Friday, November 15, 2019


What did we miss and when did we miss it? 
Admittedly our last dozen verdicts have all had USA v.  on the verdict form.  (Most had the NG box checked, but you already knew that). We don't try as many cases in the REGJB as we used to as in the good old days. 

Here is Judge De La O READING the verdict form in a fascinating murder case involving the owner of the Presidente supermarket chain-where we go to buy our Materva (not). 

So what's the deal? A change in the law. 
We like it. We cannot tell you how many times a clerk, bless their soul, knowing the importance of the verdict, stumbled over a name, and just on the edge of saying those magic words "not guilty" would stop, and then start over..."In the circuit court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, In and For Dade wait, County...ahh...In the circuit court...". You get the idea. 

Judge Stanley Goldstein, lionized for being the first Judge in the nation running a drug court, and just a wonderful judge and great man, once leaned down and held out his hand when a poor clerk just couldn't do it, and then read the verdict. It was not guilty of course, but much like when CJ John Roberts didn't read President Obama the correct oath of office in 2008, we asked for it to be published again by the clerk, just to make sure it was done correctly. 

Turkey week is coming. Vegan Thanksgiving anyone? 
Best side dishes? Who still throws a batch of green beans in a casserole dish with a can of Cream Of Mushroom soup and then sprinkles those onion crisps on top? Once a year we NEED that. Also, give us the cranberry jelly in the can, over fresh everyday. You just can't change perfection. 
Trials will start slacking off. 
Enjoy the weekend- it's bitter cold here up north. 


  1. Judge Diane Ward has been reading verdicts for quite a while.

  2. Judge Stanley Goldstein, an ex-cop was a great guy and Judge. I recall one case where he laid down on the floor of the courtroom to make a point to the jury. He also played a mean game of blackjack at the seminars we use to attend while skiing.
