Friday, May 11, 2018


He's the James Bond of criminal defense. He (almost) never loses and he never loses his cool. 

But he went on an epic rant here about prosecutorial misconduct in general, and the failure to turn over discovery in particular. And along the way he touches on the trial tax, the incessant requests for pre-trial detention or excessive bonds, and a whole bunch of other problems with the criminal justice system. 

Go read DOM's blog post before he regains control and takes it down. 

Sometimes it's good to lose control. 


  1. This Brady stuff is fascinating, but why was Judge Hanzman NOT at the CABA Marlins game today? The Chief Judge was there. Judge Milton was there. No Hanzman.

    If he wants to go to Federal Court - he must go to these events.

  2. Speaking of epic rants, Hillary Clinton is still “on tour” complaining about her election loss well over a year ago. She is currently in Australia blaming her loss on her looks and that Americans are uneasy with women in power and that her looks may have played a role in her loss.

    I’m guessing failed liberal policies and her lack of trustworthiness played the major role in her loss.

    Considering she should be in prison, I’d expect her to enjoy her vast wealth in her golden years. But I guess she has to write books and continue the post election loss tour indefinitely. Talk about a sore loser. Never seen anything like it in politics.

    Doesn’t she have like dozens of advisors telling her the election is over and she lost. Clearly Americans are sick of her, so she’s taking her circus around the world.

    I hope Ivanka succeeds her father.

    Keep America Great! Enjoy the weekend.

  3. "One major problem is that there is absolutely no deterrence at all, either to prosecutors themselves for the misconduct ...or to the cases when misconduct occurs."

    So says the guy who was defense counsel in the most publicized case of prosecutorial misconduct in SDFLA in recent history....who DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR THE PROSECUTORS TO BE SANCTIONED!

    Lol gotta love the posturing...Oh I'm sorry the 'epic rant.'

  4. Third ruled right down the line with Hanzman on SYG. Constitutional but not retroactive.

  5. Now I am really sad. I went to the FACDL last night.

    Awesome Jusges there to mingle with. I only went there for some “Judge Hanzman” time - but he wasn’t there.

    That is the CABA Marlins game and now FACDL that I bought tickets for and it was a total waste.

    I’m going to the FAWL event, but if you aren’t going Judge Hanzman, please post a “no” on this so called Blog and give me fair notice.

  6. All jokes and condescending comments aside, prosecutorial misconduct that is overlooked and permitted by judges, results in innocent people losing their liberty. And that is foul, vile and rotten.

    1. Judges permit prosecutorial misconduct? If you think they do name one judge from SD FLA who has and provide the cite.

  7. Anyone interested in buying a perfect condition Judge Hanzman 2014 rookie card?

    I’m a seller. How could he not come to the CABA Marlins game? Doesn’t he realize he is up for re-election in 6 years??

    Judge Ted Mastos - you must do an intervention.

  8. the FLORIDA GATORS are #1 in the May 13th college collegiate poll. 5 of the top 11 are out of the SEC. GATORS also won 4 SEC titles last weekend. from 4:06
