Tuesday, June 16, 2020


On May 14, Governor DeSantis (R, Bizarro-Land)'s stay at home order expired. It was Part-tee time in Flor-reee-dah! There were 680 new cases a day of Covid being diagnosed in the Sunshine State. And the end was near. Or at least as Churchill famously said, it may not be the beginning of the end, but it was certainly the end of the beginning. 
Now a month later into this liberal-Democratic anti-Trump- just like a bad flu- don't tell me to wear no mask- virus, Florida has 2,783 new cases a day. Yahoo! Who says science don't work? 

Just to put these numbers in context, at the "height" of the pandemic, Florida on April 1, 2020 had 1,575 new cases. Way to go low Ron!


So you are asking..."What does this mean for me?" Well it means that we are 2,783 people a day from getting to a point where courts can open and we can have jury trials so prosecutors can slink out of the REGJB after another Rumpolian NG. Well actually, our reasoning is a bit off. What we need is a steady decrease of new cases, not what we like to call the Ronny-D Spike.   So much for opening back up safely. Sanely. Scientifically. 

I shot an arrow in the air
It fell to earth I know not where 
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

For so swiftly the DeSantis virus numbers flew high in flight 
I could not follow it with sight
Someone breathed a Covid droplet in the air 
It fell on a passerby who went I know not where 
For who has sight so strong and keen 
It can follow the mist of Covid 19? 

Long long afterward on South Beach
I found the passerby drinking in  a breach
And the virus whose numbers grew 
I found more sick people that I knew 
(Horace Rumpole,  h/t to H.W. Longfellow).


  1. You don’t understand Runpole.

    The numbers are so high ONLY because of testing.

    Let’s stop testing. Please. Wake up.

  2. Another thing Rump - “Don’t fight the Fed. Don’t fight the tape”!

    Money is looking for a home. The Fed will not let any company go bankrupt. To wit - no unemployment going forward.

    It’s a BULL market. I think you better cut your losses. Don’t bet so large on the contrarian bet.

  3. Don’t fight the fed. I agree 100%. Don’t fight the tape? Disagree 100%. I’ve made my fortune by being a contrarian. Tons of cash on the sidelines looking for a home. Yup. Tons of businesses going bankrupt. Unemployment 20%. Social unrest. Charts show a classic bear market rally. Look at the rally after the 1929 crash. Very similar. I’m happy to be in cash with 10% of my assets selling the Dow ( not nasdaq) short.
    I’m short Boeing. No one is going on their planes no matter what the faa does. Carnival. AA. And most of the brick and mortar retail. I don’t buy into Macy’s recovery. The stores suck. People want Costco. Not Macys.
    Just wait until a plane load of people get covid. Then watch delta and AA. This market is being driven by irrational hopes. One need only look at Hertz to see That. The co has no money and the stock rallies From .70 cents to 5? Really ? Go buy with those fools. I’m out.

  4. Oh. Did I forget China ? No deal and they are shutting Beijing down and fighting with India. Everywhere I look I see bad things.

  5. NPR article.

    The wealthiest American households are keeping a tight grip on their purse strings even as their lower-income counterparts are spending a lot more freely when they emerge from weeks of lockdown. That decline in spending by the wealthy could limit the whole country's economic recovery.
    Researchers based at Harvard have been tracking spending patterns using credit card data. They found that people at the bottom of the income ladder are now spending nearly as much as they did before the coronavirus pandemic.

    This is a concern.

  6. Perhaps this should be explained in a way that your average Florida Republican can understand.

    After a Cracker Barrel dinner, you head home to have sex with your sister. You catch coronavirus from her. (Dont worry, the baby is fine)

    A few days later, the foreman at the job tells you to go get tested. You test positive. Therefore, the Chinese hoax/Democratic hoax COVID numbers go UP by one. BUT, because you now know you are positive, you stay home and drink Schlitz alone for a few weeks. Because you stay home for three weeks, you miss the weekly Matt Gaetz cross burning/Trump rally in Pensacola. So the other 75 hillbillies at the cross burning/Trump rally DONT get infected. So in the long term, the Chinese hoax/Democratic hoax COVID numbers go DOWN.

    The sooner those numbers go down, the sooner you can go back to swamp buggy races, Klan rallies, Trump rallies, gun shows, Confederate General Appreciation Dinners at the local Moose Lodge, etc.

    So the best thing for freedom loving, MAGA lovers to do is to stay safe and let the snowflake liberals and the colored people (hat tip to Rosy Aponte) get infected at the Colored Lives Matter protests.


  7. April 1 there were 4,604 tests for all of florida.

    May 14 there were 14,096 tests for all of Florida.

    June 16 (yesterday) there were 30,133 tests for all of Florida.

    Yes reopening is causing cases to rise, as conceded by pretty much everyone. But no explosion or exponential growth yet, thankfully.

    Lets hope it stays that way and the testing #s continue to increase.

    If you look at daily new hosptalizations statewide, yesteday there were 191. That mark was surpassed 9 times in April, and 7 times in May.

    In my view hospitalizations are the best predictor of how much covid is out there. It isnt dependent on how many tests are available, and who chooses to go out and even get tested.

  8. Rumpole just wants us to shutdown to help Pathetic Joe. Just give him a apss on the health stuff. We want more coverage on the Black Lives Matter movement. It will definitely help in November.

  9. No. What I want is for your work release to be revoked and for you to stop reading this blog.
