Friday, October 30, 2020


 We tackle the tough subjects. There are more famous bloggers. Bloggers who hang out with Hollywood elite and now do Podcasts (here   ) and wax poetic about the 1982 committee notes to the money laundering statutes. 

But only one blog tackles the tough things. The things that make you look away and wish you can ignore. But we will not let you look away. These issues must be confronted. 

For Halloween we take on the ...... C A N D Y   W  A   R   S!!!

1) MMs vs Reese's Pieces.  The toughest one to start. MMs are classics. They fulfill a chocolate urge. But Reese's Pieces, with the element of Peanut Butter is more than a worthy challenger. But here is the rub....RP's are almost too good. Too sweet. Too satisfying. We love em, but if we have to only pick one, it has to be the Traditional MMs. 

2)  Almond Joy vs. Mounds.  Nuts or not? Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. No nuts for us. Mounds please. 

3) Three Musketeers vs. Milky Way.  The 3M has this chocolate fluff inside and is ...sui generis. The Milky Way has a layer of caramel which is very rich. Too rich.  3Ms for us. 

4) Kit Kat vs Twix. Same as above but reversed. Nothing is better than a Kit Kat bar in the freezer. Twix doesn't freeze as well, but it has a caramel lawyer that the Kit Kat doesn't have. Break them in half; it's a split. Kit Kat's that have been frozen, but Twix if the Kit Kat has not been frozen. 

5) Snickers v. Baby Ruth. Chocolate and nuts and some caramel. Snickers wins for us. 

6) Nestles Crunch vs. Hershey's Bar.  Two original giants in a candy bar matchup made in heaven. Once again we have to go to the freezer issue. A Hershey bar is original and great. But the Nestle Crunch in the freezer is something special. NC for us. 

The others. These are the candy bars we eat last on Halloween. They have chocolate so unlike pornography they have some redeeming social value. But they also have a bunch of weird stuff that appeals only to a niche market:

Clark Bar, Fifth Avenue, Charleston Chew, Heath Bar (the worst except at certain times not bad- you really need to be in the mood for a Heath Bar), Butterfinger (suggested by a reader and may be the worst candy bar of all time).  Payday, Mr. Goodbar, Chunky, Krackle. Lots of good chocolate there. 

If we had to choose one. Just one. For eternity. No other choices. It would be.....second place- MMs, and the winner is a frozen Nestle Crunch Bar!



  1. You got your chocolate in my peanut butter! You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!
    Two great tastes that taste great together!
    I think you failed to mention the ultimate: The original Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!
    The two pack regular size.
    Has just the right amount of sweet slightly grainy peanut and solid but easliy melt in your mouth chocolate. The first one gest eaten quickly. Then you realize there's only one left and so the second one gets eaten in smaller nibbles.
    Only the original size works though- the proportions/ratios of peanut butter to chocolate are thrown off in the bite size or larger ones.

  2. Not surprising that we disagree on all your choices except the Snickers. And, THE HEATH BAR is awesome. But the biggest clue that you have no idea of wha you're talking is that YOU DID NOT MENTION THE BUTTERFINGER. Please resign. Thanks.

  3. Check the blog- I added Butterfinger. Keep the suggestions coming.

  4. Butterfinger is the "worst" candybar of all time? I predict that comment will go down in history as causing the demise of this blog. What credibility do you have now, sir? None. While you lay in your bed eating Nestle Crunch like Ignatius J. Reilly, I will be savoring the delights of a delicious Butterfinger knowing that I have won.

  5. Frozen butterfinger with a cold glass of milk.

  6. Whoppers! Especially the defective, sunken ones which have the consistency of a Milk Dud but with a faint flavor of malt.

  7. I know, just know there is a joke here somewhere about a judge who enjoys defective candy. But for the moment-nothing.
    As to Butterfingers? The worst ever! Taste horrible and 75% of the candy bar gets stuck in your teeth. Maybe dentists like them, because of the money, but that's about it.

  8. Gotta agree with Rump - Butterfinger worst.
    Don't underestimate the power of the Chunk.

    Chunky hunk o chocolate is killer good.

  9. Let me say that I as a elected judge and me myself have voted and as we read the polls and see how close the electshun is that we all must vote. They say Florida is polls Biden up by six. That means in counting all votes only six more people have voted for Biden then Trump in Florida so we can see that every vote really counts.
    Also I myself am available as a Judge of Florida to decide if Florida votes have voted in their votes for Trump or not and my self and My robe are ready if asked and called to make the judge on voting for who in Florida did it.

    Also rememebr you need your drive'sr lisenes and passport and one major credit card to vote and if you have a drive'sr lisense from like say Ohio or even Austin New York or Bronx Wesiconsin then the polls workers herein must give you a ballot for the place of your drive'sr lisense and yes you can Vote in Ohio, New York or even Houston, Minesooda if thats whre you yourself are from living. alwyas for working money case.

  10. The Captain Reports:



    An individual who worked in the locations and on the dates listed below has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individual are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 St.:
    Courtroom 1-4: 10/19/20, 10/22/20
    Jury Room behind Courtroom 1-4 (room currently serves as an office for Court Security Monitor staff)
    Courtroom 1-3: 10/20/20, 10/23/20, 10/26/20
    Courtroom 1-2: 10/21/20
    Courtroom 1-1: 10/27/20
    Room 8300A AOC (Administrative Office of the Courts) Office
    8th Floor Clerk’s Office

    Persons who were in these locations recently should follow self-monitoring steps for the next 14 days as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control website at:

    Cap Out ......

  11. Pleassssseee. Hersey bar with Almonds is a clear number ONE. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups a close second and KitKat's are a third.

    BTW: KitKats enjoy a cult status in Japan and are traditionally brought into exam rooms for good luck by university students. There are over 300 special issue flavors including green tea and potato. I'm bringing lots of KitKats with me when I "Poll Watch" on Tuesday!

  12. I have to recognize the quality of Judge De La O' view on woopers. Also a honorable me too to raisenettes and chunky.
    But the top prize goes to Ghirardelli dark chocolate with raspberry filling
    Sir Wilfred
