Tuesday, August 02, 2016


Fresh on the heels of learning that judicial candidate Marcia Del Rey owns, through her family "sex themed hotels" where there is sex, prostitution and perhaps human trafficking, comes news that Del Rey has been falsely telling people that she was an Assistant State Attorney when in fact she was an intern in the DV division for a month, whereupon she resigned- AFTER BEING FIRED FOR NOT SHOWING UP- one month after starting. 

The Herald and Ovalle have the disgusting facts here.

And her resignation was classic:

“Had I been informed by the state of the fact that being an assistant state attorney required working every evening until 11 p.m. and every weekend, all day long Saturday and Sunday, I would not have committed to the position,” she wrote

Ahh, the truth will always out. 

Poorecito. No wonder she wants to be a judge. Prosecutors' hours are not for her. But two hour lunches and afternoons off with benes and a retirement package sounds just about right. 

Her candidacy is an insult to every prosecutor and PD working long hours for no thanks and little pay. 

And we call upon the Bar to discipline Del Rey for lying about being a prosecutor. It's akin to lying about being a wounded war veteran. And it's an insult to every hard working prosecutor who didn't quit under the strain of long hours and hard work.

Del Rey couldn't hack it for one month as an intern? She can't hold the robes of Rodney Smith who came  from the inner city of Miami and worked those same hours as a prosecutor before becoming a judge  AND had to ride the bus to work because he couldn't afford a car after getting out of law school. 

This woman's life story is an insult to the bench and public service and her quitting after one month at the SAO because she was "tricked" into working long hours is an insult and outrage to every hardworking prosecutor, PD, and yes, even judges. 

See you in court where we can tell you we would not stand up in the unfortunate eventuality of her becoming a judge. 

Read more her

Poorecito. No wonder she wants to be a judge. Prosecutors' hours are not for her. But two hour lunches and afternoons off with benes and a retirement package sounds just about right. 

Her candidacy is an insult to every prosecutor and PD working long hours for noe: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/election/article93266417.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Jason is a good guy and was always a fair prosecutor with me. he also rides a long board so how bad could he be? Anyone who likes to surf or rides a long board is usually cool.... This woman he is running against is backed by a bully. and if her business contributes to little girls getting sodomized by bullies i say vote for the surfer every time.

  2. Jason was a fair prosecutor? Really? When did he work as a prosecutor?

  3. Wish the Herald would dig into Bloch's history.

  4. Can't blame her. I wouldn't work every day til 11pm and all weekend for any amount of money. I work to make a comfortable living, not have zero life. When are you supposed to grocery shop? Go to dry cleaners? Dive in the keys? If I'm working 80 hours I want a solid 100k plus and room to advance

  5. Everyone knows Jason was a pro surfer. He has my vote also.




    I first reported on this race on May 8, 2015. That's right May of 2015, not 2016.


    In that post on this Blog, I stated:

    "Today, newly appointed Circuit Court Judge Jason Bloch woke up to reality. After Judge Darrin Gayles ascended to the Federal bench last year, Governor Scott appointed Bloch to replace Gayles in November of 2014. Enter Marcia Del Rey. Ms. Del Rey has been a member of The Florida Bar for nine years. She has a family law practice. If you Google her, you may recall seeing her rather large billboard promoting her law office. If you Google her, you also may not hire her. From reading many of the comments posted from Avvo, or Yahoo, or City Search, etc., it appears Ms. Del Rey has made a few enemies of her former clients."

    I have also been sent emails about the connection of Ms. Del Rey and her family to the "sex themed" motels. As Rumpole knows, I emailed him privately in May of 2016 about a possible story I was considering after I had done a background on the financial affidavits of both Bloch and Del Rey. I had read about the net worth of both candidates.

    I chose not to run the financial story. After reading the Skelany Blog, and Rumpole's cite to it, I still don't believe it should have been posted on this Blog. There is just too much speculation and too much of a stretch to connect Marcia Del Rey to any criminal activity.

    Just look at the comments in the last post. You have a few jokers commenting on the fact that Marcia's cousin was arrested for Vehicular homicide and RD. More guilt by association - please.

    If you are going to post comments and posts about a candidate and throw mud at them, at least make sure it has a connection to them as a lawyer or a judge and their performance at those two jobs.

    When I posted in 2015 and suggested our readers check out the client reviews of Ms. Del Rey, it was because I felt that those issues were quite relevant in deciding whether you would vote for Del Rey over Bloch.

    The latest issue to come up is the one authored by Herald scribe David O'Valle about Ms. Del Rey stating that she was an ASA. That is a story that absolutely should be brought to light.

    And in furtherance of what O'Valle said in his article and what Rumpole said in his post, let me refer you to Del Rey's web site:

    http://votemarciadelrey.com/about-marcia/ where she states in part:

    "Immediately upon graduating from FIU Law, Marcia worked as an Assistant State Attorney for the Domestic Violence Unit of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida before opening her own Family Law Offices".

    According to The Florida Bar, Ms. Del Rey was sworn in as an attorney on November 1, 2005. She resigned from the SAO on September 21, 2005.

    I am quite unclear how she can claim to have been an ASA - at best she might have been a CLI - more likely she was an Intern. I don't believe you can claim to be an ASA before you have even been sworn in as a lawyer. Maybe someone with a higher pay grade than I can clear this up.

    It is public record, as part of their financial disclosure forms, what the net worth is of a candidate/judge.

    Candidate Del Rey states that her net worth is $5,851,728 including the aforementioned stakes in the family motel business.

    Judge Jason Bloch has an estimated net worth of $36,976,408.

    So when the Trialmaster and others inaccurately state in their earlier comments that Judge Bloch needs this job and can't afford to lose the $145,000 income from this job, well, let's just say, they don't have a clue what they are commenting about.

    The last person on a bench of 123 Circuit and County Court Miami Dade judges that needs to keep their job for the paycheck is Jason Bloch.

    You can criticize Bloch all you want for his demeanor on the bench. But don't state that he needs the job.

    Cap Out .....

  7. Bloch may have his issues, but they are merely correctable quirks, idiosyncrasies that rub people the wrong way. Otherwise, he is an honorable person, capable judge and decent human being. Del Rey exemplifies the incompetent and wholly inexperienced lawyer that relegates a judicial campaign into a popularity contest. As a former ASA, I am definitely offended how and why she left that office. As a regular in the courthouse, I dread the chance of having to call that piece of shit "your honor".

  8. Captain - what does it say about a person who is worth $35 million who seeks campaign contributions from those working in public service. If I had that much money, I'd be embarrassed to task anyone for a penny.

  9. He had a lot of good years on the pro surf tour but I had no idea he was that good! $$$$$. He should spend a million or two and win like he did a Mavericks.

  10. This isn't about Bloch. It's about Del Rey. She is morally unfit to be a judge. Lying about being a prosecutor seals it. Own hot-sheet motels doesn't automatically disqualify her, but it's eyebrow raising. Those places are known areas of prostitution and putting aside any human trafficking issues, no woman decides as a little girl she wants to grow up and be a prostitute. It's morally questionable to own a place that caters to that crowd. In my opinion.

  11. Dude, with 35 mill why would you even consider working! I'd be getting high like every day.

    Also, fund your own campaign or ask rich people to donate, not those making under 100k.

  12. Another issue is this. If you're working those hours in County Court as a CLI, you're doing something wrong. Yes, it's a lot of hard work, and you'll spend some late nights and weekends. But the level of inefficiency she describes shows incompetence.

  13. @1052 am

    Good point, were her claims true.

    But my take, having been a cli at the SAO and pdo, is that she lied. She wrote the letter knowing she was fired and lied to create cover for the future .

    Malice aforethought . Premeditation . Exacerbating factor.

    This deems her unfit for the bench .

  14. Agree with poster above. Guy is worth 35 million and cashes a 25 dollar campaign contribution check. Ridiculous and insulting. I went to the florida dept of elections website and saw his finances. Seems like a trust fund baby.

    Not that del rey is any better. Another spoiled rich kid who wants a cush job.

    So in the battle of trust fund baby and spoiled rich kid, ill choose del rey.

    Maybe if bloch returns all campaign contributions and funds his own campaign, ill switch back.

  15. Former ASA here

    You can technically be an "ASA" before taking the Bar. You are a CLI which allows you to speak in court with supervision. You cannot sign pleadings. You dont get your badge and sworn in as an ASA until after you pass the bar. Happens all the time with out of state lawyers who work for the office or those awaiting the Bar results fresh out of law school. Ovalle makes it seem like she lied about the job altogether, which she didn't.

    Of course, breaking your commit after a month is pretty weak. And yes, there are long hours, but not 11 p.m. every night and all day on weekends. Gimme a break.

  16. Great point. The learning curve is high but the people who are there until 11 each night are the ones who can't figure it out.

    I routinely worked until 6:30-7 and some hours on weekends but never until 11 unless I was in trial.

  17. If an ASA has to stay until 11

    If an ASA needs to stay until 11:00 pm every night and also all day and night on the weekends...then they have shit for brains.

  18. When you're in trial or on beeper duty/homicide duty/available for warrants/must advise the police, then you'll have to put in some time. However, nobody in their right mind needs to dedicate 100, 80 or even 60 hours for that job. Like anything else, it's quality not quantity.

  19. Lets be real, former ASA (2:01PM). You aren't an Assistant State Attorney until you are, actually, an attorney. And further, you are sworn in as an Assistant State Attorney. Let's assume, for a moment, as a Certified Legal Intern who is not sworn into the Bar or as an Assistant State Attorney, you call someone and advise them that you are an ASA. That person relies on that misinformation and believes they are speaking to an attorney when in fact they are not.

    I was a Certified Legal Intern for the PDs office after law school and before I was sworn into the Bar, and I was explicitly told to always advise clients that I was an intern. Holding yourself out as an attorney when you are not is a huge issue. This isn't a technicality where she should be cut some slack as to that.

    And in full disclosure I don't like Judge Bloch. I dealt with him when he was an attorney for the County and lets just say I have issues with his ethics. That said, she's worse.

  20. Bloch doesn't pretend to be an expert. That is why he asked lawyers questions and requests case law from lawyers to review . Then he makes a decision. He listens, questions, reads the case law than decides. Sounds like what a Judge should do. He isn't an ass like Jude Know It All.
    Plus, he is courteous to all in the courtroom. Alot of Judges could lead common courtesy from Bloch

  21. Bloch is a fine judge who continues to learn and grow with the job. This is a political grudgefuck and nothing more. At least run someone that has SOME qualifications.

  22. Thank you, Marcia's mom at 9:34 p.m. on August 3. A fine endorsement of your girl.

    One thing: If "her parents have money and may be helping her with her election" and that's not clearly reported in the quarterlies, or if they give more than the maximum, or if they give sham "loans," then it really kinda DOES matter -- since all of that would be unlawful.

  23. 40 million between them according to financial reports earned the old fashioned way..they inherited it.

  24. OK, judge. I do your research for you so you can learn on the job? Pick up a book yourself.

  25. None of this really matters. Although Bloch is much better qualified, he does not have a chance to win against a latin female. Remember the Judge who sold amway and ran against Bruce Levy who had been a judge and trial lawyer? She cleaned his clock even though she never practiced law and sold Amway products out of her husbands law office. Will not even be close.

  26. Both Bloch and Del Rey are terrible in their individual ways and we as lawyers will suffer, no matter who wins.

  27. Bloch has no backbone. He is confused about simple procedure and in an effort to be "courteous" has no control over his courtroom. He allows male attorneys to speak over and interrupt female attorneys as a matter of course. I do not personally know del Ray but she appears to be no better. As someone with experience as an ASA, her comments are offensive. What does she expect? If you can't hack it in county court as an intern/CLI... why do you deserve to now be in circuit court as a judge?!

  28. We have no choice. We have to vote for Bloch. That woman is a total scumbag. Her whole life has been cheating to win. Ms. Del Rey, you are full of shit.

  29. I am a former ASA that started the same year Marcia did. I was also in the DV unit, and remember that she was there for only a couple of weeks after training - she definitely stopped showing up before we even received bar results, so she could not have been a sworn ASA.

    I can't comment on how professionally qualified she is for the bench, but think this speaks to her character. I take great pride in the work that ASAs and PDs do to serve the public, and it is unfortunate that Marcia would blatantly misrepresent her two weeks as a CLI to try to help her campaign. Shame on you, Marcia, I hope voters remember this when they go to the polls.

  30. Former ASA.............either you're not a former or ASA or you weren't paying attention during orientation. You CANNOT be an ASA until you can be sworn. You can't be sworn until you pass the Bar and are accepted for admission.

    As for Judge Bloch, he has spent the vast majority of his life in South Florida and one of the few who is serving for the right reasons. He doesn't need the money and isn't on a power trip. Cut him some slack.

    I don't care about Del Rey's stake in the hotels. There's no proof that she's done anything illegal. However, I DO care about her lack of experience, apparent dishonesty, and lack of commitment to public service. I don't see how anyone can possibly support a candidate who took a coveted position with the SAO and quit after a month because she didn't realize how tough the job was. Are you kidding me? Didn't she do her homework before applying (let alone taking the position)? If she wins, is she going to quit after a few weeks once she realizes that she's actually expected to know the law? I also can't see how anyone can support someone dishonest enough to lie about her credentials (and suggest, somehow, that her weeks on the job with the SAO qualified her as anything other than a quitter).


  31. We don't need a spoiled little rich girl on the bench. She is an insult to the legal profession.

  32. People should realize she comes from a family with a sense of entitlement. She has earned nothing.

  33. It's not mud slinging to expose Marcia Del Rey for who and what she is....a liar. We don't need judges like her. We need people who will work hard and be fair. But I guess someone like her who is used to getting everything with no effort or work must find work such an inconvenience. I hope she reads all these posts and disappears. All her family's dirty money can't buy her respect or credibility.

  34. Sorry but as soon as found out Bloch had $36 mil, which was months ago, I decided to vote for Marcia, but now I'm thinking IDK what I'm gonna do. I really dislike judges who just hold the job for prestige. Idk idk.

  35. Why does having money mean you are holding a job for prestige. Does Schlesinger hold the job for prestige? He listed his net worth at 26 Mil. I think it's honorable to want to work when you don't have to. He doesn't need the money. He didn't need the money when he worked as a county attorney but he was there, day in day out. I've never heard anyone say that he was a bad person. As far as his abilities to be a judge, there's a learning curve to everything in life. You hotshots who think you'd be the world's greatest judge right out of the stall probably would be one of the worst.

    I'm glad he's asking for case law. Lots of judges don't. I want someone open minded who is willing to listen and follow the law. Until someone shows me that he hasn't done that I think he deserves to keep his job.

    I don't like Marcia Del Rey. She seems like she would be an entitled horrible little rich girl on the bench. Look at her yelp reviews. Isn't she related to that Francisco Del Rey kid whose father gave him a ZR1 Corvette at 15 and he killed 3 people on U.S. 1 many years ago? Not that it matters, has nothing to do with her, but may give a clue as to how she was raised.

  36. Marcia is one of the best lawyer in her practice , she knows what to do to defend her clients, and I am a witness of that , poor Bloch....
    Congratulation Marcia in your new life as a judge ... you can do it , never look back , you have your beautiful son and family , your mom and dad they are very respectful persons and good people
    Go Marcia , My family and my wish you a good luck
