Monday, October 26, 2020


 A sad way to start the week. One of the legal giants of South Florida, Alvin Entin, has passed away. Alvin was a brilliant lawyer and a man of many interests, including later in his life- acting. He has not been active in REGJB cases for a while so many young lawyers and judges will not know who he is. But ask around and you will find that he was a character and a heck of a lawyer. 

In other sad news the Notorious ACB will most likely be confirmed as your next supreme court justice today. She will be calling balls and strikes by the end of the week. Thus starts what we believe historians will look back on as a period of social unrest and upheaval in American society that will shake our republic to its very foundations. 

Item: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled in a way in which approximately 20% of all mail-in ballots will not be counted. The election could come down to Pennsylvania and the Constitution allows the Pennsylvania Legislature to elect their own slate of electors to vote in the Electoral College which could throw the presidential election to a candidate who otherwise has lost. 

Item: Covid infection rates are approaching 100,000 Americans  a day. One maker of an adjunct therapy that has been shown to help infected people who are seriously ill has only 50,000 doses. 

Item: The cold winter months (and certain Florida Judges) are bringing people inside unventilated buildings where the virus is most easily spread. Things are going to get worse. 

So add it all up. No new stimulus package. Businesses are failing and people have no money. The Supreme Court will have a 6-3 conservative majority. But not a real conservative majority the way we define conservatism. It will have an altruist-collectivist conservative majority that has an agenda. A presidential election that no matter who wins will send people into the streets, and perhaps a lame duck president who will not go quietly into that good night. 

Hang on and buckle up. It is going to be a bumpy ride. But never fear - Rumpole will be here (until they get a subpoena issued and block our site and arrest us). 


  1. Working the polls this weekend. Given the "finger" by at least 5 Trumpers simply for holding up a Biden sign.

  2. Alvin was a great lawyer and even a better person. Godspeed to him

  3. Congats to new Judge Amy Bartlet Coney as elected on her first try as supreme court judge lol as we know some of us have to run a few times. But now what I am watching is who will run for her seat on the 7th dca court of appeals which I think im pretty sure is in Notre Dame.

    I also hoped her election now shows that there is no coney rule that stops president trumps from having judges run that he indoorses.

    As always if you get soft tizsue injury from a gulf cart or car and truck

  4. So sorry to hear of Alvin's passing. He was a very talented lawyer, quite a character and never boring. May he rest in peace.

  5. The Republicans will rue the day they decided to circumvent rules by imposing their minority will on the judiciary. Those that blame Harry Reid for starting it forget that he merely reacted to the Republicans refusal to consider the nominations of justices sought by Democrats and used the filibuster to prevent it. Then they refused to consider Obama appointments to the federal bench during his term including a selection to the Supreme Court without even considering that choice citing an election within 8 months but pushed through Amy Barrett 6 weeks before the next presidential election ignoring their own newly-created precedent. If Biden is elected along with control of the senate....add 3 justices, 2 states, do away with the electoral college and ram it down their throats.

  6. Fake Elect Rosy Aponte needs new material.

  7. Dear Tuesday, October 27, 2020 9:05:00 AM;

    I assume you are a lawyer writing on a blog for lawyers. You should read Article V of the United States constitution. It provides that the Electoral College cannot be abolished except by unanimous consent of all 50 states. Do you think Rhode Island will consent? Wyoming?

    If only one state balks, the college cannot be abolished. "[N]o state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."

    So, you can urge court reform, but, let's stop the "abolish the electoral college," nonsense. The framers, pushed by Rhode Island, made it impossible.


  8. I believe that Alvin Entin was law partners with our favorite sweet Judge Alan Postman?

  9. Nothing and I mean nothing is funnier than Fake Rosy. Please more more more.

  10. 10:30 must be Fake Rosy as I am sure everyone agrees that the posts have become a complete bore ... do something else with your time like telling your neighbors "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes.

  11. Quite wrong Kissimmee Kid. The electoral college may be "abolished" through the regular constitutional amendment process. In addition, there are other ways to "get around" the EC. I agree unlikely to happen because there's a significant number of states that want to retain the EC and subvert the will of the people.

  12. Rumpole: Sitting Shiva already?

  13. An interesting idea ...

    I Love the Court. But We Need Another One.

  14. @10:50

    "Subvert the will of the people." What a funny thing to say. Do you realize that we do not live in a democracy? We live in a constitutional republic. And little things like the First and Fourteenth Amendments exist precisely to "subvert the will of the people." The Framers, and later the northerners charged with Reconstruction, were rightly concerned about "the tyranny of the majority." (check out "Democracy in America" by Alexander de Tocqueville).

    It's frustrating when 3 million more Americans vote for candidate X and yet through seemingly arcane constitutional mechanics (i.e., the rule of law) candidate Y becomes president despite the popular vote. But it's a small price to pay for the valuable brake on the passions of the moment of 50% plus 1 of American voters in any given election.

  15. I understand your position.

    As James Madison said, “the people at large was in his opinion the fittest” to select the chief executive. And yet, he also said—capturing the view of many at the time— "There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to fewest objections."

    So yes I see why you would say it's only a "small price to pay."

  16. Dear Wednesday, October 28, 2020 10:50:00 AM;

    Is reading not your strong suite? The constitution means what it says. "[N]o state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."
