Saturday, December 23, 2017


One does not criticize a sitting federal judge without repercussions...even a blogger of world-wide renown.... thus we received this...

Rump, you got your facts wrong. Way wrong. We represented the defendants. Judge Bloom did not express displeasure at the sentence. Judge Bloom did not suggest that it was too lenient. Judge Bloom did not take the plea reluctantly. This was a very difficult case and Judge Bloom was always completely professional, fair, respectful, patient, thoughtful, impartial, cordial and just. Bill Barzee Marc Seitles Sabrina Puglisi

First of all we did not get "our" facts wrong. We posted the summary of emails to us. We are rarely wrong. However, there is another side to this story in particualar and perhaps the Judge in general. 

We decide...(or does someone else already use that?)

Click Here...and we agree with them.

From Occupied America where Truth is more than you make it, Fight The Power. 


  1. Shumie time for the blog?

  2. I think Rumpole should be praised for showing both sides of the issue.

  3. Teacher's pet....and maybe more?

  4. Wimps!

    The judge has been mean-spirited since coming to fed court. She needs to be nicer. Even these lawyers are afraid of her.

    1. Be prepared and you wont be affraid

  5. "The rose" has still given me one of the most unfair trials I ever tried. Thankfully the conviction was overturned on appeal.

  6. Sounds like a little ass kissing by the defendant's counsel.

  7. How about this grievance...being hung out to dry?

  8. Talk about Judge Bloom. Do you know that Judge Hanzman was her law clerk when he graduated UF Law?

  9. Real Fake former jerk, let me be blunt- you're an asshole.

  10. Don’t flatter yourself Rumpy. You reported it and you got the facts wrong. Nobody else but you is to blame for not taking a few extra minutes and emailing the defense attorney’s directly and getting their side of the story. You are always the first one to point out when censoring certain comments how your blog causes whatever is printed on it to become part of a google search forever and that is why you are striving to get it right. So next time get it right. Go the extra email and make an attempt to confirm what you posted.

  11. I keep thinking there is a Christmas party I should be going to. But instead... stayin in and watching the greatest movie in the history of the world: LOVE ACTUALLY!1

    Go to gym. Check.
    Clean Apt. Check.
    Shop. Check.
    Go for a run. Check.
    Make grilled tuna steak and stir fried broccoli and a salad (and if you're not putting shredded mozzarella on your broccoli and salad every night, you're missing one of life's great pleasures).
    Eat dinner.... Read NY Times and Vanity Fair...
    then.... que up movie ....fluff up cat, and then the big decision---take out the Phish Food or the Cookies and Cream, or the Cherry Garcia...or ALL THREE!!!

    Probably going to do the exact same thing tomorrow.

  12. 5:53 harsh dude.
    I can totally see the other side...lawyers complain...rump gets a few emails....responds...checks it out...gets a confirm...runs the story...the lawyers freak...can't have Bloom angry at them...they get together and send R an email and he- being a fair guy- runs it.
    Don't have to be Colombo dude to figure that out.

  13. Is it me. or is MM kinda sexy in a mousy way? Her pic on Twitter doesn't show much...but she's intriguing...

  14. I have been before Judge Bloom many times and have not seen what was complained of, but that does not mean that it didn't happen. If it had been left at that, some good might have come of it. But, the fawning of the defense lawyers is truly disgusting, unnecessary, and highly unprofessional. Judge Bloom can take care of herself. These defense attorneys did the judge and the Court a great disservice and have probably disqualified her from sitting on any cases where they are counsel.

  15. Can’t figure out why Rumpy is upset. He reported a true story... Bloom took defendants into custody even though the parties said to wait until after the holidays. Who does that? Why so mean-spirited? Then the lawyers got nervous when they saw the story in print and wanted to kiss some ass. Very political... can’t upset anyone. Bloom has been bad on the federal bench. Period.

  16. Rumpola: what did you think was gonna happen? You hung the lawyers out to dry by posting. Of course they're gonna deny. Even now they can never appear in front of her again.

  17. 6:31 also known as MM:

    Stop posting comments about yourself everybody who read this comment knows it's FAKE

  18. 8:43 ---Bite me!

    I just love the end of Love Actually...the airport always makes me feel so good and I wanna cry.
    The movie is flat out amazing.

  19. "completely professional, fair, respectful, patient, thoughtful, impartial, cordial and just."

  20. Fake news and millennial me. This blog has officially become a joke. No mas in 2018.

    Started good, became very good, now it’s a supermarket rag.

  21. If you were following me on Twitter @MillennialMe786 you would see this amazing tweet "Is it possible to be hungover from watching #LoveActually?"

    If I'm going to binge watch, do you suggest MASH, Taxi or Breaking Bad? BTW- MASH with Henry Blake is much funnier than MASH with Colonel Potter.

    Has anyone been to City Center Brickell? Restaurants, Movies, shops? I'm definitely hitting the Apple Store thanks to a gift card from the Parents ($$). Anyone want to advise between the IPhone 8 and the X? My 6 is slower than a new judge doing arraignments on a Tuesday after a Monday holiday. Anyone know what's the dope on the Class Actions against Apple?
    I also need an upgrade for the laptop, but I have the series two watch.

    Yes, I've had too much coffee so I'm heading for a run and then will hit City Center. Definitely Lyft- no parking right?

    Few more random but really cool thoughts-
    Boombas socks seems like a scam. Anyone know?
    I think the whole Acai breakfast bowl is also a scam. Tastes way too good to be low cal and healthy.
    I'm looking for nice, tasty wines under $15...I can stretch it to $20 for the right meal and person--- state salary and all keeps my budget tight.

    What's open tomorrow? I'm soooo unprepared for a Monday off with restaurants and shops closed. Like is Starbucks open? I'd pay double for my morning Latte...

  22. No more MM, she's terrible!

  23. Oh, I threaten you 4:05...poor lil guy scared by a girly girl.

  24. Merry Xmas Rumpole. I question: do lawyers in private get their taxes lowered as a pass thru?
