Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Lunch...AND Learn?! What a novel concept!
Today, at noon, at our humble courthouse, the master of voir dire, Gene Zenobi will be reprising his lecture on the subject.  This is one you don't want to miss. 

Jury selection is by far the most important part of the case. Imagine trying to get Republicans to vote to raise taxes, or Democrats to vote to repeal Obama-care. Our point is that your audience matters. It is crucial that you get jurors who will have the ability and inclination to vote for your case. This is something most lawyers never understand. 

One final point-although we could expound on this subject for hours.  We see very few lawyers who can conduct a proper voir dire. And the biggest mistake we see is that lawyers somehow believe- and this is probably because fools at the SAO and PDs office have trained them to believe this- that the purpose of jury selection is to educate the jury about your case. 


The purpose of voir dire is to find out what individual jurors believe so you can determine if the juror has the ability to build a coalition with other like-minded jurors to vote for your case. 

Ever see a lawyer interrupt a juror who is speaking? This is what we are talking about. That's a lawyer who doesn't understand what jury selection is all about. 

Don't believe this? 

Come watch Mr. Zenobi speak today. 

From Occupied America, where the US is being asked to pay for the wall, Fight the liar Power. 


  1. Thanks for enlightening me about jury selection. I had no idea. You must be, like, super smart.

  2. Superman? Nah...although some beaten prosecutors have been known to ask "who was that masked man" as I walked out with another NG they never saw coming.
    I'd prefer to say "super-lawyer". Yeah...that has a nice ring to it.

  3. BTW- no problem enlightening you. It's all part of the free service we provide here. Read the blog regularly and some day you too can be winning cases and commanding big fees.

  4. Obi wan zenobi is the master.
