Wednesday, April 01, 2020


Amid a worsening outbreak that he has not been able to control, President Trump, the 45th  president of the United States resigned today, April 1, 2020,  after staffers uniformly refused to follow his orders to open the Country and order everyone back to work AND arrest Hillary Clinton for ordering the government's stock of ventilators shipped to Europe in 2015 in order to sabotage the administration's response to the virus. 

At twelve noon Vice President Mike Pence will take the oath of office. 

The former president will be golfing at his club in West Palm Beach and living at his residence in Mar A Lago, which he has ordered fully open amid the fake news of the virus. 


  1. Yes we are serious Aren't the other news outlets reporting this? Strange. He's out as of noon. Bank on it.

  2. This morning in Metro Justice... Extradition Calendar
    Abbe Rifkin for the State
    Judge Venzer
    PD: Defendant seeks ROR on petit theft from PASCO county... he just closed his petit theft from Dade County
    Abbe: The State vehemently objects as the administrative order says if the Judge from Pasco county objects there will be No Bond... We must all follow the rules...
    PD: Pasco county says they will not pick up indefinitely so you have to ROR
    Venzer: Im inclined to do that... ROR
    Abbe: No, you cannot judge, its against the law, petit theft or not... You must, you shall not release him you have to hold him... there is no other way.
    Venzer: I guess you're right Ab, No bond...

    I thought I could no longer be shocked by the actions of Rifkin and Venzer… but, in my estimation, this went beyond the unthinkable...

  3. That was a very creative jape you did there.

  4. Please say it's true and Andrew Cuomo is now president!
