Monday, November 27, 2017


Today is Cyber Monday. 
And as opposed to Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Something Sunday, that means exactly what? 

Can you buy something today you couldn't yesterday or Saturday or Friday? Is it significantly cheaper? 

Color us uninterested. 

DOM and his federal blog is back, turkey eaten, late night pumpkin pie runs to the fridge over. And he is wondering about who will be our new US attorney as well as a comment on the applications for a whole mess of federal judge spots, and finally some Fourth Amendment analysis on cell phones. 

Why all the fuss about cell phones and privacy? We're sure they're mentioned somewhere in the federalist papers for purposes of original intention analysis. Perhaps it was Federalist 14 where Madison was anonymously texting Jefferson. 

There has got to be some middle ground between rigid originalism and the finding of a right to privacy in the "penumbra" of the Constitution as was done in Griswald v. Connecticut. 

Finding a right in a penumbra is scary and the epitome of liberal-activism. 
Not finding a solution to issues like cell phones and Instagram because they aren't in the original text is equally wrong. 

Oh wait, check out the archives of Ben Franklin's Instagram. Never mind. 

From Occupied America, where the worst of the Trump presidency is his reshaping the judiciary (he has nominated a 36 year old  lawyer who never tried a case to the  federal district court), fight the power. 


  1. All day long All I can think about is Millennial Me.

  2. She never answered the questions from yesterday?

  3. Not me--I cannot stop dreaming about Franken's grinning face and slimy hands caressing my manly chest !!!! DMD

  4. Who are the judges that are up in 2020? I heard there is an effort to recruit candidates to run against some incumbents. Anyone know who did what to whom?

  5. Rumpole,

    Did you know Friday, December 15 marks the elevation of the ethical composition of the Florida Bar?

    Details, details?
