Thursday, September 28, 2017


When embattled FORMER Miami-Beach Commissioner, and FORMER ASA, and putative REGJB irregular, Michael Grieco held a press conference and resigned his commission seat, he stationed a police officer in front of him, ostensibly to keep the press away. 

We would say this is Nixonian, except Nixon plotted against the press and other enemies in secret. It's actually a page from the current POTUS playbook, who used security thugs during the campaign to evict protesters from his rallies. 

Having resigned to spend more time on his health, family, and law practice, Grieco exited stage left. 

Of course, one could speculate that a deal with the SAO to wrap up their investigation would have included a requirement that he immediately resign from his office of public trust. 

But that is just speculation. 

For now. 

Politics is a nasty business. A pool full of sharks trying to rip your flesh from your bones- and those are your friends. 

From Occupied America, where deeper scandals pertaining to higher officials than Miami Beach City Commissioners lurk, Fight the Power!


  1. I find it absurd that the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office is investigating this case. KFR loved Greico. She gave him all those media cases that got him in trouble because he couldn't stop bragging about being "prosecutor to the stars". She had no problem with him being DJ Esquire. She (and he, I think) saw him going far in that office. She only forced him to resign when the national media picked up on the story because they were covering Sean Taylor prosecution and the heat was too high on KFR so he had to go.

    Her office handling the investigation of a former rock star seems like as clear a conflict of interest as you can get.

    And if the under the table deal was "resign from running for reelection and we'll give you a slap on the wrist" that stinks.

  2. I told him not to resign. I said "when Patton was at Valley Forge fighting the Germans and the Russians did he quit? NO, and you shouldn't either!"
    But the little gonif didn't listen to me.

  3. Anyone else getting hourly phone calls from Barzee's campaign demanding money? I've had bill collectors that were less aggressive. Geeze louise.

  4. Love the gonif comment.

  5. www.gofundme/griecodefense/

  6. It's goniff you goys.

  7. I know we are banned from making sexist comments, so may I just say the PD in Broward who is half Native American, half Pacific Islander and is 6 feet tall with long jet black hair to her waist and the most beautiful almond eyes and lightly tanned skin....I can't stop thinking about you. Please respond on this blog if you read it. You're amazing....

  8. Real Fake SIR KENNETH WEISMANThursday, September 28, 2017 8:49:00 PM

    Hey what’s the deal with this FAKAKTA meat slicing machine I bought at Epicure’s going out of business auction.

    I tried putting some prize Black Truffles from Alba, Italy on there to sprinkle on my
    Spaghetti - O’s at home, and it made them into dust! Not right.

    I still have the receipt. I’ll get Mouse the former Judge to handle the return with the Thaw family and Jerry’s Deli.

  9. 8:26 - yes ME! I got some call from some guy who sounded like he just got pulled off a used car lot wanting to know why I haven't maxed out my contribution. And then two follow-up calls. It's very annoying and they get past by secretary by saying it's a personal federal matter that can only be discussed by law with me.

  10. Rump on the NFL line blog told everyone to take the Pack -5 for the first Quarter and -8 for the first half. Pack up 14--0 first half.

  11. Hey Head Over Heels, here's one for ya, Patti Labelle and Lady Marmalade coming at ya on rollin with the oldies on WIOD!

    Hey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go Sister
    Hey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go Sister

    He met Marmalade down in old New Orleans
    Struttin' her stuff on the street
    She said 'Hello,
    Hey Joe, you wanna give it a go? Mmm, mmm

    Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da
    Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya here
    Mocha-choca-lata Ya Ya
    Creole Lady Marmalade

  12. 7:57 (aka Grieco): KFR never really liked you. She tolerated you, like one tolerates relatively harmless fruit flies buzzing around. However, eventually the fruit fly annoys you to the point that you just smack it out of existence. That fruit fly, Grieco, is you. You think you are so smart and important, but you are just a sniveling self-entitled little jerk. SMACK. Now you don't exist.

  13. Pretty fascinating that a criminal defense blog and its readers automatically assume that based upon a herald article somebody did something.

  14. I need an attorney in Buford, Wyoming. Population One. Can you help me out "Ray". I'm sure you know the best guy there and will cc on this email.

  15. Since when do police get used to keep reporters from approaching a stupid city commissioner.

    He should have resigned right there and then.

  16. Has anyone seen this travesty about Miami's ersatz "Barbie" lawyers?

  17. Shame because he was the best on the issues. Anti-Naled spraying. Anti-floatopia. Anti-Urban Beach Weekend. Open to Med Marijuana. Great on the public schools.

    Had he ran clean, he would have likely won and been a great mayor.

  18. Gregg Toung has passed away. Most PD's and ex-PD's in the last 15 to 20 years were trained at some point by Gregg. He was a classy, warm, genuine person and loved a good fight as a lawyer. The entire Miami Public Defender community is heartbroken by this news. He handled the hardest cases (Jimmy Ryce and Death Penalty) yet always maintained his gentlemanly demeanor. I really do not know anyone who has anything bad to say about Gregg. He will be truly missed.

  19. The "Barbie lawyers" are ridiculous. Can't believe anyone would actually trust them to Represent them in a real case. Plus they look like trannies

  20. Interesting how Barbie comment falls under this post; both involve shameless promotions. However, Sara has ethics, Mike's conduct over the years may say otherwise. If the Barbie thing works for them, and they get clients that accept that, then as much as I think it's silly and overly superficial, more power to them,

  21. Can someone write more info or email me about Gregg. I didn't know him but I'd like to do a post.

  22. I will miss Gregg. We tried many Ryce cases against each other, took many depo trips and had tons of laughs. Gregg fought hard for his clients. He was a terrific lawyer but an even better person. His word was his bond. May his memory be a blessing
    My most sincere condolences to his family.

  23. I will miss Gregg. He and I tried many Ryce cases against each other, took may depo trips and had tons of laughs. Gregg was a terrific lawyer but an even better person. His word was his bond.
    May his memory be a blessing. My most sincere condolences to his family.
    Audrey Frank-Aponte

  24. Gregg was my training atty when I started in the public defenders office. What a decent and caring man. May he Rest In Peace. Please post funeral details as I would like to pay my respects.

    Mike was a problem as a state atty and I think Gregg would agree. I remember how he handled the sean Taylor case (rip st). I thought he ruined his career with his Facebook self promotion and his offer of 21 months in prison to young Sean Taylor. Sharpie then proceeded to kick the living shit out of him and Kathy swatted him of the case. Not unlike a fruit fly, I might add.

    Victory has 100 fathers and defeat in an orphan. Mike you will rebound from this a more humble and better person. But as sharpie told you, if you wanna run with the big dogs you gotta wise up. Otherwise stay on the porch.

  25. So sorry to hear about Greg Toung. He was a pleasant and kind person who was so nice to me.

  26. Oh what terrible news. Greg was a true gentleman, and an excellent lawyer. I am so sad for his family and friends. What a terrible loss, he was so young. He really was just a great guy.

  27. What is “FAKAKTA”???

  28. lol just watched the "barbie lawyers" video on youtube. More power to them. Not sure a sitting judge or an ASA should be featured in what amounts to a commercial tho.

  29. I like Sarah, she's a good lawyer, but this is a bizarre schtick. I don't care how well educated or how hard you work, how can you put your life in someone's hands who dresses and acts like that in a court of law. I know it's tough getting paying clients but there has got to be a better way

  30. Fakakta is a signature dish at The REN, a venue. If you want to taste it, you'd better hurry because there is a limited run for it and The REN, a venue will call the Shumie on it on October 31st.

  31. Re: The Barbie Lawyers. Really, are you kidding me?! That is what the practice of law has become?! What ever happened to hard work and creativity? Now it's "wear pink and go shopping?" We are truly fucked as a profession. This is yet another example of too many mediocre individuals going to too many mediocre law schools and trying to Kardasian themselves to fame. Ew!

  32. What a contrast: the Barbie lawyers, narcissistic little tramps stomping around in high heels with nappy hair, and Mike Grieco, another spoiled little self-entitled brat with no soul (oh wait he told us to look into his soul while he lied to the Herald about his involvement in a scam-infested PAC) VS Gregg, who was a dedicated public servant who put his client's needs ahead of his own. Gregg, who was honest and true and a gentleman.
    Gregg, who never craved attention, who only wanted to do the right thing.

    Gregg is so far beyond those petty little jerks. What a shame that we lost him. RIP Gregg.

  33. Grieco is full of crap and all his people are the same. A crooked attorney with shady intentions. He resigned most likely because he made a deal. Hope he loses his license next.

  34. Shulevitz a Barbie? Oy vez!
