Thursday, October 01, 2020


 Two houses both alike in dignity.
In Fair Miami where we lay our scene.
The Heat -princes of Verona were beat and played thin
While the Marlins found offense and a win.

Yes, your darling Miami Heat  were spanked by the LA Lakers and you know who - who showed his true colors and broke your little Heat hearts years ago. 
Meanwhile, your scrappy Calle Ocho never say die Miami Marlins sneaked into the playoffs with surprisingly good pitching and broke the heart of one local judge and found their bats and beat up on the Chicago Cubs yesterday. 
Come on you phony, front running Heat fans- time to jump on the Marlins' bandwagon and start pretending they were always your team. 

If polling is to be believed (fake news!) the public believes your president was soundly defeated in the debate Tuesday night. 
But the more interesting point for us are the comments attacking us for supporting the President, which we clearly do not. We just objectively gave our opinion on the debate. Much like the experience all criminal defense attorneys have at parties- "how can you defend that person after what they did?"

The inability to separate objective truth from belief is the issue. 
The fact that most people, and many of our readers, cannot do that bodes very poorly for our society. 

Other than that, have a great day and GO MARLINS!

Coming soon- you know about virus infections and the R0 rate. But do you know about k?  You should. And while you contemplate  k,   think about the fallacy of virus infection statistics in this manner- 99 average people in a bar. Jeff Bezos walks in. The average wealth of everyone in the bar immediately exceeds 1 billion dollars. But does that change the financial fortunes of the 99 other people? 




    If you have been reading the Comments section over the past two days then you know that this represents the 5th case in just the past week ......


    An individual who worked at the Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 St., and the Miami-Dade Children’s Courthouse, 155 NW 3rd St., in the locations listed below, has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individual are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Last Days Worked:
    Wednesday, 9/16/2020 to Tuesday, 9/29/2020

    Work Areas – Richard E. Gerstein Justice Bldg.:
    Room 405
    Courtroom 4-4

    Work Areas – Miami-Dade Children’s Courthouse:
    Room 13-329
    Courtrooms 11-4, 10-4 and 9-2

    Persons who were in these locations recently should follow self-monitoring steps for the next 14 days as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control website at:

    Cap Out .....

  2. I hear Gov DeSantis appointed Tom Rebull to Bokor’s seat. So much for respecting the will of the people.






    Today, Governor "NO MASK" DeSantis appointed Judge Rebull to replace Judge Alexander Bokor who was elevated to the 3rd DCA.

    Rebull was selected from a list of six nominees that included: Karl Brown, Victoria Ferrer, Ayana Harris, Melissa Visconti, and Diana Vizcaino.

    What makes this appointment even more head-scratching is that, unlike the normal appointment process, where the Governor takes most if not all of the 60 days to name the new judge, in this case Judge Rebull was selected only 12 days after the six finalists' names were sent to the Governor's office.

    In all the years that I have been covering judicial appointments, since 2005, that is the earliest turnaround I have ever seen.

    Welcome back to the bench Judge Rebull or better said bienvenido de nuevo a la corte.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......

  4. And Rebull just got reappointed....

  5. More Rebullshit to come. Rebull got appointed.

  6. He must've killed it at the JNC interview. He probably framed his federalist society membership card and let the panel see it.

  7. Why would anyone expect anything less from a governor who gives zero consideration to the will (or safety) of the people and just completely reopened a death trap? Politics.

  8. JNC Chair, Robert Fernandez told numerous people that it was his personal mission to get Rebull re-appointed. What a crooked process that wasted the time and money of other highly qualified candidates. I wonder what DeSantis was offered in return for this re-appointment. Disgusting!

  9. Hayden O'Byrne also moved mountains for Rebull at the JNC level and Tallahassee. Fernandez got involved at the Tallahassee level after the GC didn't return O'Byrne's calls.

  10. Rebull gets his job back, I’m so sick I just can’t get over it. The voters spoke and clearly said they DO NOT want any more Rebull. If Rebull had any sense of decency left he wouldn’t take it. The people DO NOT trust you, the bankers and big law firms must be jumping of joy,

    I am so sick I can’t type any more. SHAME ON DESANTIS.
