Monday, June 04, 2018





Today, Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of three new Circuit Court judges to replace Judges Bagley, Marin, and Zabel.

JUDGE DAWN DENARO. She has been a member of The Florida Bar for 25 years. She is a former ASA (18 years) and current County Court Judge. She was first appointed by Scott in 2011 to the County Court. She was elected in 2012 without opposition and was up for re-election this year. She again drew no opposition. She fills the vacancy created when Judge Jerald Bagley resigned.

JUDGE ANDREA RICKER WOLFSON. She has been a member of The Florida Bar for 17 years. She is a former ASA (9 years) and current County Court Judge. She was first appointed by Governor Crist in 2010 to the County Court. She was elected in 2012 when she defeated Greer Elaine Wallace. She was up for re-election this year and she drew no opposition. She fills the vacancy created when Judge Antonio Marin resigned.

JUDGE RENATHA FRANCIS. She has been a member of The Florida Bar for 7 years. She previously worked as a staff attorney for the First DCA and then as an associate at Shutts & Bowen. She was first appointed by Governor Scott to the County Court only ten months ago, on August 14, 2017. She has not had to face the voters. She fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Sarah Zabel.  I believe Francis becomes the first Jamaican born Circuit Court Judge in Miami-Dade County and she will be the only black female to currently serve on the County's Circuit Court bench; (with the retirement of Judge Teretha Thomas, County Court Judge Tanya Brinkley becomes the only other black female judge in the County out of 123 judges).

This all means that the JNC will be hard at work over the next couple of months as this now opens up three more seats on the County Court bench.

Interesting side note: There were ten names sent to the Governor by the JNC to replace Judges Bagley and Marin. Those appointments were scheduled to take place this week. Of the seven not selected, all of the names (except one) that were sent up just two weeks ago to replace Judge Zabel were identical to those sent up to replace Bagley and Marin. The one new name sent to Scott: Renatha Francis.

Those who will have to try again include: Judges William Altfield, Alexander Bokor, Tanya Brinkley, and Carlos M. Guzman, and attorneys Ayana N. Harris, Julie Harris Nelson, and Luis Perez-Medina. (Carlos Lopez’ name was also sent up but he won election to the Circuit Court when nobody filed to run against him last month).



  1. Jack Denaro must be proud.

  2. Dawn and Andrea are truly wonderful people. Yea!

  3. Wolfson was appointed in 2010 - she drew a last minute opponent despite a good reputation for a hard working judge - won her 2012 election


  4. Today, Scott also appointed Judge Scott Cupp to the 20th Judicial Circuit bench. Prior to Cupp serving on the County Court bench, he was ..... you guessed it ..... an ASA.

    Cap Out ....

  5. So if good ASAs become judges, where do the good PDs go?

  6. Someone should tell the gov that former public defenders make great judges too. Props to Denaro, though.

  7. What about our Peter Heller as Judge? When?

  8. Who did he appoint to replace Millan?

  9. I was a good ASA
    I worked hard and found my way
    Struggled with the law learned to be mean
    Had to do so to keep up with Gail Levine
    The years took a toll and I need a dollar
    So I thought I'd give the Governor a holler
    He heard my request and gave me the keys
    He said do good but don't call the defendants moolies

  10. While not a huge fan of Governor Scott, he has made great choices in the people selected to fill vacancies in the 11th Judicial Circuit. Whoever has the governors ear on these appointments has done the people of this circuit a great service. Judges Denaro and Wolfson are great judges already and I believe their transition to circuit court will be seamless.

    Theodore G. Mastos

  11. How is Dawn related to Jack? ex-wife, or daughter?

  12. Judge Francis,

    Super right wing conservative. Had all kinds of photos of her and Pence and Trump on facebook.
    7 years a lawyer. No trial experience. Oh boy. So qualified. I am sooooo impressed.

  13. Dawn is Jack's daughter.

  14. The old lion rages sensing his growing irrelevancy.
