Monday, June 08, 2020


Query: Should Rumpole attend?

From FACDL Head Honcho (emphasis original) 

Good afternoon all,

The Office of the Public Defender is hosting a march in support of our black communities.  Please find the information below, should wou wish to attend TODAY, MONDAY, JUNE 8 AT 5:30PM.

Per the PD’s Office:

Here is the plan:
  • Please meet on time at 5:30pm in front of BHB (1320 NW 14th Street)
  • We will begin with a moment of silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to honor the lives of George Floyd and the other black men and women who have died as a result of police violence
  • We will then march around the area immediately surrounding the office, courthouse, and jail.
Important reminders
  • Masks are required
  • Please practice social distancing
  • Remember that whatever you wear and write (i.e. signs) are representative of our office and our Public Defender. Show your support for our black community, but use your best judgment. 

As always we note that this email was forwarded to us because it is a violation of SEC rules for us to peruse the listserv. 


  1. Ummm….I have a quinces to attend to. Maybe don horn.

  2. Only if it was catered by the REN (a venue). I can march a long time on those kobe beef sliders and fresh squeezed coconut/guava frappes.

  3. And 18 people were murdered in Chicago yesterday, The silence is deafening.
