Friday, June 22, 2018


He quietly put together a long and distinguished career as one of the best prosecutors and trial lawyers at the Dade State Attorneys Office handling the most serious murder and death penalty cases. He was fair and hard working  concerned about both victims and defendants. Defense attorneys frequently learned too late that  his disarming southern drawl was something jurors loved. 

Today Bill Howell retires and Miami loses yet another experienced prosecutor who served this community for decades and made a difference. 

There is a goodbye party this afternoon at American Social on Brickell. Readers should come by and wish Bill well. He was one of the really good guys and he will be missed. 


  1. A divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday that the federal government generally needs a warrant to access historical cellphone location records, finding that the data deserves more stringent protection than other customer information held by service providers.

  2. What a great guy and pleasure it was to deal with an experienced and honest lawyer like Bill. Never played office politics. Just took on his homicide case load, did he work, was usually successful, mentored young lawyers and basically was exactly the type of Janet Reno prosecutor we need a lot more of. I hope he has a great retirement.

  3. Sorry to see Bill go. Great guy!

  4. A great guy and a hell of a softball player in his day. Good luck Bill!

  5. What an INJUSTICE in the Tomlinson and “the JILLS” trial.

    JUDGE MILTON H. - to take a first offender into custody and make him wait in JAIL for his sentencing is WRONG. You only did that because the “JILLS” husband is ROBERT HERTZBERG, Esq. Your friend for many years. Retribution upon sentencing under these circumstances - on a rinkdink case - is weak Judge. He should have been given bond and let him appeal. This is not a robber. This is not a murderer.

    I’m disappointed in you Uncle Miltie!!! Injustice. You used to fight injustice. Sad.

  6. Bill is a total class act

  7. Bill along with Lenny Glick was the original ASA in State v. Ricky Roberts.
    On December 31, 1984 Judge Harold Solomon sentenced Ricky to death. Ricky became my client in 2010 and for the next six years I litigated the resentencing against Bill. Bill had his view of the evidence, the law, and my client, and I had mine. But I do not remember one cross word between us as we litigated this matter. And as difficult and hard fought as the case was, the one thing I never had to worry about was when Bill told me something. His word was his bond.
    Eventually, with a change in the law, after two tries at jury selection, one trip to the 3rd DCA, countless re-depositions including a trip Bill and I took to Maryland, Ricky received a life sentence. At the sentencing hearing Bill wished Ricky well. He was a gentleman and a fair prosecutor, but never once did I underestimate his considerable abilities in motions or at trial.
    I need to mention one more thing. One of two victims survived in this tragic case. At the time of the incident she was a young teen-ager. Over the years it was clear this tragedy followed her and she has had a difficult life. Bill, within the professional boundaries of his office, befriended her. She had his phone number at work, and used it when problems befell her. Bill always disclosed his help to her to the defense. It is not many prosecutors, much less many lawyers, who befriend a victim and help them for over thirty years. Bills work and dedication on this and other cases should stand out as examples as how a prosecutor should act. I wish him well in a well earned retirement
    Phil Reizenstein

  8. 9:43: The defendant in the Jills case was an extortionist who has been trashing their names ever since his little fraud attempt failed. More importantly, where is it written that a judge has to release someone on bond pending appeal. Would you feel the same way if he were Black? Just like the tears for the border children. Little Black children are separated form their parents every day when their parents are charged with breaking the law and taken into custody. Where are Bill Nelson and Medusa Wasserman Shultz crying over these kids?

    Also, Rumpole, if someone is going to accuse a judge of unethical behavior, you should make him or her identify themselves. Also, you should ask yourself whether you would have printed it if you didn't agree with the person. I think it is outrageous that someone would make that kind of charge against a sitting judge and that you would encourage it.

  9. Bill was truly an honorable prosecutor and a great trial lawyer. They say a high tide rises all boats—something Bill would know about as an avid fisherman—and the same is true for people like Bill. His daily acts of kindness and respect gave all of us attorneys who work in the courthouse a good name.

  10. Congratulations to Bill Howell on his retirement. Bill was always a sincere and humble guy, as well as a darn good prosecutor, and it was a pleasure to serve with him in the SAO back in the '80's. Thanks for fighting the good fight all these years, Bill.

  11. David- now Bill can join the dark side of the force. it's so much more powerful and fun.


  12. Bill Howell is a true mensch. I remember countless nights walking by his office and seeing him console and encouraged younger prosecutors. Big loss for the office.

