Monday, September 25, 2017


Former ASA, REGJB irregular Michael Grieco has formerly ended his re-election bid as a City Of Miami Beach (Motto: "Soon to be underwater and loving it.") Commissioner. 

With confirmed State and possible federal investigations swirling around the beleaguered pol, what do you make of this development? 

There are several different ways to view this. But far be it from us to engage in unwarranted speculation.

In 1972, Senator George McGovern, having locked up the Democratic nomination, was looking for a VP candidate. Nixon, appearing unbeatable, frightened most of the top politicians away. Kennedy said no. So did Senators Humphrey, Muskie, and our fav- Birch Bayh. Bahstahn Mayor Kevin White accepted, but Ken Galbraith kaboshed it, threatening to walk the entire Massachusetts delegation out of the convention if that occurred.  

Finally George M settled on Missouri Senator Thomas Francis Eagleton. Who was a good pick EXCEPT....for his treatments and hospitalizations for chronic depression by psychiatrists- which at the time was akin to being a closet communist/transgender devil worshipping porn lover- politically speaking. Of course today, pretty much every chambers at the REGB has a bottle of Wellbutrin or the like tucked away in it. 

Having named Eagleton, McGovern had to stand by him, until Eagleton withdrew and Sergeant Shriver tried to bring a little Camelot to the campaign. 

Our point being, (and we have gotten a little lost here) is that people withdraw from political races for a whole host of reasons- from infidelity (Gary Hart in 1988 - who BTW was McGovern's campaign manager in 1972), to health (Eagleton), to pending criminal investigation, to just being an obnoxious jerk who tweets x-rated pictures to underage girls(Anthony Weiner who Monday was sentenced to 21 months in prison). 

From Occupied America, fight the power and remember- not only commissioners can resign from public office. Presidents can too. 

Coming Next: The Conscience of a Conservative. 


  1. The reason why this blog is the best around- anywhere- is because only Rumpole can take Grieco resigning from the Beach commissioner's race and make my good friend and colleague Tom Eagleton relevant.

    Keep it up old chap.
    Nicely done.

  2. Grieco has the looks and charisma of Kennedy but the morals and scruples of Nixon.

  3. Nice piece and thanks for remembering Kevin White (RIP) who would become a battle scarred mayor from the busing wars. You are wrong about Galbraith. He was a high falutin intellectual who went out of his way to confirm every conservative's stereotype of a Harvard professor. That he could have controlled he Mass delegation in 1972 is laudable. That assembly was a collection of Billy Bulger cronies whose oath of office could be summed up in five words: "What's In It For Me?" My recollection is that Galbraith phoned McGovern and told him that the Mass delegation would never accept White. Something to the effect that he was simply too honest. And the rest is history.

  4. Six months ago Grieco had a realistic chance at the top spot, but he just couldn't help his shady ways. Whether it was leaving the SAO in disgrace after advertising his position on the Sean Taylor murder prosecution, the shameless self promotion packets he got called out for sending all over town to get on TV, or pretending to be part of Bieber's DUI defense team on TV, the guy was just all about the limelight and being unprofessional. Now he can't even be a commissioner anymore. I'd say it's sad if it wasn't so predictable based upon his past.

  5. Anyone know who DJ Esquire is hiring for the soon to be filed criminal charges?

  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, the next governor of the state of Florida.....

    MICHAEL Z GRIECO, DJ ESQ!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I can't disagree with you 4:47. The popular story is that Gabraith told McGovern he would get the entire Mass delegation to walk. But I cannot discount your recitation of events. The fact is that Galbraith stopped McGovern from picking White- not that it would have changed one electoral vote.

  8. Has RUMPOLE given up on the football survivor pool? Too political?

    Sad. End of tradition?

  9. What's the saying " a tiger can't change it's stripes"?

  10. "Richard Grieco you see right through me." Night at the Roxbury.


    It's getting very ugly for Grieco
