a refrigerator for thirty days, which is better than the Pfizer vaccine which needs to be stored at -80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Moderna will have 20 million vaccines available by the end of 2020, enough to inoculate 10 million people, as like Pfizer's vaccine, the vaccine is administered in a two-dose therapy. 

Meanwhile we face a dark winter before spring and summer. Close to two hundred thousand Americans are getting Covid-19 every day. Remember when 50,000 a day was frightening? And people are dying at an alarming rate. Hospitals in Texas, Arizona, Ohio, and Tennessee are at or near capacity. The Dakotas are overwhelmed. This it NOT the flu, and Covid19 kills young and old alike. Meanwhile Florida allows people to congregate in bars and restaurants and Florida judges are pushing to try cases. It is insane. Count us in as someone who will REFUSE to attend court in person until we receive the vaccine. Period. 

For those few of you who do not follow us on Twitter @Justicebuilding, you missed our tweet this weekend. It is rare that we make specific reference to an individual. We tend to think big picture. But we are aware of one person who typifies the problems all of us are facing. He contracted Covid19. He subsequently was informed that he will be fired in January, and simultaneously will be losing his place of residence for the last four years. Send him you best thoughts and wishes. 

His name is Donald J. Trump. 




    Who was it that said: "The quaesitum to your problem might come to you after some quiet reflection."

    Rumpole always seems to provide you with the answers to the questions of the day. And he has been doing it for 15 years, as of today. Even better, he has allowed me along for the ride and given me the thread on occasion to spout about judicial elections, JNC nominations and gubernatorial appointments and the like.

    Here's to another 15 years of blogging.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......

  2. If you get the Moderna, just make sure to take Tylenol for second shot to keep the pain and fever down.
