Saturday, May 18, 2019


Well this is a new one on us. US Navy prosecutors in the court martial of Navy Seal Edward Gallagher have attempted to spy on the defense by sending defense counsel an email with spying software imbedded in the email.  Navy prosecutors did this with the consent of the Judge assigned to the case. 

Count us as aghast. 
But maybe not surprised. 

From the NY Times :

The court-martial of a highly decorated Navy SEAL platoon leader on war crimes charges has been thrown into turmoil by, of all things, a harmless-looking image of a bald eagle perched on the scales of justice.
The bit of digital artwork, embedded in an email message, contained hidden software that could track if anyone read or forwarded the email, and may have also been able to allow access to all communications and files on the recipients’ computers, defense lawyers argue in court filings.
The email was sent last week to defense lawyers representing Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher by the lead Navy prosecutor in the murder case against the chief, apparently with the judge’s approval. The tracking software was also included in emails sent to lawyers for the chief’s commanding officer — Lt. Jacob Portier, who is charged in a related case — and to a journalist for Navy Times covering both cases.
Maybe the Navy should have consulted with the  US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida.  They have been known to spy on the defense (or at least clumsily try) in at least two recent cases. In one case the feds sent a snitch to Mr. Markus who solicited the defense to commit crimes (which they naturally refused to do) and in a second case the feds flipped a co-defendant who had signed a joint-defense agreement and then debriefed the defendant about what was said at the joint-defense meetings. 
Coming next: vengeful prosecutors bug the jury room to determine  which jurors are violating their oath by presuming the defendant innocent. 


  1. You can be sure that President Trump will pardon Navy Seal Gallagher. It’s coming by Memorial Day.

  2. Anybody remember the Memorial day incident at Christy's Steakhouse in the Gables circa 1988? Weren't the files over the lawsuits sealed by Judge Solomon until like 2015 or 2020? Didn't he call it something like the most horrifying accusations he has ever seen in a civil case? Cigars and mashed potatoes flying through the air? Coral Gables elite brawling that spilled into the street. 500 dollar Bottles of wine being spilled on patrons willy-nilly.

  3. So psyched about the opening of The Caliphate (an eatery) in Santa Ana Calif in spring 2019 by the real fake former judge teaming up with the owners of THE REN (a venue).
    Just heard arriving guests will be given small plates of organic spinach squares, a kobe beef slider, and a buttered mushroom cap stuffed with Dungeness crab and roasted garlic paste. Well done gents.

  4. any worries the name of the establishment is....uh...controversial?

  5. DUH...any press is good press

  6. Just to get it straight - is the CALIPHATE in Santa Ana or in Santa Clara? Big difference.

    Is the Real Fake Former Judge none other than Stan Blake??

    PS. Why would they not use the new Impossible Beef instead of real Kobe for the sliders. Have you seen the price on the IPO of that stock this week?

    Hey RUMPOLE - How is your Bank of America stock doing? You said to buy it in 2009 after the crash. I wish you had recommended Amazon!!

  7. It makes me puke reading some judge’s FB posts from the PBA ball, gushing their love over our “wonderful and brave law enforcement community”. Where are the posts from the FACDL gala commending the wonderful and brave Defenders of the Constitution? Suck ups.

  8. Dude is opening restaurants across the country and I’m scratching out a living doing $500 dv hearings in Hialeah branch court. And we started together in the PDs office way back when. What went wrong for me?

  9. He's also opened a pizza joint in Kashmir, under the name The Caliph Pizza. The goat flatbread with curry is a revelation. Franchises available.
