Monday, June 11, 2018


The President of the United States is in Singapore meeting with the leader of North Korea for the purposes of negotiating relations between the two countries. 

Perhaps this is as good a time as any to review certain matters:


  1. Theme to the 70's classic cult hit Billy Jack. Gotta love it.

  2. Actually, we would be so much better with Obama, whose approach to diplomacy with tough opponents was to bend over. What are you left wing flakes going to do if he resolves the North Korea conflict. Also, I assume that you are happy with unbalanced tariff arrangements. Reading stuff from you makes it easier to understand how Europe slipped so badly.

  3. DeNiro: "Fuck Trump"
    Bee: "His daughter is a cunt"
    Griffin: *beheads POTUS mannequin*
    Maher: "I want a recession so we get rid of Trump"

    Meanwhile, POTUS brings North Korea to the table, maintains a booming economy, eliminates ISIS, and negotiates strong with our biggest partners for a more favorable deal.

    I already like his chances in 2020. Thanks, libs!

  4. Prefer the version by Coven.

  5. Rodman should get consideration for the nobel peace prize.

  6. It is O.K. for liberals to be crass, criminal, and completely inappropriate because they have God (if they believed in him) on their side. I bet they are all hoping that nothing will happen good with North Korea so we can wait for the next Democratic appeaser to be in office.

  7. looks like the Little Rocket Man gave Deranged Donny another good spanking.
