Friday, July 13, 2018


Facing an uproar over his conduct, and a Florida Supreme Court not in the mood to tolerate Judicial name calling that has racial overtones, Judge Stephen Millan, who was elected to the Circuit bench, has resigned. 


  1. Very sad. One of the few white gringo males on the bench is forced to resign over a meaningless comment of no effect or consequence which most had never heard the term of endearment before. While deranged donny rags on about Latins, Blacks, Women, handicapped people, POWs, gold star families and uses derogatory nick names for all. Seems like he has immunity from the spineless republican politicians and is committing treason and threatening our democracy. Milian may not have been the brightest but he was far from the dumbest and better than the young that come out of the SAO with no life experiences and cant hack it in private practice.

    1. Judge Millan is Puerto rican and Italian and speaks Spanish. Is that a gringo?

  2. Judicial resignations have become very common in South Florida lately. There have been a bunch of them in Broward lately. This judge made a big mistake and today he paid the price. Best of luck to him in the future.

  3. Dear Mr./Ms 3:41 pm:

    Do you consider a judge making “meaningless comments” if the judge called you:

    Fag dyke
    Jungle bunny



  4. Well said 3:41. I couldn't agree with you more. Very sad Friday the 13th!

  5. Now is the time for the JNC to elevate Judge Hanzman from County Court to Circuit Court.

    He deserves a chance.

    1. I thought he was a civil circuit court judge already?

  6. Race is an impermissible sentencing factor. If this judge had to resign for uttering racial slurs openly in the presence of attorneys, how can any sentence that he imposed on minority defendants following trial or open pleas be allowed to stand?

    The SAO should put all of this judge's post-trial cases before the admin judges (or dare I say the chief judge) for mitigation hearings or sentence reconsideration. These tainted sentences should not be left intact.

  7. How about Judge C.P.LANTZ calling someone "PACO". That lead to the great jurist Rosemary Jones taking the bench. Not quite an improvement, she was one of the worst we have ever had.

  8. Judge Hanzman has done an incredible job as acting circuit judge. He should be promoted. I agree. Let’s all write letters of support and talk to the members of the judicial nominating commission.

  9. Oh, they are tainted because he wasn't smart enough to keep his biases to himself? I am concerned as well about the quiet bigots and the young, inexperienced judges who take their cues from the State including the new 8 year wonder who is sitting in bond court now

  10. 3:41, if your wondering if your a racist, you are.

    1. 823
      Just curious...are you racist?

  11. Steve Millan's transgression is more a folly than a crime and seems minor compared to the conduct of others on the bench. There are many on the bench who pass the superficial smell test but harbor tremendous prejudice. They fool many while plying their prejudice during hearings and rulings. In a call between a white Anglo and a minority the call goes to the white Anglo. Why is Jerri Beth Cohen still on the bench after her disparaging remarks against Cubans. Sit in her courtroom and witness the arrogance. The establishment protected her just like they protect a pill popping alcohol-dependent judge who remains on the bench in a sheltered position while colleagues whisper about the dependency. For protection the establishment leaves this substance dependent judge in a can do no wrong division where the circle of lawyers is small and the secret contained. How about the flirtatious judges, who behave like high school jocks, are they any less offensive. At the end it all makes it appear as Millan is a sacrifice to a peace the gods of public opinion. The point is that Millan is not the only one whose transgressions warrant removal from the bench, but it is hypocritical and unfair to go after him with such vengeance while ignoring the conduct of others who do not deserve to serve on the bench.

  12. Hanzman is a good judge. If the Governor doesn’t pick him for elevation - he should just run for election to Circuit Court. He deserves it. He is no nonsense when it comes to DUI.

  13. 1) The comments about Hanzman is ridiculous; he is a Circuit court judge you dummies

    2) Millan was a nice guy, meant well and I do not think that he was racially prejudiced. However, his lack of prudence is a tell-tale sign that he was not qualified to wear the robe. A judge (or any elected official) is on stage 24/7 and should always be on guard.

  14. I too would like to see Jeri Beth Cohen working at Starbucks.

  15. I agree.

    Judge Jeri Beth Cohen is vicious. She says mean things. She is obviously an unhappy person in her personal life and she carries “miserable” to all of us. For God’s sake man. Smile once in a while. Wipe that smirk off your face.

    You were able to survive a scandal laden career. Leave already.

  16. Judge Cohen has saved a lot of lives in Drug Court, by recognizing that the only love that works there is tough love. Her list of successes more than outweighs the bruising. I must confess, though, that the feeling sometimes leaving the courtroom is that warm, post-divorce glow. Joe Klock

  17. The Hanzman fanclub is hilarious. You guys are a bunch of criminal defense lawyers in love with a guy that you don't even appear before. FYI, J.Hanzman is not a county court judge and he is not on the criminal bench. He's a civil circuit judge - and not an especially great one (he's ok. None of these guys/gals is perfect. But he does have one heck of a case of robe-itis).

  18. Why all the Cohen hating? Putting aside that she is one of the very few judges who have made a career out of helping people (ie. your clients) with alcohol, drug, and mental health issues, she's exceptionally nice and caring if you take the time to talk to her off the bench.
    We need more judges like her, not less.

