Tuesday, April 11, 2017


H/T to social media, a long time reader who tweeted and wondered about how Judge Merrick Garland felt yesterday, the first day of Passover, for being "Passed-over" as Judge Neil Gorsuch was sworn in as the 113th associate Justice of the Supreme Court. 

Both Judges would/will make very good justices. Both have the right-stuff. And yet, in this era of hyper-politics, each judge was opposed by a unified majority of the other party. 

This reminds us of the time we had a client who was out on bond and was having a crises and his bondsman picked him up and alerted us and we appeared in court the following day to voluntarily surrender our client to jail. And the prosecutor automatically objected. The judge smiled and let out a small laugh and pointed out the absurdity of the prosecutor's response: "Just because the defense wants something, you're automatically objecting? Even when it's surrendering his client to jail?" 

Passover is the story of liberation. But it is much more than "Let my people go." It's a story of faith and new beginnings for a people that would wander for 40 years before finding a firmament and a homeland. It's a story about a leader that was never allowed to see the land of his people that he had led them out of bondage to. 

There is a much publicized right-wing-apocalyptic book that posits that history moves in 80 year cycles. Presidential advisor and certified nut Steve Bannon keeps a well thumbed copy of "The Fourth Turning" on his desk. While the book itself is hyper-fear nonsense, there is an argument to be made that nothing is guaranteed in terms of world leadership and success. Each generation- each four year iteration of American political leaders- must pick up the mantle of past success. The accomplishments of Lincoln and Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt and Eisenhower and Reagan and Clinton and Obama await the next leader who can move the ball forward or suffer the consequences. Said another way- the world is a dangerous place and will not let America rest on its laurels. 

This is the season we celebrate the freedom of refugees from Egypt in biblical times- while we actively close our borders to families being gassed because they are Syrians. 

This is the time for leaders like Dr. King to emerge- who have dreams and may not make it with us to the promised land, but will guide us to safety and sanity. 

We can't even agree on the appointment of high-quality judges merely because the "other side" nominated them. 

This is the time to worry that the United States will be passed-over.
Because the fault dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves. 

Pass the Matzo and gefilte-fish please with some horseradish (red only, of course).  

From Occupied America, Fight the Power!

Coming tomorrow: United We Fly!


  1. "The accomplishments of Lincoln and Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt and Eisenhower and Reagan and Clinton and Obama..."

    Partisanship aside, what on earth did Clinton and Obama accomplish that is at all relative to what was accomplished by the other men in that list? Even Reagan is a stretch, but the Soviet Union fell in part due to him, so perhaps he belongs near the end of he sentence. But Bill Clinton? Balancing a budget in peacetime and with no cold war? Good job, Bill, but hardly the stuff of an historical presidency. And Obama? His lasting legacy will merely be the historical importance of his skin color. Maybe that and transexual bathrooms. His political legacy is disaster -- he oversaw the loss of the House, then the Senate, then the White House, and the Supreme Court along with it. At the end of his 8 years, the opposition party also controlled a majority of governorships and state legislatures. Obama was a disaster for the Democrat Party.

    Obamacare, his only chance at achieving something historic, is roundly despised (even if slightly less than Ryancare), and will likely implode and cause havoc as baby boomers get sicker and sicker.

    The left is so blindly partisan it is no wonder it fails to achieve any electoral victories. It was eye-opening to see Trump supporters so critical of him for the Syrian bombings. Can you imagine Obama feeling any heat from his own party for anything at all?

    No, let us sing the praises of great men like Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama.

  2. I was in Judge Hanzman's court today. The female prosecutor objected to everything even when it was stupid to object. What a jerk!

  3. Listening to POTUS on Serius radio today and T Rump's administration proposes Deconstruction of the Administrative State. Right out of Bannon's book. There is an argument though. Every enterprise can be run more efficiently, and that especially includes government. Just don't through the baby out with the bath water. ie. Science research. EPA. Certain banking regulations, etc.





    Last evening, Governor Scott appointed Dimitris to the open Circuit Court seat that was vacated by Judge Victoria Brennan.

    Dimitris, 46 years old, has been a County Court Judge since 2013. Before that he worked as an AUSA, Assistant Statewide Prosecutor, and ASA.

    Dimitris beat out five other finalists: Ayana N. Harris, Joseph J. Mansfield,
    Judge Spencer J. Multack, Judge Lourdes Simon, and
    Judge Andrea Ricker-Wolfson.

    This means the Governor will now be able to appoint another new County Court Judge to replace Dimitris.

    CAP OUT .....

  5. Happy early Good Friday and Easter.

