Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Hey Y'all. It's me! MillennialMe. Remember ME? 👸 The Girl who brought Emoji's to the famous Justice Building Blog? 

Here's a history lesson for y'all. Tuesday June 19, is Juneteenth! What is Juneteenth you ask?

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th,  1865  Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. This was two and a half years after   January 1, 1863 when President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was issued.

The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance.

One of General Granger’s first orders of business was to read to the people of Texas, General Order Number 3 which began most significantly with:

"The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and free laborer."

The reactions to this profound news ranged from  shock to  jubilation depending on your view of slavery.

The celebration of June 19th was coined "Juneteenth" and grew with more participation from descendants of slaves over the years. The Juneteenth celebration was a time for reassuring each other, for praying and for gathering remaining family members. Juneteenth continued to be highly revered in Texas, with the descendants of former slaves making an annual pilgrimage back to Galveston on this date.

Certain foods became popular and subsequently synonymous with Juneteenth celebrations such as strawberry soda-pop. More traditional and just as popular was the barbecuing, through which Juneteenth participants could share in the spirit and aromas that their ancestors - the newly emancipated African Americans, would have experienced during their ceremonies. Hence, the barbecue pit is often established as the center of attention at Juneteenth celebrations.

The Civil Rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s yielded both positive and negative results for the Juneteenth celebrations. In 1968, Juneteenth received another strong resurgence through Poor Peoples March to Washington D.C.. Rev. Ralph Abernathy’s call for people of all races, creeds, economic levels and professions to come to Washington to show support for the poor. Many of these attendees returned home and initiated Juneteenth celebrations in areas previously absent of such activity. In fact, two of the largest Juneteenth celebrations founded after this March are now held in Milwaukee and Minneapolis.

Happy Juneteenth!

MillennialMe, cause it's all about....ME!


  1. Glad you introduced yourself. I was able to skip the post by the 5th word.

  2. Blog is either broken or closed for the summer. You write a post. You press send. It disappears.

    Oh well. I guess I just go back to porn and not “yenta it up” about the Justice Building.

  3. Good to see you're still posting. And thanks for the history lesson.

  4. Fix the blog - fix the blog.

  5. I cant really focus on working in REG. In case you did not know this, every single day the government is SEPARATING parents from their children in REG. Right in front of us! Every day!

    Yet we do nothing. The only just solution is for all of us to walk into Pre Trial Detention Center and lock ourselves up as punishment for what we have allowed to happen.

    We like to think Hitler was evil, but we are Nazis. We have been separating children for years. You are Hitler. I am Hitler. Let's report to TGK. To think, this second holocaust is happening where we go to work, every day. Blood on our hands.

  6. Thanks for plagiarizing from other websites.

  7. Is there a way for us to "like" a post? Because I like 8:31:00 AM's post. A lot.

  8. Separating children from parents like whites from yokes is as un-American as waterboarding or is that waterbordering?
    May have its origins in for profit prisons which get paid per person.
    If a migrant show up at the border with a kid, the adult is set free to return to court in a year or two, the kid is retained, traumatised and irreparably damaged suffering separation anxiety and Jeff Sessions gets to babble more nonsense like "That'll teach 'em to illegally cross the border with kids."
    Fact is only 20% are prosecuted and it's a misdemeanor at that, but it comprises 80% of federal prosecutions.
    Habeas Corpus Christi or something like that.
    When Canada legalizes marijuana in a few months the northern border will ne where all the action is, believe me, and the green card will take on a whole new meaning.
    It must be 4:20 somewhere.

  9. Literally, every word of this post is plagiarized without any attribution. Not only is it plagiarized, but it's also lazy plagiarizing ... it all comes from one webpage.


    Millenial, indeed.


  10. Rump - your Bank of America stock alert to buy several years ago in 2010 has gone from 25 to 29.

    Any other stock tips for us market hackers??

  11. The comparison below was created by Copyscape, which checked 431 words of pasted text.

    The page below has 373 words matching 87% of the text, as highlighted by Copyscape:


  12. Why how dare you?
    To make such a scurrilous allegation is offensive beyond words. I am without words.

    But I'll remind you of this- you like what I WROTE so much you kept reading it and googling it. So I'll take it as a compliment. chump.

  13. You’re without words? Find somebody else’s and post those.
    Then, go get your shine box.

  14. Millenial Me said: "I am without words."

    Exactly, and that's why you plagiarized.
