Tuesday, June 02, 2020


The REGJB is closed this morning as protestors have announced their intention to protest in front of the courthouse. The Judges' parking lot is closed. The valets have left. The few intrepid workers who wear black robes fled quicker than being at a table at Joes when the cheque arrives. 

The streets are closed off.   The feeling is edgy. 

It is April 30, 1975 Saigon. (For those judges who read the blog and were born in the 1980s, this refers to the inglorious end of the Vietnam War. Vietnam is a country in Asia where we fought a war and lost because of the same dominoes old men play on Calle Ocho. Really. Just Google Domino theory). 

If ever there was a time of the moment meeting the woman it is now. 

Our State Attorney could show up with hundreds of bottles of cold water for the protestors. She could meet with them and talk with them and let them know they are being heard. She could invite some of them to meet with her regularly. She could give them her cell phone and her email and stay in touch with them. 

Ahhh, we can dream,  but who are we talking about? 

Someone who has shown herself so far to be as tone deaf as President Trump trashing a Gold Star family. 
Someone who sends out newsletters in May that are so out of touch with reality that ...we are struggling for a simile here...it's like tweeting  "business as usual" just before Covid 19 shut down the world. It's like being inaugurated the Governor of Alabama and saying in your inauguration speech  "I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.

We hope it is not personal. We hope this is not stubborness. We hope our State Attorney is not drawing a line and refusing to acknowledge the protestors because we are pushing her. We hope she is bigger than that. 

"Kathy, I'm not good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of two little people do not amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Here's looking at you kid."
Identify the quote from the movie. Win valuable acclaim. 



  1. My favorite quote from "Casablanca".

  2. My favorite quote from "Casablanca".

  3. Casablanca. You're showing your age!

  4. Protest scheduled today at 3pm at the SAO

  5. **** Sell your stock portfolio and 401k holdings.

    A Wall Street portfolio apocalypse is coming. Depression in America is coming this summer.

    For God’s sake. Listen to RUMPOLE’s prior warnings. He or She is correct.

  6. Your criticism of Rundle is so off-base it is laughable. Would you prefer that she has law enforcement gas and shoot at peaceful protesters so she can just grab a cheap photo-op like Trump did? No, she is staying disciplined and focused and not responding to some blogger that has a personal vendetta against her. I've been practicing in Florida for over 20 years, and there is no SAO more progressive or willing to listen to defense attorneys than Kathy's. I will support her 100% in the upcoming election.

  7. So let me get this straight 4:40- the officers and mayors and police chiefs who are meeting with protestors, listening to them, showing them respect and doing something wrong and the correct way to handle this is ignore them - or to use your words- "stay disciplined and focused"?

    So just to be clear- the Montgomery Lunch Counter Strike, the Montgomery Bus strike, the marches on Washington in the 1960's on the Vietnam war- the best way for society to respond is to ignore it? And while you're at it, the Chinese Government was staying in their lane during Tiananmen Square?

    why don't you find a lane way in the middle of nowhere and go stay in that? We need people who will be involved and be the change.

  8. 4:40. Nonsense. I think a lot of people are remembering how things were 10-20 years ago. A LOT of the old guard of decision makers are gone. Many of them came up in the office under Janet Reno. We know KFR doesn't make decisions herself. Who makes them now that everyone else is gone? Deisy H. You want to tell me she is fair, reasonable, willing to listen? Give me a break.

  9. Real Fake Former JudgeTuesday, June 02, 2020 5:55:00 PM

    Shakedown, breakdown, smack down! 4:40 you're busted.

  10. RUMP: Rundle has agreed to the release of many inmates in jail during COVID-19 times. She has set into motion a way to seal and expunge felons’ records. She uses drug court, and veterans court to help those in trouble. She has a child support unit to look after the well-being of children (often minorities). She established a human trafficking unit to help kids (often minorities) escape prostitution. She direct-files fewer juveniles than other SAO’s and makes police shooting investigations available on her website. Plus her ASA’s routinely waive min-mans and go below guidelines. WTF is your problem???

  11. The worst part about KFR is that she is totally closed to the idea that things could be different or better. I was chased out of the office and “blacklisted” (my chief’s words not mine) complaining about pay inequality. I wanted to bring it up so that it would be examined but KFR would never admit that she made a mistake or that she could make a change. She is a disgusting human who has ruined lives inside the office and in the community at large. It is a good sign that people outside of the legal community are seeing this. KFR should resign. Love, Former ASA

  12. Press is starting to see the Renatha Francis story. http://www.floridabulldog.org/2020/06/newest-member-of-florida-supreme-court-has-thin-resume-good-optics/

  13. 10:52: good riddance.
    Love, Current ASA.

    1. This is exactly KFR’s attitude : not open to feedback and examining whether or not a problem exists. There is a public record of the way that the office pays women less than men but make sure not to speak about it or else “Good riddance.” This is exactly why things need to change.

    2. Good riddance is KFR’s response to anyone in the office who questions anything. This is how she has been able to get away with her self-serving and corrupt policy for so long. The public has taken notice. Soon we will be able to say good riddance to KFR.

  14. 8:17: most ASA's in KFR's office are women. Don't think they would tolerate pay discrepancies without speaking up. Maybe 9:57 said "good riddance" to you because you sound like an entitled brat who is just whining because you didn't get your way.

    1. If there were more men in the office, the pay would be higher. Compare the salary of two ASAs with the same tenure in the office and a male will be paid more than a female. Better yet, just deny deny deny. Hold the line. Silence voices of dissent. Same approach KFR has to charging police officers with murder.

  15. 817 no one outside your office cares about the money you make or dont make. Leave then and stop whining. I'll take KFR and the MD SAO over any other SAO in the state, hands down with ease.

    1. You are correct Sir. It is sad but true that no one cares about anyone “outside” of there tiny bubble. This is how we got to this terrible sad place in our Country’s history. May God have mercy on us all.
