Saturday, June 27, 2020


SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: Ace Herald Reporter @DavidOvalle305, is just one of a long line of distinguished Herald reporters who have called the crime beat their own. From Susannah Nesmith all the way back to Edna Buchannan, prowling the hallways of the REGJB and digging up the stories the powers that be want hidden has been a hallmark of these intrepid members of the Fourth Estate. Now, of course, covering the REGJB has been reduced to "click-n-Zoom". The other day, David realized that he had some competition. Another person was Zooming around the REGJB Zoom calendars. His Name: "Big Meat Daddy". You can read all about their encounter in David's twitter feed listed above. 

This is the email from Judge Sayfie about new normal at the REGJB. It has been approved by the Motion Picture Association for distribution to all ages. 

Greetings to all.  I hope this email finds you all healthy.

As you all know we are back in phase 1, having spent less than 2 weeks in phase 2.  While this means that we all need to continue to be vigilant, in and out of REG, the good news is that we can move forward with our next stage.

Beginning Monday, July 6th, we will go back to normal…our new normal.  All division calendars will be heard in the respective division’s VIRTUAL courtrooms.  To appear in court you need to zoom into the virtual courtroom.  Attached is a directory of all virtual courtroom ID’s with clickable links. [Rumpole says: we have included the attachments below]. Each judge will preside over their virtual courtroom. If a judge is covering another judge, the covering judge will appear in the virtual courtroom of the division being covered. If questions or issues arise please contact chambers.  All chambers numbers are also attached.

We will still be limited to 3 “Pods” or connections to the 3 jail facilities.  The judges will continue to special set hearings and pleas in their respective Pods for defendants who are in custody and need to be present.  Additionally, every AM there will be one judge on duty for each Pod to cover pleas and other issues that arise in the AM calendar, from divisions assigned to that Pod, that may require the presence of the defendant.  The Pod duty judge will cover their division calendar first then “move” to the Pod virtual courtroom for matters requiring inmates.  I have attached the Pod schedule and the clickable link for each Pods’ virtual courtroom. This will be amended as MDCR works to increase the number of zoom stations or pods.

We have also created a procedure for the safe fingerprinting of out of custody defendants to take pleas.  These will be set by the division JAs.

Finally, thanks to the hard work of MDCR, the COC, and our CITES, we have been able to limit the physical appearances in the courtrooms to the judge, bailiff, court clerk and court reporter, ensuring that movement and contact within the REG is limited and within the CDC guidelines.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I want to thank all of you for your leadership and cooperation and patience as we tackle these issues. 

Please take care and wear your mask and keep your distance and stay healthy and safe!    

Rumpole says: The Judges have put themselves in Pods and we have not said one word about it- not even a passing reference to 
Invasion of the Body Snatchers. That deserves some type of award in our opinion.

Judge's Pod Schedule by HR on Scribd

Coming Monday: Judge Matte Belle Davis; Judge Ted Mastos; David S Markus; David O Markus; a star-studded blog post not to be missed!


  1. How can we be in multiple zoom hearings at once? Gonna be a disaster. And what’s the point? Everything will just be set off. Waste of time for all involved

    1. 1. How did you handle cases in multiple courtrooms before Covid-19? 2. If you have a paid Zoom account, you can log in to multiple meetings at once.

  2. Thanks for your input attorney General Barr.

  3. has any attorney conducted a successful video gtl interview with a client from finish to end with working video and audio working? every attempted call a failure one way or another.
