Wednesday, January 01, 2020


The Dade County State Attorneys Office declined to charge Hialeah Police Sgt Jesus Menocal Jr in 2016 for raping multiple women. ASA Johnette Hardiman declined to file charges. In doing so, Hardiman called three alleged victims "gang members" and "unreliable". The problem is that she never interviewed those women. 

The state said "NO" but the Feds said "GO" and indicted Menocal earlier this month on federal civil rights charges. 

Will the Dade State Attorney address these inconsistences and problems with the State's investigation? 

As they say in England, "Not bloody likely". 


  1. On the other hand, the SAO will file and prosecute lots of questionable B and C cases that have little or no chance of resulting in convictions at trial.

  2. Same SAO bullshit after all these years. Cops are always cleared of wrongdoing despite the evidence staring them in the face. Can't upset the police union if you want to be the elected State Attorney.

  3. For your average criminal client KFR's office is great. They will listen and usually do the right thing eventually. For public corruption and police malfeasance KFR has always been abysmal. So as a practicing defense attorney I wouldn't change KFR's office. But as a citizen of Miami-Dade County I would get rid of her. That sums up the dilemma for me.

  4. well if what you say is true it to me demonstrates the dangers of having someone spend their entire career, since 1987 for her, at the sao behind a desk because I do not know of any big trial reputation she has achieved.

  5. Not to be picayune, but there is no such entity as the "Dade" SAO. Even if there were, it would be the "Miami Dade" SAO. But the proper appellation is State Attorney For The Eleventh Judicial Circuit.

  6. Rumpole
    For someone who has been observing the InJustice system fir decades why are you surprised that the Miami-Dade SAO would charge a cop with a crime. What is next, you being shocked that there is gambling going on in the backroom of Rick's ?

  7. More importantly, what is the betting line on the World Cricket championship.
    Do you favor Australia or New Zealand?
    Sir Wilfred

  8. Unfortunately KFR's office has a long history of going easy on rogue and violent cops. Look up Philipe Archer of the Miami Beach Police Department who has been sued on multiple occasions but never charged criminally.

  9. Dear 908 am 1/2/2010. I must respond to your post. If this is the best you can come up with to post I really for you. You actually probably think you made a good point and we should be impressed with your analysis. What you showed is that you have no clue what is important and would not be able to decipher what is and is not important in trial to question witnesses and what issues to research for depo preparation and pre-trial motion practice. With such sophisticated analysis you will not rise up the ranks of the SAO or PD and please get a job at a ticket clinic and stay away from clients with real problems.

  10. Dear 1/2/20, 6:21, are you brain dead? KFR has been hated by PBA for years for prosecuting too many cops. I know, I represented a bunch of them and still have lots of cop/clients.

    Maybe you are referring to Mike Satz who almost always lets cops get a pass in criminal court.

    Wake up.
