Saturday, June 20, 2020

MR 4000

Not content with 3000 new cases a day, Governor Don't Go Low Ron DeSantis is shooting for Florida to get 4000 new cases a day. That's 40,000 newly sick people in 10 days, and although math is not his strong point (as well as science, medicine, logic and good ol common sense) that's over 120,000 sick Floridians in a month. And according to the Governor, that's just the way he wants it.

Item: From the Tampa Bay Times: 
Gov. Ron DeSantis and local and state officials on Friday tried to reassure Floridians that rising numbers of COVID-19 cases in the state were not alarming.

Items from the same Article:

“The trends are absolutely favorable,” Agency for Health Care Administration Secretary Mary Mayhew said.

“None of these numbers are alarming,” Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez said. 

“We’re safe. We have capacity. We have resources,” said Maggie Gill, CEO of Tenet Healthcare, which operates five hospitals in Palm Beach County.

A mysterious, but widely read blogger in Miami, Florida, has announced the discovery of a new virus that is apparently only affecting politicians and government officials: "I think it's an off-shoot of Covid-19" says the blogger who writes an extremely well written and entertaining blog: "What my team has been able to isolate is that virus causes the infected to lose their minds. Common sense goes out the window. For example, the Governor thinks the Covid-19 Virus trend in Florida, which went from 700 new cases a day to 4,000 is heading in the right direction. Mayor Gimenez of Miami said the numbers didn't scare him, and someone who works in a Florida Health Care Administration was downright giddy over the trends. The fact that this person's former job was a plumber and has no training in health care doesn't diminish the fact that they were babbling nonsense."

Rumpole was so concerned about the way things were going that he sneaked into a press conference to see things for himself. He was able to surreptitiously take this picture of the governor at the podium:


  1. The numbers this week are alarming. Through last Sunday the numbers were really not that bad. The numbers I’m referring to are the percentage of positives. The State has been hovering right around 6% for most of the past three months. But this week the % has been closer to 10% and higher. According to CDC 6% is acceptable. Ten % and higher is not.

    Look around you. Most people are not following either of the top two rules. Social Distancing and Wearing Masks. The latter is much easier to do but unfortunately it has become a sort of political statement in our “great country “ that prides itself on exceptionalism. If you’re a MAGA it’s “I don’t need no stinkin mask and they are calling those that wear them “sheep”. If you’re a Never Trumper it’s mask wearing and shaming those that don’t.

    It will be an interesting petri dish experiment with Tulsa tonight as we watch over the next two weeks to see what happens to their numbers. The sports leagues will be closely watching as the Trump rally will certainly be the largest indoor gathering of people in the past three months.

    Time to move to New Zealand.

  2. If you are going to pick a single stat, pick hospitalizations. It is more probative of whether we should be afraid, by far.

  3. Please, please, shut the state down. It could help Joe in November while screwing working people all over the state. But that would be for the greater good. I wonder if the White House has a basement room that Biden can govern from?
