Friday, June 24, 2016


Analysis: The Brexit vote is entirely the reason why we hinted in a previous post that the 45th President of the United States' middle initial very well might be J. 

The Brexit vote was split between older, lower middle class members of the UK, who have suffered under the economic downturns and were slower than most to experience the fruits of the recovery, and younger, more educated and financially successful Britons. While there was a nationalist split as well, which we will get to in a moment, this vote is the result of irresponsible politicians manipulating the fears of unchecked immigration, xenophobia and nativism.

The record shows that a little over 330,000 people immigrated from the EU to the UK last year and a detailed economic analysis shows beyond any doubt that the immigrants' economic impact was a large net positive for the UK. This means that immigrants to the UK brought way more value in taxes and income than they took in social services. But with Turkey's application to the EU pending, and the warnings from nationalistic politicians that upwards of 21 million Muslims would be eligible to immigrate to the UK, this was a vote based on an irrational fear and anger. 

Irrational fear and anger- sounds like a Donald J Trump rally. 

Which is why this vote by our British cousins is a warning sign that should not be ignored in this country. 

Meanwhile. Scotland voted  62%-38% to remain in the EU, thus sparking renewed interest in another Scottish vote to secede from the UK. The Scots, whose economy is doing very well thank you, and who aren't afraid of losing their national identity, voted to remain a member in the largest collective defense-free market union in this world. Smart move. 

England, still suffering from the lingering effects of an economic crisis, has voted to withdraw from the largest free market in the world.  Not smart. 

Final thought: while listening to the BBC this morning, exit polls are showing that many of those who voted for Brexit are in shock. Their comments include statements like "I never thought this would happen" and the sentiment that they didn't really want to win, but just wanted to register a protest vote. 

England will long regret the vote on June 23, 2016. 

Lets hope that the United States of America will not similarly regret the results of the election on November 8, 2016. 

See you in court, clearing up yesterday's messes. 


  1. all I care about is how will the affect the Premier League?

  2. The effects of Brexit, and the Trump movement, extend far beyond the immediate impact. What you, and the rest of the elite that rule the economy and politics fail to understand. Is that WE are sick and tired of being told "this is good for you", etc., when what is really being said is "this is better for the upper echelon who enjoy the fruits of being able to profit from a globalized economy".

    I am a liberal and proud. I am compassionate. But I do not want my country to have to accept endless immigration when the only purpose is to relocate entire populations so that it prevents the collapse of other countries. Moreover, I do not want to see real jobs, manufacturing jobs, jobs in which people make things as opposed to providing services, get sent to other countries because labor is cheaper there. Yes, I know that I will have to pay more for my things, but I am okay with it.

    All of these things are sold to US by people who make money from the sale of commodities or the banking system - to them, it doesn't matter how the general population of the United States is doing, as long as they can sell things cheaply, lend money at a profit, or construct massive works and be repaid by the taxpayers.

    People are waking up and realizing that the elites who run this country and the world have not been looking out for the greater good, but rather their own interests.

    So, if this vote shows anything, it is that WE still have something to say about where we want to go, and how we want to get there.

  3. I know the standard wisdom on the "remain" side is that only racist football hooligans supported Brexit. But I don't think there were quite enough of those for this result.

    Maybe some folks like the idea of more autonomy, less centralized power? Maybe some folks consider Europe as entity to be moving toward a value system that they don't endorse? Maybe some folks have actually valid concerns about national sovereignty? Maybe some folks who want to run businesses don't like filling out books full of forms, mandated by bureaucrats for whom they didn't vote, and sent to far away offices they'll never see?

    I realize chalking this up to "fear and ignorance" is a comforting salve for cognitive dissonance so powerful it makes a guy like Cameron to resign, but I think there just possibly may be more to it than that.

  4. Brits vote in favor of national sovereignty, self-determinism, and the protection of its people and the response of global capitalism and those liberals who unwitting do its bidding: DAS RAYCIS'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Causes me to laugh every time. Trump may well not win in November -- his ground game is atrocious and Hillary has twice or thrice the money he has -- but we should all fully expect every argument he makes in favor of national sovereignty, economic populism, and self-determination to be met with this same nuanced, educated retort: DAS RAYCIS'!! TRUMP = HITLER!!

    All the while mega-corporations and Wall Street can keep borders open, keep capital flowing, keep cheap illegal labor, and keep donating to Hillary for the status quo. God forbid any "racist" step out of line to challenge this.

  5. 11:13 Am, you are obviously intelligent and perspicacious. We are the economic and political elite and we do rule the world.

  6. Defendant and judge lose it in court in Georgia ...

  7. Seriously, though, I agree with will this effect the Premier League?!

  8. I agree. Brits made a mistake here. It reminds me of that book JFK wrote in his youth, Why England Slept. Too many of them slept here, not reading up on what Brexit was all about before voting for it. It will have dire consequences.

  9. I never thought I’d live
    To see the English run
    To see the Bulldog bolt
    At the sound of Mahdi’s gun

    Mad dogs and Englishmen
    With too much Marseille sun
    Take to heel and rabbit
    Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run

    To see them quit the breach
    Harfleur, Flanders, the Somme
    To see them leave the beach
    Without emblem, cap or gun

    I never thought I’d live
    To see the English run
    From far flung foreign fields
    The poppies are all gone.

    Miles Kennedy

  10. Brits smart. Always look after number one first. Can guarantee all the liberal " let everyone into America" wouldn't let immigrants sleep on their couch. They happy to spend my tax dollars to feed them. If you so believe dis, you bring them to your house and you feed them! No, didn't think so. But I'm prolly racist for that..

  11. The mistake here is that I didn't see this coming and short my positions. The only reason anyone cares is because they are loosing money. People without money could care the fuck less

  12. The majority of Brita and Trumpers don't see anything on globalism but lower wages, decreasing standards of living and elitist government policies for "our own good" that only seem to be for the good of special interests and half-percenters.

  13. We were told from leaders that we thought would lead the pros and cons of leaving the EU. Now the leaders have gone. So in reality we have to wait for a new leader to see what happens.
    To make an informed decision there should be a re vote with leaders that can actually stay and deliver their programme of change.
    We manage a conveyancing website We need to be open and transparent so Homebuyers and Investors can be a decision on who to use. What we do not do is then call a Client and say I know you have chosen that Solicitor but this one is better!

  14. We voted for Leaders -Then they resigned. So we should have new Leaders to commit that what they discuss they deliver. A plan would be good
