Monday, April 29, 2019


Judge Mari Sampedro-Iglesia, who served in the Unified Childrens Court, unexpectedly resigned this past Friday. She had recently confirmed to the Captain that she was planning to run for re-election in 2020. 

It's a long road that has no turns.

What was the Childrens Court before it was unified? Un-unified? And what did that mean? 

So if you wanna be a circuit court judge (and what county court judge doesn't?) then by our rough count, you now have two opportunities, with the opening of Judge Gordo's spot (upon her ascention to the 3rd DCA and the FIU fairgrounds) and now judge MSI's spot. 

Blog trivia: Name a judge that resigned from both the state and federal bench for other opportunities? The former judge is still practicing today. 

Janet Reno once told us that this Judge tried more cases in one year than any other judge she had seen. 


  1. 1. She was terrible, good riddance

    2. Tom Scott

  2. She left to accept the position of asst dir of outreach to Hispanic females in the Pete Buttigieg Campaign for Shaker Heights, Cleveland and Doral, Miami.

  3. There's a bunch of old Shaker Heights people here in Miami.
    Great people. She will do a good job.

  4. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
    Tom Scott is the answer to the blog trivia question

  5. Leaving to accept equity partnership with Roy Black?

  6. She has the playbook for every retired Miami Judge.
    Buy a beach house in LA.
    Become romantically linked in People Magazine and TMZ to an extra on the Frasier sitcom series
    Sit back and let the money roll in

  7. Way more to this story. Bad things brewing in dependency court and we don't mean the coffee

  8. That Judge is Tom Scott. Not a trial lawyer and in my humble opinion vastly overrated. Just talk to him for 5 minutes. Like a Vanilla Wafer. No taste.

  9. "She spent her entire career as a Judge serving the most vulnerable children and families in dependency. Most lawyers and Judges avoid the real suffering and hardship of dependency. She quickly came to understand and approach with great compassion the dysfunctional, the downtrodden, the broken, and the nearly hopeless. It was always obvious that her heart was pure and that her intentions were good, even when she made mistakes. She was always mindful of the other public servants, the lawyers, the case managers, the child protective investigators, and the guardians, people working under impossible and nearly unbearable conditions. She always tried her best to balance everyone's needs in "war zone". When most Judges ran away, she stayed. When most Judges gave up, she created GRACE Court. She is due the utmost respect for helping to save hundreds of children on her watch from the bench. She did great things for many many children every single day, all day long. We know her. We know about her greatness. We were there and it was incredible."
