Wednesday, September 06, 2017


Long time Miami lawyer and REGJB regular J.C. Dugue, passed away suddenly on September 5, 2017 of a heart attack. 

Judge Glick wrote this in the comments section:
Just finished a trial with him. A fine lawyer, a true gentleman and always had a smile on his face. RIP.
S. Glick

And we received this wonderful comment as well:
EX Black Jack Dealer said...

This is sad and shocking news. Unfortunately the blog has become an obituary section lately. I first meet JC in early 1994 right after I became an attorney. We both worked at the old HRS ( now Dept of Children & Families) where I first meet him. We remained friends since then. JC has just come over from the SAO in Lee County. He was a good guy and almost always had a good cheerful demeanor who was very funny and almost like the life of the party if you knew him. I just worked a case with him as I brought him into a case with co-defendants. JC was the type of lawyer that was always willing to go the extra mile for his clients and financially speaking took the short end of the stick in terms of being paid for his work on many occasions and did not bitch or complain. He just did his work.

JC loved sports, particularly basketball, and really enjoyed his children. If anyone has any funeral or memorial service info please post it.

To all his friends and family, particularly his children, I send my condolences. Although his life was shorter than it should have been he lived a worthwhile and fulfilling life. RIP my friend.
Wednesday, September 06, 2017 2:40:00 PM

We didn't know Mr. Dugue well, but a quick Google of his name showed a dedicated lawyer with some very nice victories under his belt. 

Please post your remembrances here.


  1. Just finished a trial with him. A fine lawyer, a true gentleman and always had a smile on his face. RIP.
    S. Glick

  2. What terrible news. J.C. was always so nice to deal with - and a really good lawyer. I am so sad for his family.

  3. This is sad and shocking news. Unfortunately the blog has become an obituary section lately. I first meet JC in early 1994 right after I became an attorney. We both worked at the old HRS ( now Dept of Children & Families) where I first meet him. We remained friends since then. JC has just come over from the SAO in Lee County. He was a good guy and almost always had a good cheerful demeanor who was very funny and almost like the life of the party if you knew him. I just worked a case with him as I brought him into a case with co-defendants. JC was the type of lawyer that was always willing to go the extra mile for his clients and financially speaking took the short end of the stick in terms of being paid for his work on many occasions and did not bitch or complain. He just did his work.

    JC loved sports, particularly basketball, and really enjoyed his children. If anyone has any funeral or memorial service info please post it.

    To all his friends and family, particularly his children, I send my condolences. Although his life was shorter than it should have been he lived a worthwhile and fulfilling life. RIP my friend.

  4. So very sad. He had such good energy. He always filled a room that he was in with with warmth. I did not know him well but enough to feel his loss. My heart felt condolences to his children, wife, and family. RIP dear soul.

  5. RIP, JC you were an exemplary colleague and a pleasure to be around

  6. jc was not only my soul brother but a friend and dedicated lawyer he represented the Hialeah boys and Miami lakes teenagers sometimes more often then not for free. his cell phone never stopped ringing day and night he had tireless energy and drive. he was a fearless litigator I will miss his jokes and laughter he truly enjoyed the practice of law and being friendly to all his twin daughters and three sons will greatly miss him I myself will never be able to fill the void he has left god speed and rest my brother love evan crawford

  7. Evan. I feel your pain. I know how much you loved him.

  8. Thank you for posting the news of his death. That is how I found out. I knew him for almost 30 years and will miss him. He always put the interests of his 5 kids first and he was available 24/7 to his clients and would put you on hold to take a call from a client or potential case. He loved to laugh and talk basketball and current events. Rest in peace my friend.

  9. JC was an amazing person and always had a smile on his face. He will be missed! RIP JC!

  10. The world and specifically the South Florida Community has suffered a great loss. I feel so sad that we hadn't seen each other in years but there was no conversation that didn't involve his passions which were his kids and his clients with a few jokes thrown in. When I suffered a great loss myself he gave me words of comfort so my prayer is for his children and family that God will give them the peace that passes all understanding.

  11. Just heard the news. Very sad. J.C. was a very good attorney and an even better person.

  12. Just learned of this news a few minutes ago. I went to law school with J.C. 30 years ago. I was delighted when I realized that we both ended up in Miami doing criminal law. I called him earlier this morning to refer a client and knew something was up because his voice wasn't on the voicemail greeting and he didn't call me back. Now I know why. Heartbroken.

    1. I was an attorney with JC at AHCA in the day. Dedicated to our craft and a better person. Learned the bad news scanning the Bar News hoping not to know anyone. RIP friend.

  13. JC was truly a great person and will be greatly missed. He always gave people the benefit of the doubt and fought for was was right. Above all he put his children at the top of his list. I will miss our talks. May your family find the strength to always remember the smiles your brought. Rest in peace brother.

  14. An amazing attorney, he did his job out of heart. I had him fight and win my baby fathers case and he never lost a trial, he came out of his way and dealt with my case for my daughter with Children and family and won my case!!!! I think about him all the time when I hug my daughter he changed my life for the better and gave me advice like a father. Never cared about the money only to change lives and fight. May god have him in his glory. You were truly the definition of a real man
