Monday, September 19, 2016


Breaking!! Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. !!! (as per TMZ ). While no one should ever celebrate a divorce, and we don't, we sense a slight opening...maybe a few months when she's ready to date again... 

Wanna get an a-form mailed to you? Scroll down and find out how. 
The FACDLers have been busy bees lately. 
They recently received some shocking news: there is gambling going on in this establishment. 

No, really. Word has slowly filtered back to FACDL that lawyers were being forced to wait to see clients at Metro West because a few of the interview rooms were closed. One was closed because a paper-clip was found unaccounted for, on the floor, and a team was pondering the way to remove it safely. A second room suffered from some water being spilled from a paper cup, and the crack staff at Metro West was awaiting the arrival of the team from FEMA.

 The FACDL-Miami liaison committee met with corrections today to discuss the issues of extended wait times and client access. Please see the update below.
 Our liaison committee recently met with the Department of Corrections.  Many of you have asked about the delays our members have been experiencing when attempting to visit their clients at Metro West due to the closure of certain visitation areas.  We confirmed that this should no longer occur after the end of September.  The fourth visitation room, which had been closed for a period of time, has been re-opened and is in use now.  The larger contact room, which is undergoing repairs due to ceiling leaks and floor tiles being replaced, is expected to re-open by September 30th.
 Michelle Estlund heads up this committee and she will be providing an update as to the issues of getting our non-attorney professionals admitted more easily into all of the county jails sometime next week.
Brian Kirlew, Esq.

And if that wasn't bad enough to age our long suffering president, he received a classified briefing on delays at the clerk's office that was down-right terrifying: (keep reading for the a-form email info)

 As many of you are well aware, the delays on the 9th floor during peak morning hours is unbearable. It’s taking up to a half hour or more at times to get certified copies or to view documents in the court file. In an effort to relieve the delays, FACDL-Miami, along with the DCBA Criminal Courts Committee, has been in contact with the Clerk’s office to see if something could be done to relieve the backlog on the 9th floor attorneys window. In June, two deputy clerks were let go for budgetary reasons. That directly affected the staffing of the attorneys window. Both of those clerks will be brought back effective October 3rd.
 Also effective October 3rd, in addition to any requests to view files, you may also email requests for A-Forms to The A-Forms will be emailed back to you directly and the files will be waiting at the Attorneys service area. Files that are in court or at the record center may take one to two days to be retrieved.  

The email feature is intended to reduce delays for the attorney requesting the A-Form or file, and the attorneys waiting in line for other matters. It will only work if the defense bar actually utilizes the service. So instead of waiting in line for an A-Form or to get copies from the court file, send an email to instead.

A big thank you to Jude Faccidomo and Jonathan Meltz for their efforts on this issue.
 Brian Kirlew, Esq

A forms by email?? What will they think of next? Wi-fi in the REGJB? We can dream, can't we? 

See you in court with stacks of a-forms being emailed just for fun. 


  1. New PD here Rumpole. People say you are single. Is that true?


  2. Check out the "Re-Gen" kiosk at Dolphin home opener. Chef Jules will be there making all his amazing dishes (get the banh-mi roasted pork belly) and there will be info on the new location for "Re-Gen" a/k/a THE REN 2- a venue and more...

  3. Pork belly is so tasty in so many dishes, but it's just too fatty when you chew it.

  4. SIR KENNY is getting ready for October 15th and his 23rd season as the Maitre'd at JOE'S.

    Congratulations my man. You've done good.

  5. Rump, please tell me you arent allowing more ren posts. Oy vey.

  6. Amazing how the liberal media still isn't reporting on how Hilary's IT guy was seeking advice on how to circumvent the law, but all other media outlets are. He will be indicted. Hopefully he won't be found in a ditch after an "accidental car accident". Cnn is her 6th biggest financial contributor. Another example of the liberal Clinton machine. This will sway millions of voters to make America great again. Good riddance, Shillary

  7. And thx to the 2nd amendment for saving lives in Minneapolis, St Cloud

  8. I requested an a form at 1: 45 pm. As of 6:00 pm, no a form.

  9. Oh crap! Not having to wait in line to get an A-Form? Isn't that gonna affect hourly billing? Sush! Don't tell your clients...what they don't know...

  10. If I read one more online food description using the words savory and yummy, I am going to barf.

  11. 1:45 P.M. I am sure that the Clerk's office did not want to have a shocking break with traditional delays.

  12. 8:13, don't you like savory and yummy food? Or are you Angry Gurl?

  13. Still waiting for a form... now been 24 hours....

  14. Didn't the post say the email program starts on 10/3? What do you need with an A Form if you can't read?

  15. 1:53, are your an idiot? Did you read the post? Effective October 3rd.

  16. Stan Blake gave us wifi when he was administrative judge, at the request of the FACDL-Miami. We asked for a hot spot in the cafeteria and he said "why not the whole building?" And thus it was done ... Thank you, Stan!
