Tuesday, July 10, 2018


In light of our "swing and a miss" on the nomination of Judge Hardiman to the Supreme Court, we reflect on failures great and small. 

Michael Jordan missed over 9,000 shots in his career. Twenty-six times he took the game-winning shot and missed. So failure is part of success. 

10) There's no way Bill Clinton, some hick-governor beats George Bush, a president who just won a war. 

9) I'm not sure Amazon will make it as a stock. 

8) Cameras in cell phones are a fad. 

7) Social media is a fad. 

6) Nobody will eat vegan for long. 

5) Diet beer? Are you kidding me?

4) WTF is Instagram? 

3) I'm sure they'll build a new criminal courthouse in Miami by 1990. 

2) The US will never elect a President with a middle name of Hussein. 

1) I wonder who will serve in the President Hillary Clinton  Cabinet?

The measure of a blogger is not how many times we fall down and fail, but how many times we get back up and blog again. 



  1. “BUY Bank of America Stock”. Yea that worked out great RUMPOLE. Thanks for that tip. Do you know what Detrimental Reliance is??

  2. BOA is bouncing around 30. I know I bought 1000 at 12 and bought it all the way up to 20. I sold half at 25 and I still like it at 30. I cannot imagine you lost on that. Buy all the banks right now- except Wells. City. JP is the best. Goldman. Or buy an ETF. BOA is a cash machine. Take a look at it in six months and then a year and then two years. Do that for all the banks. Take Goldman- they make a large percentage of their profits from trading. When the VIX is high (volatility) they make bucket loads of cash. In this environment with this president? Its a tremendous buy. City and JP are buying tons of their stock back. The whole issue why financials are lagging is the flattening yield curve (google it but basically the long term yield is not much higher than a short term and long term yields should always be higher by their nature). When the yield curve gets back to normal the banks are going to fly. And right now they are being punished for that without the market recognizing any value in their buybacks and the tremendous cash they are producing. They are ALL raising their dividends significantly.

    You want a flyer? Shopify- (SHOP) I'm in at 65. But its been a wild ride. see the chart. Its not done yet but I'd buy on a large dip (below 140)

  3. This is such a fun blog. And I have trouble believing that Rumpole is just one person. I have believed for years, and still do, that Rumpole is two or 3 buddies, or perhaps more likely, one guy who gets help from interns/associates for ghost writing (no shame in that).

  4. No freakin way
    totally wrong its just me

  5. Rumpole can't be more than one person. There's no way anyone in Miami could go that long without someone turning on the other. Wouldn't take much.
    #1 "each of you owe me $35 for lunch"
    #2 "I only owe 26 - each of you had a drink and I didn't"
    #3 "pay up cheapskate, your entree was more than ours"
    #2 "F-off. Oh, and by the way, I just told everyone you're Rumpole and already disabled your password"

  6. Ahhh you are correct sir/madam. The secret to keeping a secret is keeping it secret.

  7. Stop taking credit for us. You know this is a team effort!
