Monday, May 04, 2020


A long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away, May 25, 1977 to be exact- people lined up in crowds (gasp) to sit next to people in packed theaters (double gasp), and even shared popcorn, putting their fingers in their mouth and then back into the popcorn box for more! Somewhere Dr. Fauci just felt a large disturbance in the force as thousands of our readers winced at the germ ramifications of multiple people sharing a box of popcorn. Never again. 

And of course, somewhere and sometime after May 25, 1977, a future Harvard Law graduate and everyone's favourite federal blogger saw Star wars and became hooked. 

So Happy May The Fourth Be With You Day. Enjoy. We need to take our holidays and enjoyment where we can get them. 
And if you need it, watch the famous trailer for fun. 

Some Star Wars Trivia: 

1) How many languages (approximately) can CP3-0 speak?

2) Finish the sentence: The Millennium Falcon made the _____ run in less than ____ _______. 

3) Name the only character to be in all Star Wars Movies. 

4) What Plant is home to Wookies?

5) What color is Yoda's light saber in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith?

6) How many members sit on the Jedi Counsel? 

7) What bounty hunter catches Han Solo? 

8) What planet did the death star destroy? 

9) What general led the attack to destroy the death star? 

10) Padme Amidala is the Queen and then the senator from what planet? 

Special REGJB Star Wars Trivia Bonus: What 1970s-2000's star prosecutor was referred to a Star Wars character and name the character. 


  1. Hi Runpole ... Were you surprised with Warren Buffet’s comments on the economy - and him NOT buying any stocks during the downturn? No value seen!

    Still like Amazon? Inovio?

  2. Breaking news: Captain Bouncer Smith retires!

    Was he the best fishing captain and guide ever in Miami?

    Who is better for big Cobia? Captain Stan on The Therapy or Captain Dennis Forgione?

    Miami vs Islamorada?

    Mutton Snapper vs Hog Snapper?

    Ever catch a Blue Marlin? Swordfish?

    Your thoughts?

  3. The other day a post appeared about Judge Cueto slamming the complaining lawyers and the Florida Bar and about an article in the Florida BullDog about how Tunis reached a diametrically opposite result in the companion case by letting the complaining lawyers write their own self-serving version in a report she only signed. This is like letting the arresting cop or the State into the jury room. It made me think about those cases in which Tunis bends over to please the State and deals out lengthy sentences to please the State.

    Read it for yourselves.

    Reading this article reminds me of the quote: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

    Reading the article and Judge Cueto's report is disturbing how Tunis just signed what the complaining lawyers wrote for her to sign. Read it for yourselves then decide if Tunis or anyone like her deserves to stay on the bench.

  4. 1) A lot - 6 million.

    2) Kessel run - 12 parsecs.

    3) Threepio

    4) Kashyyk

    5) Green

    6) ?

    7) Boba Fett

    8) Alderaan

    9) ?

    10) Naboo

  5. I never understood why they used the term parsec in the Kessel run as if it was a unit of time. A Parsec (PC) is a unit of distance, equal to approximately 3.26 light years. So the M. Falcon made the run in 39.12 light years. What was the old route and how much longer ( distance wise) was the old route?
    We still don't know how long in relative time ( I.e. Inside the Falcon) it took to do that run.
