Thursday, October 22, 2020


The Senate Judiciary Committee (Motto: "No Democratic Supreme Court Nominees within 3 1/2 years of an election. Ever!") approved the notorious ACB today in a party line vote in which the Democrats boycotted. Wow! That showed them. Not. 

The CDC has changed their guidelines.  A close contact is now defined as someone who sneezes on you AND/OR someone who is infected for which  you are in contact with for a total of  fifteen minutes spread across twenty-four hours. 

 THIS IS JUST A HYPOTHETICAL: Some Yahoo Judge in Dixie-Lee-John-Wilks-Booth County in Florida does something stupid like order you to try a case and she lets you speak with an officer in a hallway before trial. You speak for ten minutes, You pick a jury. Then you remember you forgot to ask the officer if he called your client the N word while repeatedly striking her with a tire iron and the officer agrees to answer that question and you speak with the officer again for another ten minutes in which he says he did do that because your client had refused to put down her diet coke and beef jerky when ordered to do so. 

Those twenty minutes, broken up into two ten minute sessions, are now considered close contact for over fifteen minutes, and because this is   Dixie-Lee-John-Wilks-Booth County where G-D herself has written into the Constitution that "Americans do not have to wear masks, even during a pandemic" the judge and the cop and the prosecutor and all the witnesses who hang out at the Piggly-Wiggly after court praising Trump and cursing Biden, are all teeming with Covid-19. 

LAWYER OF THE DAY Must be Miami Lawyer Aaron Honaker who has been arrested and charged with  a series of bank robberies. DOM  and @305ovalle have the story. But you know, desperate times call for desperate measures. 

The Path to 270: 

Democrats are feeling good but anxious. Let us give you some bad news. Trump will win Florida. If he wins Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Mexico, and Iowa, then even if Biden wins Wisconsin and Illinois, Michigan, Colorado, Minnesota and New Mexico, the president will be reelected. Biden's clearest path to winning without Florida is Georgia- which is in play and would be a big loss for the president, and Nevada, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. We see several scenarios where is it is 268-263 and a few of those states- especially Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Nevada are in contested recounts. Then the election will spread, like Covid19- into December and maybe 2021. Hang on to your hats. It is going to be a wild ride. 


  1. Inspirational verse of the day:

    It's been a while since I've talked about it
    Maybe it's time to cooperate
    I need some help to forget about it
    I don't want your sympathy
    Stop saying you give a shit
    'Cause you don't really
    Care, care, care, yeah
    Care, care, care, yeah
    Care, care, care, yeah

  2. I agree Trump wins Florida. Also Georgia. Your scenario has New Mexico for both candidates. New Mexico is not competitive and will go Biden. Certainly the odds are in Biden’s favor Trump has to sweep NC, OH, PA and win either MI or WI or AZ none of which look good for him. Of course, this is assuming things are decided at the polls rather than in the courts.


  3. The Captain Reports:



    An individual who worked in the locations and on the dates listed below has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individual are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 St.:
    Courtroom 4-8
    Room 411
    Room 9000

    Last day worked: Wednesday, 10/21/2020

    Persons who were in these locations recently should follow self-monitoring steps for the next 14 days as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control website at:

    Cap Out .......

  4. I myself having won myself an election and know about electuons I know that hour gret president Trump will win again and then in four year will win again because he is gret and in that time I spect to be a federal court sircut judge tring cases in federal court and then maybe myslef yes I would be the supreme court judge.

    Also is imurtant for peole to remeber they can still hire me to win their accident cases just go to and one of mine and our specliasts will sign you up and we will sue those insurance companys for you and you may say soon Rosy got me 8 k two!!

    Also the new supreme court judge was write their is no global warming otherwise why would there be snow and the cold arktic and stuff like that?

  5. Trump wins PA quite easily. No one is better for the working class than DJT and that realization brings him home.

  6. Fake Rosy ... just shut up. Find something else to do. You were funny the first few posts. Now it is soooo old and tired.

  7. Don't knock Piggly Wiggly, a/k/a "The Pig." I have my Pig card and use it every summer when I travel out of this HellHole to see the better parts of the U.S.A.

  8. All of Rump's indulgence in rural Floridian stereotypes (idiots, racists, hillbillies, rednecks, etc) leave out the one word he's DYING to include: Christian. Or worse, evangelical.

    Rump stop pussyfooting around when you characterize the people you despise. You know, the small-town livin' Klan-belongin' science-denyin' cousin-marryin' rural retards. Say it like you think it: these damn goys.

  9. Or, let's make that hypothetical real and actual Los Angeles County, where it is predominantly democrat, in a state with a democrat governor, where state courts are running jury trials, and where a speedy trial motion was just granted in federal court.

  10. A bunch of rebullshit. Trump is melba toast.
