Thursday, September 05, 2019


In an "Ali like" return to the ring, Judge Andy Hague (Ret)., has returned to his roots, soon to be joining the Dade County State Attorneys to begin where he left off- Gang Prosecutions. 
All things come full circle in life and law. 

Judge Hague joins his colleague Judge Brennan (Ret) at the SAO, where there is no truth to the rumor that their offices are secretly referred to as "chambers." 

Longtime and careful readers of the blog may recall that Judge Flor Lobree, currently of the 3rd DCA returned to the SAO when she lost an election. Things seemed to work out for her.

What's going on over there? Is there free lunch? Is it the parking, or do men and women just swoon over a badge? 

In any event, Judge Hague was a great prosecutor, and Dade County is lucky to have him back working to keep our County safe. 


  1. Let’s get the fancy Tretorn lawyer back to the SAO?

  2. Former ASA here

    No wonder the young ASAs are leaving again. According to the State website, Brennan makes 85k per year. After being shamed off the bench. Maybe KFR should have saved that salary and given it to the younger ASAs or the ASAs that have been there awhile but are struggling to make ends meet. Instead, KFR touts her wonderful raise of 50k for starting ASAs. But then she throws an old dinosaur like Brennan 85k.

    Hague is a good guy, but c'mon dude. Hang it up.

    The SAO seems to be the equivalent of the old folks home.

  3. Not going to be easy. Gang prosecutions are inherently difficult. Sort of like handling intra family sex cases. They rely on witnesses/victims who are either lying or carry so much baggage that a jury will laugh at them. Good luck.

  4. Hey, how can you label Brennan as "retired?" She was booted out of office for serious criminal misconduct. As she said, over and over.... once a criminal, always a criminal.

    Andy was always a good guy.

  5. The return of former judges Hague and Breenan shows once more that the bottom feeders who leave the SAO to wear the black robes cannot make it in private practice and receive no offers from the private sector for employment. So its back to the womb and suck more money out of the public trough. Very sad indeed.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Andy is loaded and has a pension. He has the luxury of being able to do what he wants. Why would he want the aggravation of private practice at this point in his life? He has no point to prove.

  8. Everyone should be happy about Brennan at the SAO - much better to have her prosecuting off the bench rather than on it.

  9. Nobody who really knows Andy Hague would call him a "bottom feeder." Unlike money grubbers like the "trialmaster," he is comfortable with his career accomplishments and doesn't measure happiness by how many million dollar verdicts he's won.

  10. I just do not the public should have to pay Brennan's much inflated salary at SAO after the way she was run off the bench. And while on the bench she was very mean spirited and lacked any judicial temperament. Is she did not resign she would have been removed as unfit.

  11. Never forget: Bat Bashing Brouhaha Begets Brennan's Bench Boot:

  12. Prosecutors who become judges are always prosecutors

  13. like bud fox's dad said "I DONT MEASURE A MAN BY THE SIZE OF HIS WALLET!"

  14. Lets hope "Bat Bashing Brennan" does take a swing at Andy.

  15. Can I just say, "gross."
