Sunday, January 05, 2020


We missed posting our picks yesterday as we were jetting back from a meeting up north. 
Today we have a lock solid, "pay your Xmas Amex" pick. 

The NFC wildcard home team favored by 7.5 points or more  is 11-1. Today the Saints and Drew Brees fit that bill. Take the Saints over the hapless Vikes and give the 7.5. The next time Kirk Cousins wins a big game will be the first time. 

The more intriguing game is Seattle at Philly. The Saints are up and down and in and out. Good when you think they are bad, and versa-vicea.  One interesting fact is that Seattle plays well when flying east. The Eagles meanwhile are riding the shoulders of their own bedraggled QB Carson Wentz. Injured during their super bowl run, Wentz was disappointing during most of this year. And then he got hot in December. It's tough to bet against a home dog with a hot QB in the playoffs, and we advise to Holly-Go-Lightly on this one. But if forced to pick, we like the Seahawks to out fly the Eagles -1.5 and an easy over 45. 

Coming tomorrow: Florida Supreme Court wheel of fortune. 


  1. I take my new girl to the Shumie cigar shoppe yesterday evening. I nab a beautiful Romeo Y Julieta, a bit pricey at $32.50 but what the hey? Claudia, the cigar shop hottie asks me who I am rooting for. For laughs I say the Titans and she gives me a Titans Cigar Band. Well there is an upset and Tenn wins and Caludia brings me a Romeo y Julieta free! On the casa. What gives I ask? It's a tradition- everyone who watches the games during playoffs picks a winner and gets a freebie if their team comes in. Didn't know that but it's very generous.

  2. Rump I have watched every snap this year and I think we are in good shape for next year. On defense a little less cover two, rolls the safeties down into run support, Jam the Y in the slot with a Will LB force him to the middle and I think we could have a pretty good D. On offense did you see the game against the cheaters? The crossing of the receivers on every play gave the Pats D fits as Fitz had the game of his life, threading the needle. I think we have one more year of Fitz and groom a rookie QB and we could be talking super bowl in 2021, cause when you say Miami, you're talking Super Bowl doncha know.

  3. Who's the wise guy new lawyer in county court? Part Humphrey Bogart, Part Alex Michaels, talks out of the side of his mouth, he calls women Broads and sweetheart, and I heard him say the other day he didn't know a broad who didn't respond to a stiff bourbon or light smack on the butt.
    He's gonna get in hot water with that 1950'talk today #metoo.

  4. Fake JW, cover two is most definitely not the problem. We can't use the safties for run support on a regular basis like you suggest because we traded Minka Fitzpatrick DUH.
    We do need one more year from Fitz at QB to develop a QB.

    FINS UP!

  5. RUMPOLE - I follow your stock market picks every year and appreciate your analysis. I too like Amazon. Biggest holding. I’ll follow your advice and keep cash for a correction. I hope that geopolitical issues don’t cause more than a 20% correction. Happy New Year RUMPOLE and thank you for working so hard on this awesome blog. We appreciate you ...
