Saturday, June 22, 2019


Judge Lisa Walsh was the  intended target of some defendant produced airborne waste products on Friday. When the defendant launched his aerial assault, the proverbial "stuff" hit the fan...but thankfully not the judge. 
The courtroom was now a hot-zone and was cleared. 
The defendant, who is wheelchair bound, was wheeled into another courtroom where the Judge concluded his trial. The jury did not witness the outburst, but they did see the PDs closing argument and that was enough to acquit him. 

The State gets another chance to flush the defendant down, because he is a career criminal and has other charges pending, not to mention possible new charges in assaulting Judge Walsh. No wonder she wants to be on the 3rd DCA (an appointment she richly deserves). 

Because trivia is a hot topic these days, name another Judge who had excrement thrown at her by an unhappy litigant. Hint- she was one of the answers in the prior blog post questions. 

A Florida woman, who was the victim of domestic violence and whose estranged husband was in jail for crimes against her, was arrested after she went to her husband's apartment, retrieved the firearms he had not surrendered but had been ordered to do so, and brought them to the police station. 
"So you're telling me you committed an armed burglary?" the idiot cop asked. And then he arrested the woman. 
The story is here. 


  1. Can't blame the good judge. Not too much s*** at the 3rd DCA.
    Also, a lot of cops are not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.

    1. A lot of lawyers aren’t very sharp either, and some are elitist. I’m a lawyer and I have more cop friends than lawyer friends. At least most are honest and “real”.

  2. How is the cop an idiot?

  3. Because the woman didn't want to be shot and killed when her husband got out of jail and the court ordered the surrender of the firearms.

    1. Oh i get it rump, maybe her cell was low on batteries so she couldnt call the cops to tell them about the gun. Idiot copper!

  4. Rump and readers, some help.
    On my way up. Bigger clients. Bigger fees. A few nice white collar defense verdicts under my belt and two nice civil settlements funding my ascension.
    Basically the 4 Seasons on Brickell has been my HQ. Meeting clients, brunches, dinners. But two issues. 1- the food stinks. A+ for atmosphere; C- for food. Just not up to par.
    2- Now I have a PH office place in the Gables and a remodeled 4BR with pool and pool house/office ready for move in in C Gables and I need to move my operations.
    In South Philly we called it a "jernt".

    I need a place to meet clients for 7 am power Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, where they have my table, and the food is better than good. In the Gables. And I ain't seeing it. Mortons? Puhleeze. Sucks.

    Any places you would recommend?

  5. The answer to this trivia question is Victoria Platzer. It happened around 2000 or 2001. She is now a mediator.

  6. I hope the dude gets charged with agg assault and recieves 30 years. Make the pd testify against him, will serve him right.

  7. 10:31 am, wasn't Victoria Platzer also in courtroom 2-10 when she was poop-attacked?

  8. Corrections officers in charge of that inmate should be fired. How do they not know that someone in their custody is carrying a bag of sh$% into the courtroom?

  9. Who was Marvin Emory? How did he die? Who was his partner. HINT ; one to the best lawyers ever to walk the halls of the Justice Bldg. And what was his nickname?

  10. What's worse? Defendants throwing turds or 3DCA judges throwing PCA's?
