Friday, September 16, 2016


Update: Several people think the doors were installed to stop fleeing prisoners. But this doesn't make sense. If a prisoner is fleeing and running down the escalators, then the doors are not in his or her way as they perambulate to the first floor. Which reminds us of a story about a fleeing prisoner, Judge Sepe and Kiko Sarasua and a perfectly thrown punch. Next time you see Kiko, as him about it. 

The Richard E Gerstein Justice Building. An enigma. A riddle wrapped in a mystery. There are hidden courtrooms. A third and fifth floors with original and bizarre courtroom architecture that differs from floors two and four.

If the REGJB was a woman, she would be Ilsa- Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. Who does she really love, Rick or her husband the resistance war hero Victor Lazlo?

And now the mystery of the second floor doors.
 Why are they there? Why are they always closed? Why aren't the doors to the escalators to the other floors also closed?

There are key holes in remote areas of walls in our aged courthouse. There are secret bathrooms, oddly shaped rooms, and hallways that have desks that haven't been used in thirty years.

And now we have the mystery of the doors.

As to the title? The doors- Jim Morrison. "Come on Baby Light My Fire". The Doors. Morrison was prosecuted in the REGJB by the eponymous original State Attorney Richard E Gerstein.
See? It all fits if you are over fifty.

Have a good football "fall" weekend.


  1. It's actually a germ infested dump

  2. They close the doors as a preventative measure in case an inmate escapes they have more time to figure that out. To prevent a Broward situation. I am sure that measure took hours of planning on the part of our county. So stupid.

  3. When listing REG building oddities, don't forget the electrical outlets in the courtroom ceilings.

  4. Can someone tell me where theres a secret bathroom? I'm always dumping on the 8th floor...

  5. The only original courtrooms were on 4 (circuit) and 2 (county and traffic). Every other courtroom space was retrofit later. As county office space gave way to retrofit courtrooms, they built the odd configurations that exist now. It looks like the doors were installed on 2 as a last blockade for fleeing prisoners -- they are probably designed to lock electronically by courtroom staff as the prisoner runs from any courtroom on 2 or above. Are these the best mysteries you have? By the way, there are two sets of bathrooms on each of the original courtroom floors because the courthouse was designed before the Civil Rights Act -- segregated bathrooms, that eventually were re-purposed for disabled.



    The following names have been forwarded to Gov. Scott for consideration to replace Renee Goldenberg and Dale Ross on the circuit court bench:

    Daniel Casey, Tom Coleman, Martin Fein, Phoebee Francois, Keathan Frink, John Fry, Stephanie Moon, Michele Ricca, Andrew Salvage, Max Soren, Claudette Vanni, Michelle Zeiger.

    What I find most amazing about the list is that there is only one County Court Judge (John Fry) on the list. Unlike Dade, rarely does the list of applicants for a Circuit Court opening include more than one or two County Court Judges.

    Cap Out .....

  7. The 6th floor use to be the SAO. The PD was on the 5th floor. The clerk on 7.

  8. Those are fire doors that have been installed thereforthe longest time. You rarely noticed them because normally, they are held open but when there is a fire alarm, they are released to close automatically.. The ones in on the second floor are the only ones that are not currently being held open.

  9. No 4:36 pm, the State was on 6 and 9. PD on 8, Clerk on 7, 5 was for bond hearings and county court (along with 1st floor) and felonies were on 2. 3 and 4.

  10. Anyone else hear that Bloch is applying for Blake's seat? Really?!?!?

  11. 9:18 pm. We are both right. Originally the PD was on 5. Then after expansion they went to 8. The 2nd floor was also used for the Preliminary hearing that use to be held, with Winton, Hickey and The Tanker.

  12. I loved the "BatCave" on the 5th floor where Dibitsky use to preside. A/K/A Count Dracula.

  13. Actually, in the 60s, when Sky Smith and I were in the SAO, we shared the 6th floor with the Clerk's office. The PD was on the 5th floor, behind the elevators, sharing the floor with the Tax Assessor.
    AG and the 3rd DCA shared the 4th floor of what is now the SAO's building.
    and, it was a nice building.

  14. What about the bullet proof courtroom?

  15. So a guy named Mohammed attacks a bunch of people in the Minnesota mall, halillimg Allah. Another example of the religion of peace, at least this Mohammed didn't know how to use explosives. Fucking idiot
