Wednesday, November 07, 2018


BREAKING: Wednesday 3:00 PM. Attorney General Jeff "I hate marijuana" Sessions is O...U....T  out. 

Well, that didn't take long. 

Don't forget to take our new poll and vote for as many winners as you think appropriate. 




    Matthew G. Whitaker, age 49, is a lawyer and Republican politician, former Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He is the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, and was a candidate in the June 3, 2014 primary election for the Republican nomination for United States Senate election in Iowa.

    Side note: He may be our first AG who also played in the Rose Bowl.

    Whitaker graduated with a Master of Business Administration, Juris Doctor and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Iowa. While at Iowa, Whitaker played tight end for the University of Iowa Hawkeyes football team, appearing in Iowa's Rose Bowl game in 1991.

    CAP OUT .....

  2. Next ATTORNEY GENERAL is PAM BONDI or Judge Jeanine Pirro or Judge Mike Hanzman

  3. One can only hope he has the highest of ideals, morals or at least ethics of General Reno. I believe she would not bend to some of the actions of the current POTUS. Thanks

  4. Trump won by a landslide. Moderate republicans were swept out of office. Now, the only people in public office who will oppose him are democrats - therefore strengthening his control over his base and making him seem more reasonable. "If only those damn obstructionist democrats wouldn't get in the way, we could make America great again."

    Meanwhile, republican numbers grew in the senate effectively eliminating any chance that a Trump nomination would ever get torpedoed again. And virtually unlimited power to do whatever he wants in the foreign policy arena (remember, only the senate has to ratify a treaty). Plus, he'll never be convicted if impeached.

    Whatever he may have lost in terms of power with a Dem house, he will more than make up for now in his ability to point the finger at Dems and call them obstructionists.

    Overwhelming Trump victory in the mid-terms.

  5. Supreme Court Justice Byron "Whizzer" White played in the Cotton Bowl for the University of Colorado and was runner-up for 1937 Heisman Trophy. President Gerald Ford starred for two undefeated University of Michigan teams in the early 1930s but did not play in Rose Bowl (Big 10 Teams did not play in the game until 1947).
