Monday, October 12, 2020


 The FACDL Annual Awards banquet is always a rousing affair. Cocktails are sipped. Hor d'oeuvres are consumed and everyone congratulates everyone else for fighting the good fight. Judges are honored. Other Judges who are running for reelection show up as if they always attend (they don't). Long speeches are made and everyone goes home and they next day tries to steal a case from the people they drank with the night before. 

But this year will be different because this year two things which never happened before will occur. First, On Saturday October 24, 2020, the event will be virtual. 

And second, RUMPOLE will attend. We will finally get to see the shenanigans we have been missing. We have our own Zoom account. Our IP address will be masked with a Tor and we will be in full mask- the character of our mask will be announced on the day of the event to stop imposters. And we are working on a voice synthesizer. 

So show up. Toast the honorees and chat will Rumpole. We are lining up a very nice Bourbon or perhaps open one of our rare Sine Qua Non Shot in the Dark 2006 Syrah. Only about 440 cases were produced and we have several bottles. Some fresh king crab legs. Line caught Halibut and a loaded baked potato and a Shot in the Dark is not a bad way to spend an hour with friends. 


  1. I know this is off topic, so sorry. Does anyone else get a "Forbidden" message every time you try to go to, regardless of device or browser or location (so it's not an IP address thing)???? Any solutions?

  2. @11:13, YES I do too. I reached out to Bill to let him know but nothing

  3. I have the same problem. Use your phone and disconnect your wifi. That works for me.

  4. RUMPOLE ... Did you make a HUGE ERROR in your call to stay in cash ?

    The stock market is flying. Please give us your thoughts and guidance. I follow you and do what you do.

  5. Rumpole stayed in cash? No way. He missed the 85% upside in the S&P? Wasn’t he known as the “Oracle of the Justice Building?” Didn’t he do Richard Gerstein’s “books” in the 70’s?

  6. Try logging into Broward Blog using a different internet browser.

    I have 4 on my computer.

    Internet Explorer..old but, nice and will not work with many web sites. May be shut off soon.
    Firefox... OK
    Google Chrome... the best but, hard to cut and paste photos out of it.
    Microsoft Edge... works great
