Saturday, December 09, 2017


The Cardona case moved along  this past week, with a read back of the late Dr. Hyma's testimony as the medical examiner on the case. Up Monday: Dr Death herself: Chief ME Emma Lew will also testify. It's worth a look for a young lawyer, so stop on by. The appearance of the ME on the stand often heralds the ending of the prosecution's case. Insiders mumble that the state may rest on Tuesday. The Defense could rest the following day, and uhho....closings Thursday and the much feared "Friday Verdict" that long time and careful readers of the blog know is one of the things Rumpole says the good defense lawyer should avoid at all costs. 

Very quietly Judge Maria Ortiz, a long time fixture of DUIs and other misdemeanors on the Fifth Floor has left the REGJB replaced by veteran Judge Wendell Graham, who - and this is a rough guess, hasn't sat in the REGJB since the turn of the century or so. 

Judge Steven Millan will be a last minute addition to circuit movement, heading to Dependency. 

Judge Milton Hirsch gets a dream assignment, appointed to the Circuit Appellate division as an associate administrative judge along with Judge Monica Gordo.  If you find yourself appealing a county court case, your cites better be right, Blue Book Bristol Fashion, and you'd be wise to bone up on your classics, Shakespeare of course, decisions from the DC Circuit cira 1880's, Disraeli's thoughts on the common law, and of course, the Federalist Papers.  Familiarity with Locke wouldn't hurt either. There's a new sheriff in town and he thrives on brilliant legal obscure thoughts. Have fun. 

From occupied America, where any action on impure thoughts will bite you in your butt (except if you hold the highest office in the land) Fight The Power!


  1. Mark my words Rumpole....Cardona will testify on Monday. Young ASAs should come see a real PRO cross a defendant. Reed Ruben will demolish her. No friday verdict...trial will end Tuesday.

  2. Right now, some poor guy from Hialeah just got arrested for slapping his gf after catching her in pari delicto with his best friend. Little does he know that his case will make it to the appellate division/circuit court, complete with oral argument, and his name will stand beside mention of the Magna Carta and the Treaty of Ghent. And all he wanted was CTS and a WH.

  3. Did any of you see the vehicular homicide sentencing before Judge Cuesta? 17-year old kid. Judge Colodny had promised boot camp. Prosecutor on board. Colodny recused a week before sentencing and Cuesta sentenced him to 4 years in prison. AWFUL AND COWARDLY. Colodny is a coward for recusing. And Cuesta is a coward for sentencing to 4 years. He was 17 years old...

    1. Stop complaining Dom. It was a fair sentence by Cuesta.

    2. So he will get out in 4 years. Don’t drive recklessly.

  4. What is the story behind Milan's sudden departure to juvenile? You just know it has to be juicy

  5. Here are all the judicial rotations:

  6. is she crazy to testify? my prediction is she cries the whole time. the prosecutor who did the opening should cross her, a woman needs to do it. women can see through fake tears. I predict a packed courtroom. what time are they starting?

  7. I can see one might disagree with 4 years prison for a 17 year old, but "awful and cowardly"? And in all caps no less? Gimme a freaking break.

  8. Judge Colodny is a lightweight and having her in Probate is not at all good. Those judges have to be very knowledgeable, possessed of wisdom, and be non-political. She is a terrible choice.

  9. Judge Graham will do a great job. He is a very nice guy and very sensitive to the common man. Very similar to the excellent judge he is replacing.

  10. 4:23 there’s more where that came from with Cuesta. She’s cowardly and has zero perspective unless being a snobby b**** equals perspective. Get ready for some awful rulings from her.

  11. Good riddens Milan. Rumor has it RC made a
    Push to have him leave.

  12. Wait. Judge Gordo is doing appeals?

    Are there two judge Gordos?

  13. 1:47 what has Colodny done that’s political? She’s one of the most fair, knowledgeable, and prepared judges in the bench. Obviously she’s got to get her feet under her in probate having only done criminal but a terrible choice? You must be whining bc she ruled against you at some point.

  14. Judge Cuesta is very thoughtful and considerate on the bench. She makes some decisions that favor the State, and some that favor the defense. Yet 5:34 decides to slam her anonymously, and call her names. That says a lot more about 5:34 than Judge Cuesta. She is a good judge.

  15. They are the appellate division’s administrative judges, you morons. They’re not reviewing every brief or sitting for every argument.
