Thursday, January 16, 2020


Dateline Washington , DC, The Capitol.  
The third trial of an Impeachment of The President of the United States has begun. The Senate Sergeant at Arms started the proceedings as follows:  "Hear Ye Hear ye Hear ye! All persons are commanded to be keep silent, on pain of imprisonment, while the House of Representatives is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States articles of impeachment against Donald John Trump, President of the United States."

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff then took the podium and read the articles of impeachment to the Senate.  Once done, the members of the House present were dismissed and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Mars) summoned the Chief Justice of the United States to the Senate. The CJ will be sworn in by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (literally "the oldest guy in the room"). 
Once sworn in, the CJ, pursuant to Article I, section Six of the Constitution, will swear in the members of the Senate, who will swear to do justice, according to what polls best for their re-election chances. Then, in groups of four, the senators will be called to the podium to sign and oath book, which entitles them to receive a groupon for 1/3 off all footlong Subway Subs in the Dayton, Ohio, area during the week of February 3, 2020. Upon signing the oath book, the official Senate Social Media director will record and post on Instagram the act of the Senator signing the oath book and receiving their groupon. 

Rumpole knows, and now you do as well, that there are only two times senators sign an oath book- when they are sworn in as a senator, and when they are sworn in as a juror in an impeachment trial. 

Rumor discounted: There is  no truth to the rumor being floated that as a protest against the impeachment trial, Republican senators have agreed to sign the name "William Jefferson Clinton" and/or "Alfred E Newman" in the oath book. Nor have three senators agreed to sign the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" but this is  mostly because there was no agreement as to whether Shemp could be substituted for Curly. 

According to schedule, the Senate will then break to take up other important business of the country, including resolutions approving "National Plumbers Day" (October 19); "National Pumpernickel Bagel Day" (June 11) and a resolution approving the posting of the phrase "Don't text while driving or flying" in all Transportation Bureaus of the United States.  

We will continue with our coverage of the senate trial of Donald John Trump as events warrant. 


  1. What we've seen of this presidency these past 3 can't make this shit up.

  2. And what an embarrassing sham "trial" it will be. Republican senators have NO moral compass. Shame on them and the mockery they are making of our country allowing this corrupt administration to continue unchecked. History will not remember them kindly.

  3. Senators, in the impeachment trial, should bifurcate proceedings. The first issue goes to whether the contentions in the articles of impeachment are true. The second issue applies only if the contentions in articles of impeachment are true; then, the Senators must decide whether such conduct justifies the removal of a sitting president.

    McConnell says that his Republican-controlled Senate will never vote for the President's removal. This ignores the Senator's obligation to find the truth. However, the Senator's would be more likely to fairly assess the truthfulness of the evidence if they knew that, if true, the offense simply does justify removal. This way, if determined true, then the President cannot claim acquittal or vindication.

    Truth should not be partisan. Bad behavior ought to be called out. At a minimum, the people of America deserve the truth.

  4. National Pumpernickel Day is way overdue!!! When done correctly, like Ess a Bagel does, it is a perfect bagel.

  5. Impeachment over a perfect call. What a joke. Libs are trying to destroy our country.

  6. Oh to have the moral rectitude of a Democrat!

  7. i thought this blog was about all things related to the REG building. Why waste time on a current event that saturates the net.

  8. It was a "perfect call"---perfect to be impeached and convicted.

  9. Hi 9:47 let me disabuse you of your faulty notions. This blog is the sole product of me. My ideas. My creativity. For better or worse. If I want to talk about food, philately,sports, books, or politics, then I do so.
    And you as a reader have a choice- NT Times; Washington Post, WSJ, LeMonde, War and Peace, or maybe in your position Archie Comics. But whatever you choose to read, it's your choice, among the marketplace competing for you attention.

    Now that those issues are resolved, please enjoy the blog at your convenience.

    HR, Blog, Esq., Proprietor.

    1. Good point . We probably should have a blog addressed to professional issues and then the self-righteous leftists can wallow in your brilliance.

  10. President Benjamin Franklin would be proud.

  11. The legal elite and glitterati as well as a bevy of Beach A listers turned out last night at one of Miami Beach's elite night clubs to dance the night away celebrating the investiture of Judge Wm Altfield.
    Among the festive party-goers was more than one eagle-eyed legal-beagle from Tallahassee that has the ear of the Governor. Word is that the Gov is more than happy with his appointment of the erstwhile Judge and thinks that maybe there is one or even two more appointments in his near future. Meanwhile party-goers nibbled on sushi with truffle oil, fried kippers, gluten free vegie chips and sipped some primo Calif Cabs and German Rieslings.

    A good time was had by all!

  12. Best after party ever. Caviar. "Dominican" Cigars, 15 yr old Bourbon, Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2008, and those little cocktail franks that I can never get enough of with the spicy brown mustard.
